Friday, 31 January 2025


Don’t worry about the title of the blog, all will be revealed, I haven’t lost my mind although a part of my heart and soul are lodged with my owner. 

Today, the last day of January has my spirits soaring. January has been such a miserable month, apart from two notable exceptions when my spirits were lifted by visits to my wonderful Mistress Maggie. The month tends to be an anti-climax after Christmas and New Year, the nights are still long and with three named storms the weather atrocious. However, tomorrow is February, a shorter month with the prospect of spring just around the corner. I digress, of course the main reason is my pending visit to The Chambers.

I know I can be accused of being a sycophant, I hope in the nicest possible way, but I carried two bunches of flowers for my Mistress, one for her birthday and one for reaching the official UK retirement age, I don’t believe she is anywhere near retirement age but obviously the government do! plus a bottle of plonk for John and Mistress to share. The beautiful flowers paled into insignificance when I was greeted by Mistress adorned in a pink catsuit accessorised with a black harness, which showed a tantalizing and teasing amount of her wonderful breasts. A truly uplifting sight for ones soul.

Back on track, I followed Maggie up the stairs and once again not without being transfixed by her wonderfully kissable latex bum cheeks. Arriving in the nicely warmed Playroom I was instructed to lay out my plum coloured catsuit to get the chill off it and sent to the bathroom to return in my black latex socks and gloves and, as always, my collar is always in place as I diligently make sure I’m wearing it when arriving at Mistress’s pearly gates, I feel it shows ownership by Maggie.

After a wonderful period of boot worship I was down on the floor with face buried in the carpet whilst Mistress oiled and fitted my butt plug. I think we agreed a couple of sessions ago that it is best to open my orifice with my plug no matter what else Mistress may eventually hide away in that same dark space.

Picking up her Mistress whip Maggie now allowed my stuffed backside the pleasure of a gentle tattoo with its tails. Her Mistress whip is a stout leather one with a multitude of long thongs, so called because the word ‘mistress’ has been created with silver studs along its handle and probably the heaviest whip that Mistress owns. Minute by minute the weight of it’s impact increased until I was witness to the full measure of the whip’s capabilities across my rear along with strokes with lesser severity across my shoulders. I should also mention that Mistress put her boots to further use during the whipping by planting the occasional kick to the balls and making sure the butt plug remained fully inside.

By contrast, the black and red whip that Maggie used next was far gentler, delivering a sensual feeling in all the places it touched, my body was starting to really relax and excite at the same time. I am surprised to say that my flogging was mostly pleasurable, apart from a couple of earlier thwacks deliberately aimed at my most tender parts.

Warmed up and ready to go it was very easy to climb into my plum catsuit; probably the most comfortable and easy to wear suit in my small collection. The latex has been chlorinated and I can actually get into it without bothering Mistress. A couple of wiggles, a brief inhale, pull chest in and the zip slides up. Today it would provide me with a nice tight foundation layer as it was soon to be buried under a further two latex layers. My plum suit has handy zips to all the areas that Mistress may wish to access and she soon had the anal zip down ready for further activity around my bum. 

This time I was sent was over the horse, well over it so my hands were touching the floor on the other side and Maggie had a good angle for removing my butt plug, being nicely stretched by now, both the Kegel electric balls slid in easily and were hooked up to the power box for testing. Oh yes, they were working! 

To complete my dressing I was to wear a comfortable black latex hood that allowed easy breathing and no visual restrictions. I was advised to be very careful with the electric cables as we made our way to the Clinic.

Before arriving in the Clinic Mistress rechecked her running schedule and instantly made a U-turn back to the Playroom. ‘Your dressing is not complete’, she said. Again great care was taken to ensure the cables were not disturbed as she helped me into her inflatable catsuit. This second catsuit is double walled so effectively I was now enclosed in three latex layers and my toastiness dispelled all of my winter blues, but I was advised that the suit wasn't going to be inflated today. 

Maggie had recently acquired some heavy rubber gauntlets which I was told to put on. I must say I am not keen on these gloves because, although they are roomy and very comfortable to wear, I lose that super sensation whenever I get the opportunity to sneak a stroke of Mistress’s stunning latex covered rear, or for that matter, anywhere I can get my hands to stray about her person. Maybe that’s the reason why Mistress had me wear them?

Finally we were in the Clinic where Mistress arranged a nasal cannula underneath my latex hood, making sure it was secure with a couple of pieces of surgical tape to keep it in place, then an S10 gas mask was fitted over the top to seal me in. I do like this feeling, completely enclosed in latex and fully at the mercy of my owner and prepared for whatever gives her pleasure. To be honest there would be little point in complaining because Mistress had almost finished tightly strapping me securely to the couch, and boy did she make sure I was tightly strapped down! My cannula was ready to receive any aromas Maggie may administer and with a breathing hose attached to her glass bubble bottle I would be bubbling away for the remainder of the session. 

What surprised me was that with three layers of latex you wouldn’t think it possible for Mistress to gain access to my cock and balls, but she did and once exposed she bound them up in a rope cradle, not too tight and once again I have been well trained and must admit to rather liking this style of binding. In no time I had a catheter inserted, and as I would expect from my very professional Mistress the procedure was swift, painless, trouble free and I was soon draining away a bladder full of pee.

But my bladder didn’t remain empty for long, Maggie used the catheter to fill it up again with 500ml of saline solution which took about 30 minutes, this procedure was another first for me. I must have a fair bladder capacity because even after the 500ml I wasn’t feeling too bloated, which was just as well as Mistress decided I no longer needed a catheter and amused herself by sending an electric urethral sound down my cock instead, some more highly charged electric play followed including deeper urethral play with a Pratt steel sound, this was electrified too and paired with electrodes on my balls I received the stimulation of two electric circuits down my urethral tract, the Kegel balls were still beating their rhythm up my bum… I got the lot! which kept me humping the sound with a great amount of energy!

The situation was greatly enhanced by a good few doses of aromas via the nasal cannula. ‘Breathe out slave. All the way’, followed by four or five slow puffs and a ‘Breathe in slave’. I have got the rhythm of this method of aroma delivery and the knack is to breathe out until my lungs are empty and then slowly breathe in as I detect the puffs. The effect is immediate and works a treat in transforming many sensations into pleasure. It was particularly soothing when Maggie ramped up the Kegels to 90 on her magic machine.

After all this stimulation Mistress removed the sound and as it passed the tip of my cock I got a bit of a surprise, but nothing to be overly concerned about. Its removal paved the way for a déjà vu moment…  No, I wasn’t dreaming, Mistress really was catheterising me again, and once complete I was left to have my bladder drained into the already half full cath bag. It didn’t take long for the full cath bag to be removed and presented to me for consumption.

I had been holding the S10’s drinking tube in my mouth for the whole time and was hoping that Mistress would allow me some very welcome rehydration. Well she did, but it wasn’t her wonderful golden nectar, it was my cath bag that was being attached to my drinking tube. It took a fair time, but I did as I was instructed and eventually consumed it all, I was grateful for the 50:50 dilution, at least it made my own piss palatable as I don’t think I would have managed my drink otherwise. Yes, I did finish every last drop and completed another first from Maggie’s training sessions, though of course, I do prefer Mistress’s nectar. 

I know I am totally addicted to serving Mistress Maggie and look forward to our next training session with excitement, anticipation and the knowledge that spring and summer are wonderful seasons for serving a wonderful dominatrix.

If you've managed to read this far you may still be wondering about the title Retehtac? If you look at it closely and read it in reverse it spells Catheter which is how Maggie used the catheter to actually fill up my bladder rather than to empty it. 

Friday, 10 January 2025

Continuing the Bedtime Reading

It was simple guidance issued by Mistress Maggie for this session -

‘Your rubber Mistress fancies a plaything with zero access for a session that has a potentially happy ending’.

Yet these 16 words set off a kaleidoscope of separate threads that my imagination could explore. Simple yet so exciting. Was I to be plugged, catheterised and gagged then covered totally in rubber? Was there a gas mask, rebreather, aromas pump hose involved? Any of these were a possibility but Mistress had enhanced my excitement by wanting a ‘plaything’. Could I be just a rubber toy with the sole purpose of entertaining my adorable Mistress? That last thought opens up many more avenues to explore and actually embodies the sole purpose of her slave; to provide Maggie with pleasure.

There was only one way to find out, and at 14:30 all these mysteries began to unfold. At that chosen hour I was greeted by my latex goddess, her long black skirt practically touched the floor, her long sleeved top reached up to her chin and the whole latex ensemble was pinched in with a corset, she had a plume of golden blonde hair cascading atop of her tight fitting hood. Well, if Mistress wants a rubber plaything this all rubber outfit had set the scene admirably.

Following closely up to the Playroom I glimpsed Mistress’s long black boots and the whole image had me drooling by the time she rested herself on her Throne. ‘Clean those glorious boots slave, lick any dust from their long seams first’, she instructed. I made my tongue busy, working my way up and down all seams while Mistress maintained steady but moderately gentle encouragement with her soft whip. Understanding the rule of not straying from the boots I tried my old tactic of licking to the very top of the boot where I could gently caress her inner thighs with my hair. Just within the rules I think. When the boots were dust free Maggie stood leaning slightly forward resting on The Throne, and I was told to worship her wonderful derriere, not from the outside as I had initially attempted, but deep within the enveloping folds of her long latex skirt. 

I needed no second instruction. It was dark and beautiful inside Mistress’s skirt and the taste of her nylon tights was so arousing… however, it was doubly important to stay away from her forbidden areas, as I don’t want to do anything that would have my Mistress stop me from my very sensual activity.

In time she did stop me, not because of any indiscretion on my part but her meticulous schedule needed me transformed from a simple, rather rounded male into her rubber plaything. My Invincible work suit had been warming on the bed, Mistress helped me put it on along with a fitted latex hood that had all the necessary openings.

As Mistress prepared for what was to come next I was able to sneak a peek in the Playroom Mirror, and as always was thrilled by the shiny latex persona that stared back at me. I never fail to be amazed at that view, I know it’s me inside but there is no way to tell that it’s me. I had become a rubber mannequin and ready to be Mistress Maggie’s latex plaything.

Then the first of the implants to convert me to ‘zero access’ was deployed. I was told to undo my crotch zip and bend forward to hold the bars of the Cell Door, this proved to be a good position for Maggie to insert my comfortable sized butt plug. Later on in the session Maggie briefly mentioned that she’d intended to swap the butt plug for a string of large anal beads, but by then we’d progressed to a stage where retrofitting her plaything was totally impractical, so I was left stuffed with the butt plug and the beads had to be reserved for another day.

Mistress said that as part of the ‘zero access’ is was essential I should be catheterised too, which involved a quick trip to the Clinic to have the catheter fitted. Mistress is incredibly efficient at this process despite me having a bit of an unruly and uncooperative cock. It’s always a sterile operation that begins with me being swabbed and a squirt of anaesthetic gel sent down my urethra, the clinic fills with the sound of crinkling plastic as one by one various packets of single use items are prepared for use, the catheter being the last to be unwrapped. And before I knew it the catheter was in and blown up.

I had to ask ‘Is it in?’, because Mistress is so adept at this procedure that I felt no pain or discomfort, obviously the gel helps but Maggie’s expertise is the real winner. Well, that was two of the three orifices bunged now and all that remained was my mouth. That had to wait until Mistress led me back to the Playroom with instruction to be extra careful since the catheter bag was dangling from the end of my cock as I waddled closely behind her.

I was to be confined in a latex Bondage Sheath; basically a very tight fitting condom that once zipped up is both comfortable and heavenly to wear. Maggie’s only concern was the length of the catheter tube, because the outlet for this sheath is at the very bottom and me being 6', I might be a tad too tall for the Cath bag to comfortably feed through the outlet. As it was we needn’t have worried, with my feet inside the rubber sheath Maggie fed the tube through the outlet, and as I stood to accept the top half of my restrictive rubber it was evident that everything had fitted perfectly. There I was standing next to the rubber bed being zipped up tightly inside my own rubber cocoon, movement was very restricted and I was pleased when Mistress helped me to sit safely on the bed.

My hood was then removed to allow a nasal cannula to be taped in place, this is an excellent piece of kit that I am now getting more used to wearing. The first time I hadn’t fully understood how to get the most from John’s invention, but by now it has become second nature and I couldn’t wait for it to provide me with  some much wanted aromas. I imagined there must be another restrictive hood coming my way, otherwise why the cannula? My curiosity was soon satisfied as Mistress presented one with zips across eyes and mouth. The cannula tube was passed through the mouth and zipped tightly shut and that was the third ‘zero access’ orifice closed.

Maggie deployed an inflated rubber collar to seal everything tightly shut and it was my last opportunity to view the splendidness of my Mistress before the eye zips were pulled closed. I had forgotten about this fourth ‘zero access’ area. I was now completely entombed in my rubber layers; rubber socks and gloves, heavy rubber suit and the rubber sheath. Surely I now qualified as a rubber plaything for my wonderful owner. Lying down now in the centre of the bed the rubber duvet was pulled over me, a final rubber covering to keep me beautifully comforted and warm. I was loving every moment.

Every now and then Maggie would tell me to breathe out and I knew the delights that were to follow. With completely empty lungs I could just discern the gentle swish of the aroma pump and of course my next action was to gratefully inhale a lungful of the wonderful product. It relaxes yet stimulates at the same time, my senses become heightened and I can actually see my Mistress through the aroma induced euphoria. Mistress tucked me in and saying she would be reading me more of the bedtime story we’d previously enjoyed from her Dressing For Pleasure (DFP) magazine.

It had been a while since my last bedtime story and neither of us could really remember where we’d got up to, but Maggie found a book mark amongst the pages and we carried on from there. I’m being honest when I say that I had no recognition of the plot or the characters, but as Maggie started her reading vague recollections came creeping back. My disposition made it hopeless to take in too much of the story, but I really revelled in the whole ambience that Maggie had created. I felt relaxed I felt verging on euphoria and I dreamed of the sexy voice that was talking to me through my latex coverings.

Parts of the story brought about some lighthearted banter between Mistress and plaything, some parts were totally akin to things we had done ourselves somewhere in our rubber histories and resurrected happy memories. Every now and then I heard a heavenly intervention, ‘breath out slave’ followed by that familiar yet imperceptible hiss of the aroma pump as I received another dose of fuel.

I could quite happily have drifted off to sleep except I really didn’t want to miss any of Mistresses interactions with her rubber plaything. I imagined what it would be like to be tucked up like this at bedtime, to wake up in the morning still enshrouded in darkness and this luxury rubber skin.

Just before oblivion, Mistress nudged me and asked me to move over to make space, wiggling like a worm I was able to move a couple of inches at a time until Maggie had enough space to snuggle under the duvet with her rubber toy. Heaven just got better. 

I knew there was nothing I could or would do to disrupt this snuggling and really enjoyed the bed time with my Mistress, I could detect her gentle caresses in all the right places and I knew I was owned and wanted by the best person I could ever have encountered.

We didn't reach the ending of the story on this occasion, which means there's hope for a another rubber infused episode in the future.

Thank you Mistress Maggie for another journey deeper and deeper under your spell and I hope I did you proud as your plaything. You have introduced me to so many exciting situations and I hope our journey will carry on for as long as you want me as your slave.

Caution: This 02:18sec rubber DFP story clip has audio.

Friday, 13 December 2024

Friday the 13th – Again

Why is Friday 13th considered unlucky?

Many believe the superstition started in the Middle Ages and is rooted in the crucifixion, as Jesus Christ was betrayed on a Friday and there were 13 individuals present at the Last Supper. As a result, Friday and the number 13 were perceived as unlucky, but they weren’t paired until the 19th century. However, for this rubber slave the exact opposite are my feelings about Friday 13th. 

Ever since I was fortunate enough to start visiting Mistress Maggie I have gravitated to sessions on a Friday. When I was working I could skive off for the afternoon, get a shower on the way to the Chambers and have a glorious afternoon knowing that my Mistress would then be able to relax without further commitments over the weekend. Statistically, there is always the chance my training will fall on a Friday 13th and hence why I love the date.

There was one minor incident in today's session that could be attributable to the 'unlucky 13th' myth, that severely embarrassed me and annoyed Mistress for the couple of moments it took to clean up my mess, but because of Maggie's professionalism, once cleared the incident was put behind us.

Mistress looked absolutely stunning in a skintight ensemble that was almost all black latex, even sporting an open face latex hood that enhanced the beauty of the wearer. I did notice that she was wearing transparent latex gloves and had her hair up in a bun. I took it as her own hair, but that did prove to be an incorrect assumption, at the bottom she sported a pair of glossy black knee boots. All I knew at this stage was that it was to be another lucky 13th.

I was sent off to the bathroom to return in gloves and socks, black latex ones of course, and to bring my owner a glass of water. After the opening boot worship Mistress stood directly in front of my eyes, opened her crotch zip and let out a cascade of her golden nectar into a bowl. When she handed the bowl to me to hold I assumed I was to be treated to an early tipple and went to drink, only to be stopped and told to place it carefully on one side. I then had to help laying out the PVC sheet and once it was where Maggie wanted it I was instructed to kneel on it, making sure my arse was well in the air and over the centre of the sheet. I couldn’t see, but heard the cutting of strips of gaffer tape, each one placed in such a way to keep my anus open and stretched. 
The last time I had this type of arse play, almost four years ago, I ended up with yellow tape and a soapy water enema. On this occasion Mistress decided on black tape and the contents of the bowl that I had recently seen deposited were syphoned into me through an inflatable butt plug. There is something a little unreal and out of this world to be partially filled with Mistress's fluids; perhaps even spiritual to have your Mistress's fluids actually inside your bum. Anyway, after a couple more pumps with the inflating balloon and a conical bung inserted to keep my luxury load inside, I was told to clear any spillage. It’s a shame to waste good wine so was happy to lap it all up, then was sent to the bathroom to clean the used bowl. As I walked I could feel Mistress's pee moving deep inside me.

At this point it was time for total rubberisation. Maggie helped me into my Invincible rubber work suit, and picking up a bundle of hemp proceeded to create an elaborate rope harness round my stomach and through my crutch, to be tightened to the rear at waist height. Maggie then stood back and began deliberating on what she’d just done, realising that she might have got a bit carried away with her rope work she began modifying it so as to create a simpler but quite restrictive lower body harness, more in keeping with what she’d envisaged.

The spare rope was used as a temporary lead to guide me through to The Clinic where I saw that the couch was covered in a rubber sheet. That particular covering turned out to be a godsend in the moments to come. In the meantime, I sat carefully on the couch and helped in whichever way I could with the donning of the inflatable straitjacket. I have worn this before and despite being inescapable it is very comfortable and snug when pumped up. For the moment it wasn’t inflated and I was to remain content with that. Later on the jacket was duly pumped up accompanied by the loud noise of the small electric pump whirring away, as the inflation valve is right next to my left ear. 

I was a little intrigued by the small diameter rope that Mistress dextrously zigzagged round my groin area and pulled quite tight. I would find out what that was used for in a moment.

With the addition of the GP5 gas mask and Aromas Pump Hose, I was ready to have my balls inflated and two needles were administered into my scrotum. Mistress had obviously analysed the performance of smaller needles used in previous infusions and chose to use larger bore ones so the saline drips would work faster. That certainly worked, my ball sac began to enlarge as the two bags on the IV stand continued to steadily deliver the whole of their saline load. With things flowing nicely Maggie inflated the straitjacket, which filled time nicely while the infusion was underway.

And now for that Friday 13th moment, or in Maggie's terminology, ‘a Houston event’. I moved and could tell that something had come loose. I was about to lose all that lovely nectar and unfortunately some less than lovely bowel contents. I had no option but to alert Mistress, and I knew she was bound to be disappointed with the situation. The saline drips were disconnected, the cleanup began and thank goodness for the rubber sheet which now had the enema plug's escaped plastic bung lurking in the middle of it! Still in the inflated straitjacket and tentatively shuffling with a towel between my legs I was escorted to the bathroom and cleaned up as was the rubber sheet. After a serious spray of air freshener everything was back on course. Mistress handled this unexpected situation brilliantly, but I was left SO embarrassed. 

Mistress put on a fresh pair of gloves, I was ordered back on to the freshly cleaned couch and my saline infusion was reconnected. One of the needles was running slowly after all this disturbance and needed to be replaced, that only took a minute or two and once more, both of the 500ml bags were depositing their contents into my swelling ball sac.

Ah! so that was what the smaller diameter rope was for; to provide some containment around my groin area. On previous inflations Mistress has used various methods to restrict the swelling to just the ball sac, but this time had chosen to just let the fluid find its own equilibrium, and in any case, it would be funny to see my little cock get subsumed by my balls, which is exactly what happened to Mistress’s great amusement. Oh yes, a real hoot when you try to pee! 

Speaking of pee, Mistress had recharged her nectar reservoir and produced another bowl of warm tasty pee. My mouth would be the second opening to receive this honour today, but firstly I asked if the inflatable butt plug that was becoming uncomfortable could be removed. Once more I was to be escorted to the bathroom, at least the inflation was complete by now and we had chance to deflate the straitjacket to make the trip easier. Thankfully this time there were no contents left to drain and the plug came out easily and cleanly and the air freshener was not required!

Back on the couch Mistress re-inflated the jacket to its full capacity before I was allowed the taste of her fresh nectar. Off came the GP5 to be replaced with a feeding tube. I have used the tube a few times before and Maggie has modified it to make it really easy to manage the flow. The two empty saline bags were replaced on the IV stand with the funnel and my imminent treat was gently poured down that funnel, eventually entering my very welcoming throat.

And that was that, apart from that one Houston moment this Friday the 13th was another monumental success. As Mistress helped me disrobe and removed the rope from around my groin I was able to marvel at the transformation and weight of my cock and balls for the first time. To give you some comparison of the extra weight I was now carrying, 1 Litre of saline weighs approximately 1.1kg and a standard bag of sugar weighs 1kg. I am glad I didn’t have to explain to a doctor why my weight had increased by 1kg in an afternoon! 

These days I always carry a pair of incontinence pants in my perv bag, and although there was some leakage it was very slight on account of me only having the three pin holes. It took nearly 24 hours before I could safely bin the pants.

Mistress Maggie, a sincere thank you for giving me a really heavy ball experience and I remain a little embarrassed of the smells I gave in return and it was one of the best Christmas presents I could ever want. Have a peaceful Christmas, a Happy New Year and I will see you in January 2025.

Caution: This 1:56s enema clip has audio.

Friday, 1 November 2024

Wired for Sounds

Absolutely nothing to do with the Cliff Richard’s’ hit, but my balls were wired and charged today. I created sounds of excruciating pain. Mistress Maggie gave me the sensation of sounds; long steel ones that were inserted down my urethra, and Mistress herself created quite a lot of sounds with her delightful laughter at my obvious discomfort. Anyway enough of that, I’ll be back with a clearer picture later.

Maggie lifted one of her white PVC  nurse boots for my attention, PVC being a most lickable material for encouraging lots of lubrication from my tongue. On the underside their incredibly chunky soles have well defined treads, crisply moulded and have sharp edges. This produces a tread that is rough on the tongue, in fact VERY rough!

A word to others who are fortunate to get the opportunity to caress and tongue worship Maggie's white boots, avoid the soles if at all possible or you'll end up with potential tongue lacerations!

As is usual, Mistress used her crop to keep me focussed and working hard, but unlike normal I was allowed to stray beyond the top of her boots where I was pleasantly surprised by the smooth and slipperyness of her black tights, I thought latex was slippy, but these, WoW! Chinese tights I think Mistress called them. Taking care to avoid what I know is the forbidden zone, my rubber gloves slid effortlessly over the smooth and slippery surface that accentuated Mistresses beautiful legs, in particular those wonderful thighs. I was a little disappointed when it was time to end my thigh worship and move on to the next item on the schedule after all it really was a rare treat.

I was into my rubber catsuit with effortless ease. Mistress has taught me well and I am now able to don my Invincible suit without having to bother Mistress. This of course gives Maggie more preparation time but I do however still need her expertise to polish me to a high gloss. I suppose I could polish most of the suit myself, but she knows I find her polishing really sensual. It’s always a treat to stand with arms raised as Mistress squirts a little polish and spreads it around with a soft cloth, polishing my back, arms, legs, around groin... sorry getting carried away with the memory.

We have learned from previous sessions that it makes life a lot easier if my own butt plug is inserted early on to act as a stretcher, and that's what happened today. Crotch zips opened sufficiently to facilitate easy access then over the horse for the final entry. A lot of lube is used and Maggie pays particular attention to making sure a fair amount of it makes its way inside my bum. I have to admit that it feels rather nice having Mistress' rubber gloved finger initially work its way past my sphincter, with a big blob of lube followed by a slow wiggle of her finger to ensure a good spread, the preparations were complete, and my butt plug together with another large dollop of lube found its way into its home with virtually no resistance. The ribbed nature of the plug ensuring it remains snug as a bug in a rug.

A lead was snapped on to my obligatory slave collar and with her rubber slave in tow Mistress made her way to the adjacent Clinic. The couch was in its familiar position, and making a prominent statement on how I would be secured was the bright red of the head brace. I also spied what looked like a harness attached to a strap on black dildo and a glass dildo sat alongside it as well. My anticipation was now starting to go through the roof and through another area of my body if I am being honest!

I was once again completely sealed inside my rubber world as Mistress fed my head into the offered gasmask. Thereafter my ONLY contact with the outside world was through the breathing tube of the gas mask. I could gaze at my owner through the small port holes, but because I now had my wrists secured I couldn't even feel for my Mistress through my latex gloves. My complete rubberisation only lasted a few moments as I detected Maggie undoing my crotch area and the cool air of The Clinic began to waft over my exposed flesh. Mistress had cleverly left my cock embedded inside my suit. 

And there I lay with my head now jammed into the Head Box, I could hear Mistress removing her latex skirt and I assumed replacing it with the strap-on harness, and I also detected the humming sound of the couch motor as the couch started to rise. I didn't have long to wait before I felt my butt plug being gently slid out and the next sensation was of pure joy as I was mounted by my owner. There is nothing quite as liberating as being mounted by The Boss while in my restrictive, prone position. The extra lube applied to the invading dildo made life feel so good, I was taken to a different dimension by Maggie’s thorough pounding, so much so that I was trying to keep her inside me when it reached the time for her to pull out. I suppose I am a glutton for Mistress inside me.

The next dildo brought a surprising difference in temperature. Ah! - it was the glass dildo, which of course did not flex or yield as its slippery surface disappeared into my pleasured rear passage. I was fed a few good pumps of aromas and this time Mistress used my nipples as a means of purchase during another wonderful fucking. I am sure Mistress has a fetish for my nipples, and am delighted if she has, because as she was mounting me she reached forward, undid my nip zips and clung onto them like reins. In, out, in, out, went the glass impaler, up, down, up, down went the nipple reins and pump, pump went the aromas. Once more I was somewhere almost extra terrestrial  in this energetic but all too brief ride. When Mistress withdrewan electric plug was fitted and tested and I assured Maggie that it definitely was working.

Obviously, any personal enjoyment is a bi-product of pleasing my Mistress and not the prime objective. Maggie always has her session plans that have to be followed thus we moved on to the next line in the plan. It was time to make full use of the head box and this time the red rope was used to make sure my head remained immobile. I could see the far corner of The Clinic ceiling and that was it. I did catch the occasional glimpse of the top of Mistress' head, but that was all. At least the lenses didn't steam up! On went the couch straps, Maggie pulling them as tight as she could then checked them once more to make sure there was no more room for movement. I definitely wasn't going anywhere.

According to the pictures, Mistress donned her red latex apron now so that she could attend to her sick patient. If this state is described as sickness, I can only hope that I am this sick for ever and tended to by my personal nurse. Because I couldn’t see much my account of subsequent events has been gleaned from the pictures and the debrief that occurs after our session. The first thing I felt was the addition of a heavy ball weight to my testicles. In my prone position the weight is somewhat light and thank goodness Maggie didn't have me walking and jiggling about. Well, I was jiggling but in a horizontal plane.

Next to excite my lower regions was a sterile large Pratt sound. You can actually hear as Maggie removes the sound from its sterile packet so I knew something big was heading my way. Not too much aromas and in it went accompanied by some gloved hand massage to counteract the effect of the medicine, keeping me hard to facilitate Mistress’ progress to the next part of my training. When it came to the next, larger and heavier sound I had a precursor of what was coming, because Mistress kindly passed the awesome Van Buren through my line of sight. The sound moved down my urethra but was not ready to be inserted all the way, at this point my cock wanted to play and kept trying to eject it, every time Maggie turned round the damn thing started to slip out. ‘A third hand would be useful’, said Maggie in a frustrated tone, but perseverance ruled the day and the Van Buren eventually completed its long journey.

Maggie went on to secure my cock and the enclosed sound with three steel compression bands, the same principle as securing a hose to a radiator. What I didn't realise was that in between the bands were two heavy duty loop electrodes! The two cock electrodes were paired into one circuit, but Maggie wanted to make use of the Van Buren in another circuit (Sound number 1). Anyone familiar with electrical circuits knows that a second electrode is necessary to complete the circuit, and ingeniously Maggie decided that a wire through my ball sack would be an ideal way to take care of that. Once again the sound of ripping as the sterile wire was extracted from its safe storage and a few pricks later, Mistress was happy with her sewing.

I am used to being stuck with various sharp objects around my scrotum and thought that the pricks I was feeling were straight forward needles. Mistress has trained me well and I hardly flinched at all. Well that soon changed and I was made to flinch quite a lot as Maggie ramped up the juice on her electric controller, reaching the stage of having to cry with the intense 'pleasure' that Mistress was providing me with, (Sound number 2)

Another of the aforementioned sounds was echoing round the clinic too; Mistresses delightful laughter as she witnessed her slave reacting to her power. (Sound number 3). I must say the pain in my groin area was more than offset by the delight I knew Mistress was getting from watching and hearing me squirm.

Phew! Time to get my breath back. Resuscitation after the operation was achieved with Mistress' rubber resuscitation unit with a minute of good blasts with her bellows. I had had a lot of excitement and the tightness of my outer rubber protection was starting to take its toll on my breathing and I begged for the gas mask to go. The gas mask's removal didn’t create a problem as the resuscitating bellows were connected to an anaesthetic mask and Maggie happily pumped away, forcing fresh air into my airways, returning her rubber subject back into the real world and feeling refreshed.

Mischievously, Maggie turned up the power on the e-stim box, which combined with a generous amount of squeezes on the aromas pump produced the most audible sounds of laughter and screams of the day.

Another brilliant session and thanks to Mistress Maggie for her amazing imagination and ingenuity, however it was a little ominous when she told me that she had accidentally depleted her stock of an item she’d really wanted to use and our session had been a quickly reorganised Plan B but, 'not to worry I'm sure more should arrive in the post and be available next time!' 

CAUTION: This 02:07min sounds & electroplay clip has audio -