Chorley, a quiet friendly Lancashire town is situated on the main West Coast main line, but more crucially it’s just a direct bus ride from
Mistress Maggie's Chambers.
There was barely a ripple of interest from the Chorlians as I walked dutifully behind my Mistress with only the occasional glance at the slave collar I was proudly wearing. Hardly surprising really, because I was with a very beautiful friend who naturally attracts admiring glances. One or two may have been envious of my status, who wouldn't be, however, I did have two encounters with the locals concerning my collar. I have more to share about those encounters later along with an explanation as to why we found ourselves in Chorley.

I was really excited about the direction Mistress was to take for today's session, as she had made it quite clear in the calling mail that
‘. . . you should arrive in a roomy pair of trousers, and I can confirm that my intentions are to dominate you outdoors for part of your session. Ensure that you are also well hydrated when you arrive . . .’
In a previous session we had talked about how it would be a real buzz for me to be taken out in my latex suit, with my bum plugged and a catheter deployed. A scenario which looked like it was about to happen from the words in the calling mail, and I became both nervous and excited that Mistress might trust me with such a duty. However, when I contacted Mistress to say I’d be arriving for my session soon, what I thought was certain became rather more doubtful
'. . . Wear a black short sleeve t shirt and black latex shorts to arrive . . . We’re not going out in the car.'
As always, I could rely on my Mistress to keep me guessing!
It was another very warm summer day and I arrived at The Chambers in the black latex clothes I had been instructed to wear with my baggy trousers on top. My latex shorts were already feeling quite moist. Even if we were to venture out in Mistresses husbands car, I would certainly need a plastic membrane to protect my seat, a thought that turned out to be quite unnecessary.

It had been obvious from the moment Maggie opened the door that I was
likely in for a treat, as she had her piss pants on and I was hoping I
knew where their contents would end up. With my outdoor clothes stripped away I set about worshipping Mistresses thigh length, black leather boots and I really tried not to be distracted by the rubber drain tube that was dangling between them. My butt plug was to be inserted next; Mistress has done a really good job of stretching my bum and the large red plug slid in easily before I was 'walked' on my lead, via the toilet to The Clinic.
I received the system mask, then strapped to the couch I was prepared for catheterisation. The catheter went in so quickly that I was amazed when Maggie said I was now plugged at both exits and had already begun tidying up her used sterile items ready for disposal.
Mistress showed less haste when is came to throwing the plastic drape away though and decided to tease her patient with it instead. As I lay there Maggie placed the drape over my nose, it has the kind of intoxicating plastic smell that any true plastic fetishist simply cannot resist. My natural instinct was to breath deeply on its strong and wonderful aroma, making it way too easy for Maggie to suffocate her slave with the drape. I was helpless and could be teased until I was quite breathless. The opening lines of 'Take my breath Away' floated into my head as Maggie continued to enjoy her plaything.

A breath through gag was then attached to the system mask; one which is ideal for drinking through. I had done as I was told and arrived well hydrated, even so I was about to receive considerably more liquid refreshment! Mistress is really thoughtful in her delivery. The nectar isn't released all at once, a good thing because the flow Maggie is capable of producing could totally overwhelm a slave, not to mention probably drown him. A good healthy head of fluid was visible in her piss pants and Mistress regulated the flow of my piss drink to a sensible level. Suffice is to say, I had a wonderful long drink of Mistress’ fresh, rehydrating fluids.
Mistress then uncovered another surprise.
‘A rubber catheter bag slave. It can be worn inside or outside your trousers. Which do you want?’
I was starting to question my bottle and stammered ‘inside please’. The leg bag was brand new and after a little surgery to shorten the drain tube it was strapped to my left thigh. Once the clamp was removed I experienced that familiar feeling of trickling pee. I had absolutely no control of when to pee and that was a little disconcerting! After a few adjustments Maggie thought it better to tape the exit tap closed to prevent any accidental leakage and the final question concerned what I should wear. Although I was confident about wearing the latex t-shirt in public the amount of sweat it had already generated was a bit of a concern. Mistress would have a very wet slave by the end of the journey so we settled on normal clothes and my slave collar and we were ready to depart.
‘We are going to catch the bus to Chorley.’ Mistress announced. A good ride of almost an hour, and once we had arrived at our destination we could check how much pee had flowed into the latex bag. The bus journey was very pleasant, we sat on the back seat where we talked about a number of perv subjects and other friendly musings, and I gazed at how amazing my Mistress is. All the while I suspected that the bag was gradually filling, but it posed no problems.
By the time we arrived and we stood up to disembark, the catheter bag was definitely feeling more weighty and there was a considerable bulge appearing under my slack trousers. But not to worry, anyone noticing would see a beautiful woman and a bulge in her companions trousers, quite natural really, but I suspected my highly visible slave collar would divert attention.

We sauntered around Chorley market, I bought Mistress a very nice bracelet from one of the local shops and finally walked into a local coffee shop fairly close to the bus station where two coffees were drank at our leisure. The coffee shop was busy with an easy and relaxed environment, although buying a suitable snack proved impossible because they had run out of buns. Mistress and I talked some more and Mistress exchanged some words and a smile with a lady sitting at the next table.
Meanwhile, my rubber cath bag was still filling and creating an even bigger bulge inside my trousers and I was conscious that it might be full. I needed to ask Maggie if I was allowed to use the toilets to attempt to empty it. Mistress gave permission and clear instructions on what I should do and off I trotted, upstairs to find the toilets.
An interesting experience to say the least. I found a cubical, dropped my pants, removed the safety tape from the tap, pointed it down the pan and. . . Whoosh. . . A veritable Tsunami shot down the porcelain. If you have ever filled a balloon with water and then let it go, that is the type of reaction my catheter bag created. It is a good job I had a firm hold of the hose otherwise I could have flooded the whole place with pee.
I returned without the bulge and satisfied that the catheter and bag worked a treat. There is nothing a slave can do once catheterised but trust the equipment. You can't stop the flow, you have no control and even the butt plug is there to stay. It is most liberating to know you are outwardly 'normal' yet still under total control of your Mistress and because of Maggie's thoroughness, totally safe and dry.

Next it was Maggie's turn to visit ‘the ladies’ and after just a few minutes she had returned to the table. The reusable flask that she had been drinking from throughout our journey was once more placed on the table, she began decanting its contents into a fresh coffee cup that she must have collected on the way. The drink was offered to me and believing it was an extra drink to keep me hydrated and the bag filling up, I eagerly accepted. I expected cool clear water, but no, it was better than that. Mistress presented me with a cup of warm nectar which of course was drained in a thrice.
And that I thought was the end of the adventure as Maggie announced
‘Time for home’. Except on the way out, a gentleman sitting on a low bench having a few beers with his mates noticed and commented on my collar. Maggie instantly hooked her finger through it and eased me towards the gentleman asking if he wanted to read the inscription on the medal - ‘slave in training’. Seamlessly he hooked his finger into the ring, dragging me further forward and said,
'Give us a blow job then’. I was in absolute turmoil wondering how Mistress wished me to react. I am her property but there was only a grin and no instruction from her. ‘I can’t I'm taken’ I stammered, and fortunately was immediately released.
The outline of the filling cath bag is just visible above my left knee. |
The man laughed as we went on our way and suggested Maggie should
‘take good care of this one!’ Mistress seemed amused and unconcerned about my encounter. I still don't know if Mistress had anticipated this when she drew me towards the fellow, or whether she was as surprised as I was? In any event, I am owned and Maggie can do whatever she wishes with her slave.
On a lighter note, as we had been unable to buy a bun we stopped to purchase a sandwich for Maggie. The young girl serving us also commented that she liked my collar, but this time I managed to save myself from landing in any mischief; I smiled and said thank you. That was the end of the contact and the lady didn't ask me for a blow job.
The return bus journey was enjoyable but relatively uneventful, although I could feel my bag filling again. However, when we stood up to get off I felt the retaining strap pop open and I had to leave the bus holding the tube through my trouser pocket. Once again, all the public would see was a man alighting from a bus in the company of a very attractive lady with a bulge in my trousers. Most natural.
As we sauntered back to The Chambers I told Maggie about the strap and once indoors I could gently let the bag slide to its natural position, there from just beneath the hemline of my baggy trousers was the tip of the drain tap smiling back at us. Off to the bathroom then, Mistress bringing her syringe to deflate my catheter before removal. The rubber catheter bag needed emptying and thoroughly cleaning, and that I thought was the end, but Mistress had other plans and I was dragged back into her Playroom to complete my slave duties for the day.
I was ordered to strip with the exception of the butt plug of course, I was naked as the day I was born. Mistress picked a latex hood from her plentiful collection and strapped on her dildo harness, complete with her large flesh coloured dildo Mistress was ready for her slaves attention. I was finally ordered to give my Mistress a blow job. No doubts or reservations this time and with the right encouragement from Maggie and a warning as to where else she intended to put it I set about mouthing the dildo. I could only manage about half into my mouth and I really hoped that the movements were giving some pleasure to my Mistress. I have tried so many things with Mistress but this was a new lesson for this slave, as Maggie had never encouraged me before in this direction. I was handed a Durex and told to put it on her dildo.

Maggie ordered me onto all fours where she could easily pop the long stay resident butt plug out of my backside. I was instructed to sit on her knee and pleasure the dildo she was wearing. Yet another wonderful new experience.
The whole length of Maggie's shaft was taken easily and eagerly up my bum hole. I sat and wiggled and tried to get it deeper embedded and groaned quite a lot. Once more I hoped Maggie was having some fun because her slave certainly was. The position allowed Maggie to snake her free hands around me and grasp my cock and balls. That is a most explosive position!. . . except it wasn't. Just as I was about to warn Mistress that I was about to involuntarily ejaculate, she abruptly stopped and withdrew her energetic dildo. That was that. Another demonstration as to who is in total charge of all my emotions, orifices and experiences during my all too brief a time serving
Mistress Maggie.
As to my experience in Chorley. It was a real buzz and I only hope I didn't let my Mistress down. The natives appear down to earth and friendly. I know I am a really fortunate slave and will do whatever my Mistress asks, although I am still unsure I’d have given that gent his blow job outside Chorley market if I had been so instructed, but then again I do trust my Mistresses judgement 100%.