Friday 9 August 2019

Thunder and Rain

I had the unexpected luxury of knowing a week in advance that Mistress Maggie would be allowing me to accompany her on a trip away from the Chambers. Mistress did offer an alternate date as the Chambers were undergoing some structural improvements, or we could go out and about. That really was a no brainer - what, miss the opportunity of being out and about with a most beautiful woman? Not a chance.

Maggie mentioned that she had checked the ten day weather forecast which had indicated heavy rain towards the end of the week, so an outing in stormy weather looked like it may be on the cards. No destination as yet, that would depend on the conditions on the day, but the prospect of a day out in our wet weather gear was looking enticingly feasible.

A large image of a very beautiful, sexy and rubber coated Mistress
My whole week was spent looking at weather forecasts for Friday and getting progressively more excited about where my Mistress would take her very loyal slave. Perhaps a trip to Blackpool or one of the local secluded wooded areas, a trip over the Pennines (unlikely if a heavy downpour was forecast) or most likely a trip to another favourite spot on the Fylde.

I was kept on tenterhooks until Thursday night when Mistress sent me my calling mail, informing me that, ‘… you can take me on a trip to St. Annes, have a wander round the pier and catch lunch at the cafe on the pier…’

The forecast was now predicting sunshine and showers and as you can see from this wonderful picture of Mistress, the afternoon started with the sunshine.

I was also instructed to, ‘… bring your rubber coat, boots and hat (which I haven’t seen yet!). With chance a few photos may be possible in our rubber coats…’

Despite being sunny when we arrived, we put on our rubber coats and went for a saunter along the front without a care in the world, stopping for a reconnoitre for possible photo opportunities. A few family groups were out enjoying themselves on the beach, but expecting that the beach would empty when the rain came down we hoped to return later and head down onto the sand. Continuing on we arrived at the Les Dawson statue where a lady commented that I looked like 'the man himself ' and a few photos were taken of Mistress, Mr Dawson and myself. The strong sunlight and shadows would be disappearing shortly in a flash.

Adjourning to the pier head cafe I treated Mistress to a coffee and sandwich lunch. I can recommend the cafe by the way, and can personally vouch that their beef and onion sandwiches are excellent value. It was not the first time we have eaten at the cafe and the staff barely give a second glance to the two rubber coated friends, as once again we took up residence at a corner table talking and smiling in quiet tones.

Still privately begging for wet weather, I must admit to being a little disappointed with the beautiful sunlight as we stepped outside after lunch, however, as we slowly walked on leaving the cafe behind my spirits began to brighten, roughly proportional to the deterioration in the weather. There was a rumble or two of thunder in the distance and the prospects of being able to enjoy our waterproof clothing improved. Maggie said we should head back to the car, where following another rumble of thunder I was instructed to put on my wellies and hat because we may well need them!

In the distance we could see and hear the weather front closing in on us. One minute you could see right across the Ribble towards Hesketh Bank and the next moment the whole vista was obliterated as the grey rain cloud descended and continued to march in our direction. By now the beach was devoid of people and as the rain arrived we set off across the bare sand sensibly heading for the shelter of the pier.

As Maggie attempted to set up her camera a couple of curious lads who had taken refuge from the deluge came for a chat. ‘Are you professional photographers? - No? - You look really cool’. They politely explained that they were college students and raising their cameras asked if they could take a couple of pictures. Mistress agreed, they were happy and dashed off for a more waterproof location.

We were then alone, and snug in our rubber waterproofs it was our turn to have fun on the beach. Maggie was hoping to shoot some video but we started with a few photo stills to check that the camera actually worked when saturated with rain!. I love this shot because it shows both our wet weather gears and Maggie now has a picture of my hat! It was surreal being allowed to stand so close and watch the rain bounce off Mistresses rather sexy rain hat and occasionally trickle down that beautiful face... It also gives some idea of how wet the weather had become but no indication as to the odd rumble of thunder.

WARNING: This 32 second clip has audio.

Mistress gave me directions outlining how she wanted her shoot to progress... ‘We will walk in from the left of shot... keep your distance etc ….’ As the video began rolling I had a lead snapped on my collar and we set off in the pouring rain.

We walked off at an angle on course for coming into shot walking towards the camera. We walked quite some distance and even repeated the journey a couple of times until Maggie thought she may have enough footage. I felt a very happy slave and I would have carried on walking all day being literally lead by my very wet Mistress.

Back under the dripping pier I recognised that mischievous smile. I just know something else exciting was about to happen. True enough, Maggie turned to her bag of tricks and extracted two familiar items; a ball gag that was stuffed in my mouth and a long coiled length of sisal rope. Of course I ended up tied to the pier.

It was a simple yet very effective bondage and I felt rather vulnerable. Well just for a moment as Maggie made sure her ball gag was securely applied. But I know and trust my Mistress implicitly, she wouldn't leave me there as the tide was coming in. Or would she? As she turned, said ‘goodbye slave’ and made to walk away.

Then oops! Out of the corner of my eye I spotted what looked like pier security approaching either side of the pier. I whimpered to Maggie that we had company and without looking in their direction she slowly untied the ropes. By the time the guys had arrived I was as free as a bird, brushing down my raincoat and helping Mistress to pack away the equipment.

They were very understanding once Maggie explained that I wasn't being left tied against the pier as fish bait, and that the whole scene was a photo shoot. But, understanding as they were, they did suggest that it is frowned upon tying someone to the pier.

As they retreated leaving us to clear away, one of the security men appeared to be reassuring a rather wet and concerned member of the public that she wasn't about to witness a ritualistic drowning, and in that sense it’s refreshing to know that people are sufficiently concerned as to alert the security staff of a possible tragedy. Thank you to the anonymous lady for showing concern, although she wasn't to know that a very willing slave was having a jolly good time in the very capable hands of a very experienced Mistress.

Two very wet and very happy people gradually made our way back to the pier entrance and made our way through the entertainment arcade with the intention of strolling the length of the pier deck, to see if we had scope for another couple of rubbery stills. Unfortunately, the gentleman from pier security advised us that he would be closing the pier at 17:00, just two minutes time but we weren't the last to leave.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable drive home in the presence of an incredibly exciting lady. We had had so much fun and excitement on our wet day out and we could chat about another exciting adventure. Thanks to the St Annes pier cafe, the concerned member of public, the excellent pier security staff and the general public for allowing two rubber coated individuals to enjoy themselves. But above all, thanks to Mistress Maggie for being such an excellent Mistress and friend and in particular for allowing me to include her video clip and not leaving me tied to the pier!

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