Friday 20 September 2024

Long Needle Mangina

I do really love being a Guinea Pig for Mistress Maggie and today was no exception. I suppose from a slaves perspective, to provide a genuine service to a fantastic Mistress is one of the highest accolades. Not that the calling mail gave any hint whatsoever what was about to unfold, just instruction to bring my heavy black latex catsuit to wear. A quick ring of the Chambers doorbell had Mistress greeting me in her slinky back catsuit, In fact the only bit of Mistress visible was her beautiful face that was framed in black latex and her shining black hair, giving that natural touch to an otherwise perfect latex façade.

Despite the very neutral calling mail, I knew I was in for yet another treat. Oh boy, I was SO tempted to plant a giant kiss on those undulating black orbs as we ascended to The Playroom, but I didn't. If Mistress wanted a kissed bottom, she would have stopped. As it was, I longed for it but my training has been thorough. What Mistress wants Mistress gets and don't overstep the boundaries!

Off to the Bathroom to return suitably clad in socks and gloves I took my place for the preliminary worship and licking of the boots. This time Maggie wielded her whip with a little more venom in a style that was not aimed at mere titillation. No, she meant some of those thwacks which turned out to be just a precursor of what I was about to receive. 'Over the Horse slave', she instructed.

Sticking to a theme, Mistress paraded a variety of mainly home made, paddles, belts, whips and tawses so I could see them, and I did detect a little sadism creeping in as Mistress first had me kiss some of the flagellation implements then laid into my back, bottom and thighs. Some of the blows really cracked the atmosphere and quite a few had me whimpering.

To finish off, Mistress brought out her trusty wooden hairbrush and by this time my arse didn't know whether it was coming or going, to the extent that I didn't even know if it was the firm side or brush side of the hairbrush! Still on the brighter side I was helping another slave, because Mistress wanted to test that her arm was fit enough to deliver a suitable flogging. I certainly think it is, so other slaves watch out! Even after 6 hours, when I was relaxing in a hot shower, my arse was tingling as the shower caressed my buttocks. That is how good a flogging I received.

After the flogging, I was allowed to put on my heavy latex suit, then I was back over the horse for metal electric butt plug to be fitted . If you read my last blog, it is the same one that went in so easily and provided such exciting stimulus. Well, on this occasion I think my arse was playing up, because no matter how Mistress tried and even with a dedicated harness we couldn't get it to stay in. We came to the conclusion that last time I was initially stretched by my red butt plug and I was told in no uncertain terms that I had to remind Mistress to use my plug first. No matter, another electric plug was retrieved and went in very easily. Not quite as vibrant as the metal one but still very capable of delivering those electric sensations.

Zipped up and snug in my latex suit from neck downwards we proceeded through to the Clinic, with a warning from Maggie, 'Don't step on the cables slave'. I was greeted with a black rubber covered gynae couch and instructed to mount said couch. Maggie then fitted me with the pair of inflatable gloves. I remembered the knack of making my hand as small and pointed as I could and the gloves easily engulfed both hands. Once pumped up I was a little disappointed that I couldn't sneak a quick stroke of Mistresses wonderful buttocks. Well I could stroke them, but with the gloves pumped I lost that really nice sensation of latex glove on latex bum, and more importantly I lost the ability to deliver that softest of soft touches that I think Maggie occasionally appreciates. 

Irrelevant as it happened, because Mistress attached wrist cuffs and secured both hands to the couch. I had no chance of delivering a sensual stroke now.

It was about this time when my life in the Clinic got a whole lot darker. It was as if the lights had been turned out and complete blackness descended on my person. Actually, nothing sinister. Mistress had fitted the all encompassing latex helmet, and though it had no eye holes I did occasionally manage to get a glimpse of light through the single anaesthesia port at the front. I now know how a cyclops saw the world. Mistress decided not to inflate the hood which produced really unusual effects once the connecting tube was attached and I was plunged into total darkness.

Once connected to what I assumed to be the bellows that I’d glimpsed on the way in, breathing in was easy, but when I breathed out Mistress must have fed it through some valving system, because the first part of the exhale resulted in the hood starting to inflate, but after a couple of seconds the valve gently hissed, the air was exhaled and the hood returned to a snug fit against my cheeks. I did spend quite a lot of time in complete darkness for the remainder of my time in the Chambers, but mindful as ever of her slaves wellbeing, the inlet valve was occasionally removed and I was questioned about my wellbeing during my long time managing the bellows.

Of course when you are deprived of one of your senses the others become enhanced, and although hearing was a little 'hooded' I could sense roughly where Maggie was moving to within the room. I could also taste and smell even the merest drop of aromas, as Mistress every now and then granted her Guinea Pig a good and long whiff of the aromas in today’s intoxicating medicine pot. I was relaxed and gradually climbing onto that plain where I know that I want Maggie to feel free to do whatever she wants and try to provide every opportunity for Mistress to really enjoy herself. Throughout this period of 'darkness' I could see a vision of Mistress in her all black latex uniform, imagining those gentle hands doing whatever with her slave and feeling as happy as I had in a long time. 

It was quite obvious that Mistress had something in mind with my genital area, because once the crotch zip was teased open my somewhat small crown jewels could feel a good dollop of cocoa butter being massaged in to my groin area, which usually means a major op involving an inflated scrotum or losing my cock and balls again! I really didn’t care about any minor inconvenience on my part, my only desire was that my Mistress was enjoying her work on her willing Guinea Pig. 

The same area then received a thorough cleaning with what I assumed was antiseptic fluid, followed by a few prods with what I later found out was a marker pen, to guide the operation. A blast of aromas entered my mask signalling that the operation was about to commence. Without any warning of a 'quick prick', I tensed as the first needle was inserted. Bearing in mind I could only go by sounds and feel, I had to rely on Mistress to show in pictures exactly what was happening at the time. I knew that I was having quite a few needle insertions across lower stomach and ball sac. I could feel my manhood disappearing, later on I could sense electrodes being stuck on various sensitive places and I could taste the welcome infusion of aromas. But what I could 'see' was the last image I’d grasped of Mistress before being blacked out, and had that wonderful image to sustain me through all the pricks and shocks.

With a delighted laugh and cheer, Maggie finished her masterpiece of human re-engineering and it was easy to tell that Mistress was absolutely over the moon with the results of her artistry. I was still unaware of what exactly happened, but I did detect Mistress leaving for a moment and I knew she would hear if I was in difficulty. When she returned I got another really pleasant surprise. Mistress adjusted the height of the couch and again I couldn't say whether it went up or down, all I knew was Mistress was still in total control.

The bellows tube was removed and a little light crept into the hood but soon became partially blocked out by a tube being passed through the opening. ‘Are you able to grab the tube slave?’, Maggie asked, and grab it I did. I knew this was a feeding tube and I was so delighted that Mistress was going to allow me a drink. I hoped it was her pee but I never know what Maggie's thoughts are, so I sucked and sucked but nothing… until Maggie told me to suck again, and this time I had the honour of receiving a drink of VERY fresh nectar accompanied by a little more juice in the form of the electricity being increased whilst I drank from her rubber pants.

With my rehydration finished the end of my testing experience was fast approaching, but not before Mistress used the prism glasses to allow me a glimpse of her handy work. Over my fat stomach all I could see was a row of black ties, a couple of corks on the end of two very long needles and a myriad of wires. It turns out that Maggie, after first thoroughly sterilising the area, deployed a pair of 9" wires, stitched in and out of my groin area and joined together with cable ties (the black things I could see in the prisms) and two corks on the end of the 9" needles were for 'safety reasons'. Not clear for whose safety, mine or Maggie's!

Viewing the pictures I can see why she was so pleased with her art work. The Mangina was perfectly formed and after the ends of the ties were trimmed I was so proud to be the wearer of this magnificent artwork. It was time to decompose the masterpiece and I must say extraction of the component parts was considerably easier than their insertion. I was happy that once again I had been trusted enough for Mistress Maggie to be able to utilise me as her guinea pig and delighted to be the first pig to receive this innovative, original operation.

Thank you Mistress I really do appreciate being your test bed.

Caution: This 1:47min mangina with wires clip has audio.