Showing posts with label chastity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chastity. Show all posts

Friday 7 June 2019


Niggles, demerits, black marks, punishments. . . call them what you will, but due to some thoughtless comments I had made Mistress Maggie saw fit to administer my just deserts at the start of this session. Mistress explained why I had earned the punishment and went on to offer me the choice of delivery mechanism, by either a senior cane or a three tailed tawse.

Mistress Maggie's choice for my punishment
I chose wisely I think, asking Mistress to choose which of the two nasty looking implements she believed would work best as retribution, and without hesitation she picked up the cane. So, within minutes of arriving at the Chambers and worshipping Mistresses bright red thigh boots I was hooded, and with a huge ball gag wedged in place I was supine over the Playroom horse.

Restraints were not used nor are they any longer necessary as, although occasionally deployed by my owner for visual effect and to act as a reminder of my slave status, I now do exactly as I am told. Her cane came swishing down and I lay there counting out the strokes and giving my best muffled thank you’s to Mistress for correcting her stupid, senseless slave.

I have absolutely no complaints, although at the time my backside was moaning a little as I received fifteen hard strokes.

Once Mistress had vented her anger (or so I thought), the mood changed and we moved forward to a more relaxed and far less painful part of the proceedings. Still using the horse, Mistress told me to reposition myself so that she could have full and unrestricted access to my bum. I could detect her stepping into her strap on harness, possibly preparing for some delightful fun. As I lay there waiting and wishing to be penetrated by her chosen dildo I thought about the mistake I had made, and how it was well worth a beating to clear the air, to have me realise my mistake and have Mistress back to her normal beautiful self.

My Lady in red
My fifteen stripes were no more than a mild ache as Maggie expertly guided the session to a different mindset, using large quantities of lubrication then gently sliding in . . . not the dildo but my butt plug.

The initial hand stretching and lubrication had clearly worked because the red ribbed plug slid in like a hot knife through butter. Perhaps I had misread the rattling sound and there was no strap-on? No. Maggie's sense of fun and mischief emerged and just as I was getting used to the plug, it was quickly unplugged to be instantly replaced by the whole length of Maggie’s cock.

Thinking I was about to receive another of those delicious fucks that Maggie can deliver I began to relax. But no again. Her cock was immediately removed and replaced with the plug. This alternating between plug and dildo must have been repeated four or five times until I didn't know whether I was coming or going. What I did know was that Mistress had one very happy but confused slave across her horse.

To conclude this part of the anal play ad when Maggie had finished oscillating and juggling the ass toys, she finished off by pushing a string of four large anal beads down the willing hole. These would keep me stuffed for the rest of the session. Thank goodness there is a long tail ending in a good sized ring to aid their extraction, otherwise I could have been left with a bum full of balls until nature intervened!

The last vestiges of Maggie's anger briefly surfaced and without warning she gave me another five rapid strokes with the Senior Cane. Those almost made me jump off the horse, but boy was I relieved when Mistress whispered that that was the end of my punishment and ‘lets get you into some shiny black rubber’. In addition I received the modified anaesthesia hood, more of this later, and I was ready for anything.

Mistress retrieved the leather wrist cuffs, using them to fix my arms loosely but securely behind my back. I was then instructed to back up against the Plank which was already upright and securely fixed to the Playroom’s overhead gantry. It had been quite obvious right from the boot worship, that this 7' length of Playroom equipment would be brought into  play at some stage, I mean how can you disguise a 7' solid bondage plank! Anyway, as instructed I tentatively leant back as the plank eased itself into position until it was happy to accommodate the weight of a rather large slave, and off we went.

Maggie moved about me, pulling on straps and stretching bandages tightly around me until I became at one with the Plank. Well almost, Maggie did stop to deliberate whether a knee strap was necessary and after a bit of umming and ahhing she did buckle it in place, though not too tightly. Mistress is a true expert in restraints, as, without the strap I doubt if I could have remained standing for as long as I did. With the strap, it allowed the strap to take some of the leg strain and extended my duration almost infinitely.

A very well fitted Kalis
As it was, I was very comfortable as I watched Mistress leave the room and later return wheeling in the IV stand which she brought beside me, then again she left the room closing the door behind her. From my restrained position I was perfectly happy standing, the playroom mirror had been carefully angled so I could admire my situation until my thoughts were interrupted by Maggie’s return. This time she brought in a brimming jug of what definitely looked like pee, emptying it into the rubber bag hanging from the drip stand. As my eyes wandered towards the bag and its contents I estimated over a litre of drink was now available.

Now the intricacies of the modified anaesthetic mask were fully revealed. Mistress had cunningly inserted the feeding tube up the centre of the attached hose which normally delivers aromas, meaning I could drink and be medicated at the same time. Now that is ingenious! It took a while to get started but with the taps on and a long hard suck I tasted the first trickle of fluid delivered down the drinking tube.

I was half expecting the next bit of playtime that Maggie had planned for her very willing follower, because a few days ago Mistress had announced on her Twitter feed that she had acquired a biting steel instrument called Kalis teeth; a most effective chastity device with a row of sharp teeth pointing inward into the wearers cock.

Fitting it on to a flaccid cock was relatively painless and I stood against the plank thinking calming thoughts to avoid an erection as Maggie carefully wrapped the device around my cock and balls. I couldn't see fully but I heard the ominous click as a small padlock went in place, accompanied by a tingle down my spine as Maggie threatened to leave it in place at the end of the session. Now there's something for me to contemplate in the future. . . I mean how could I last between sessions without attempting to get an erection. I mean every time I think of my Mistress. . . I digress. Back to the session fun.

Forced feeding
My sense of being dominated and under total control of Mistress took a step forward as Maggie sealed my eye holes with her eye mask. This is her own design and effectively seals you in behind the perspex lenses. The seal is effective and reduces the slave to taking air through the hose, regardless of whether it’s aroma filled air or not. Mistress really is inventive and very creative in her drive to give total satisfaction and loss of control to a subservient slave like me.

The application of the air tight eye mask also heralded a change in feeding habits. Up to now I had been sucking small quantities of nectar as and when I wanted, but now Mistress was exercising more control over her subject by utilising the delivery bulb attached to the feeding pipes.

A warning from Mistress followed by a syphoning squeeze delivered sufficient fluid for a mouthful. With the airtight mask it was either swallow or wallow in spilt pee inside the helmet. So, I am wrapped in latex to the bondage board with an airtight mask delivering both liquid refreshment and aromas and my cock was totally controlled by the Kalis; could a slave wish for any better treatment from his beautiful Mistress? Of course Maggie is capable of delivering an infinite variety of pleasure giving experiences and is not averse to using her latex clad body to help frustrate and torment her slave, by rubbing smooth rubber on rubber.

Forced climax
The next activity was probably the most cruel and tormenting Maggie could use on her slave. Out came the heavyweight Playroom vibrator and with consummate ease Mistress strapped it tightly against my exposed balls and turned it on. The exquisite torture was simply wonderful and at the same time so frustrating. My cock tried to get hard but was forced back into its flaccid state by the cruel prick of the enclosing needles, but the vibrator kept doing its work on my balls and I could feel the inevitable approaching climax.

Once Mistress has decided that you are going to be forced to climax there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent the inevitable. I tried hard by concentrating on the pain in my cock, the nice day outside . . . but every time my thoughts drifted back to my state of servitude, and just to make sure Mistress moved her perfect body against the vibrator. The close proximity of Mistress, the insidious grasp of the Kalis, my current state of sexual arousal and that was it. I did try to warn Maggie but too late.

It was really strange to be forced to cum with a soft cock enclosed in steel and balls vibrating like a humming bird, but I suppose I moved that little bit closer to being totally under control and I love it.

Sucking now on an empty tube, all the nectar had been enjoyed and I had not missed a drop.

However it wasn't quite the end of the nectar resources, as Mistress insisted that as it was my fault that she had spilt the overflowing jug on the landing and that I would be cleaning it up. Scurrying along to where Mistress Maggie pointed, I sniffed all along the skirting board but on this occasion couldn't catch Maggie's scent, so I had to give the general area a thorough clean with sponge and disinfectant until Mistress was satisfied with the job.

And finally a tribute to my own Lady In Red

. . . I've never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight
I've never seen you shine so bright, you were amazing
I've never seen so many people want to be there by your side. . .

Chris de Burgh

Friday 5 January 2018

Pumped Up and Raring to Go

If I had been tasked with concocting the perfect way to start 2018, I could not have surpassed what Mistress Maggie had planned for our first session of the new year. I knew it was going to be rubbery, very rubbery, I had gleaned that much from Maggie’s call up mail. I knew also that my Mistress would be in a very rubbery costume for the session so I arrived at the Chambers with a hop, skip and very happy jump as my finger jauntily pinged the front door bell. I had that feeling that this was going to be my best year ever.

True to her promise Maggie was very rubbery indeed; a long flowing black latex skirt, a tight basque covering her black latex covered torso, topped off with the wonderful halo of jet black hair that highlights her beautiful face. A song from Tommy briefly came to mind ‘Got a feeling 2018 is going to be a good year’. Apologies to The Who for slightly plagiarizing their title, but the sentiments fit well with the circumstances.

Maggie asked me to sit down on the latex bed and we talked about my training so far in a manner which epitomises how kind my owner really is. She guided the conversation towards asking for my thoughts on how my training was progressing? Was I happy with the direction we took in sessions? Was there anything I wished to be included in my training? . . . All questions asking her slave for feedback on my owners performance. As I gazed across the Playroom where Mistress was seated elegantly on her throne, I couldn’t think of anything constructive to say apart from, ‘Yes I am very happy with no concerns as to where 2018 and beyond may take us, and no I cannot think how to improve the already perfect sessions you create for your slave’, before making a stammered apology for abdicating responsibility which I know must place a huge burden on my owner. But I really don’t want anything to change. ‘More of the same please,’ I rather lamely quipped.

Our chat was drawn to a close and it was back to a new year of renewed training. I was dispatched to the bathroom to divest all my clothes and return wearing my black latex socks and gloves and of course my slave collar. Mistress was wearing long, very long leather boots under her skirt and it was heaven starting at the tip of her toes and licking all the way up past her superb calves, upwards over her knees and slowly upwards over those stunning thighs. Were these boots ever going to stop? Of course and I am well trained not to stray past the footwear so I restarted on the other boot, offering it the same amount of devotion.

Mistress let me know that she planned to have me in three layers of latex and without any ado I was ordered into my black heavyweight catsuit which had been nicely warming on the bed. With Maggie’s help I was soon covered in the first layer, but I had been given no hint of the form the other two rubber layers would take. Mistress always likes me to be well groomed, and the same applies when I am in my latex and once dressed I am to be polished or dusted. As soon as Mistress had finished with her duster a second catsuit was brought down from a hanger, its chlorinated surface was so slippery that I could just slide it on without much assistance. Well I had been promised rubbery, and was now enclosed in two glorious layers and anxiously waiting for the third one to appear, but when it did not come I suspected I must have misheard my Mistress.

Perhaps the third layer was the EO19 gas mask that I was then secured inside, with its heavy rubber smell filling my nostrils I was led through to the Clinic and securely strapped down on the couch. Maggie disappeared returning a little later with one of her catheter kits. The gloves went on and a large plastic drape unwrapped ready to be secured to my rubber suit. My cock felt quite cool being exposed through the centre hole of the drape and even cooler when Maggie started to clean it with her swabs of meths. At this point she would normally apply lubricant to my opening, but not today. Instead, Maggie then used her hands to gather up my genitals and after a period of rattling noises came the distinct sound of a ratchet device being attached behind them.

That’s when my first embarrassment of 2018 occurred, I just couldn’t control my cock. Mistress clearly made it known that she wanted a flaccid cock and with a couple of slaps told me to concentrate on making that happen, but try as I might I could not stop the pesky blighter waking up and waving at my Mistress. I tried to think of nothing; I tried counting sheep but in the end Maggie resorted to the tried and tested method of plonking a bag of frozen ice cubes on the area. Even that was only partially successful and Maggie still struggled to attach the second part of her chastity cage, until finally its lock closed around my cock and balls.

With a sigh of relief and triumph it was on to the next part of her plan, installation of the catheter. Bearing in mind I could not see the extent of my cock confinement, I wondered why it took my owner longer than normal to insert the catheter, but at last I could feel it passing painlessly down my urethra and its internal balloon pumped up. Maggie is now a real expert in this little operation and always maintains her very high hygiene standards with a proper sterile field.

Once the capture and catheterisation of my cock was completed, a pair of kegel balls were dangled in front of my gas mask lenses. ‘These will be inserted down below’ , said Mistress. My red butt plug was brought out and the kegels inserted in to my vacated backdoor hole.

My training has taught me that wherever there are kegels there will always be electric sensations, so no surprise that Mistress was soon making her slaves hips move to her
chosen pulsing rhythm, or ‘dance music’ as Mistress called it. A pleasurable predicament as well, because the more you move the more the balls jiggle and just add to the stimulation, or just until Maggie decides to add a sadistic twist to her actions.

It was at this point I made what I thought was an innocent reference to my total acceptance of Mistresses actions. The lead in conversation explains.

Mistress - 'Do you want to pee slave?’
slave -  ‘No thank you Mistress’
Mistress - ‘No thank you. Ah, you can still be polite even when I am punishing you can’t you?
slave - ‘Are you punishing me Mistress?...

I was trying to convey I accept anything and everything she wishes, so how could it be punishment?

That was the most stupid response I could have made, because the electrics were quickly ramped up from 24 to 48 and THEN I was in no doubt at all that I was being punished. Mistress laughed. My ass was on fire, my hips dancing wildly and I was singing out in pain, vowing once more not to make stupid quips when being trained. If Mistress says she is punishing you, just accept it! The raised electrics had played havoc with the caged cock, I could feel the tight restraints of the steel holding in what was trying to be a growing erection. How come a high voltage experience results in a raging erection?

Mistress warned me that the clinic was about to get very noisy as she plugged something into the shoulder of my catsuit. Ah! I was wearing her new inflatable suit and that was soon confirmed as a very noisy pump leapt into life right next to my left ear. It then dawned on me that I had been enclosed in three layers of latex all along and not just two as I had believed, and thank goodness for the E019 gas mask, the thick rubber of the mask toned down the buzz to a pleasant hum. As my shoulders gradually began to bulk out, Maggie eased the tight restraining bands to allow more air to circulate and before long I was able to feel a swelling round my stomach; not tight but sufficient for me to run my rubber covered hands over a larger than normal gut.

It was time to move back to the Playroom, the restraints had been unbuckled I was to carefully alight from the White Room couch. Reaching just a little too far with my leg to make contact with the floor, I suffered the most agonising cramps in my left leg. It made level 48 feel like being tickled. Fortunately, Mistress took immediate remedial action and massaged the calf gently until the cramps subsided, insistent that she would not proceed until I promised that I was fit to continue. Maggie is sadistic at times but definitely not a complete sadist; thoughtful and kind spring to mind and it certainly reinforces why I am devoted to my owner.

Maggie’s orders determined that the electrics, which were now thankfully reduced to a more normal level 21, would remain pulsing and the plugged catheter and cock cage were there ‘permanently’ as we traversed the short distance between the White Room and Playroom.

Not content that my lower appendage was now rendered useless and incapable of being pumped up any further, more inflation was required by Mistress. The pump was plugged in again and the catsuit inflated to a much larger size, applying pressure to all parts of her rubber slave. The matching inflatable hood and mittens followed rendering me a balloon man, I was left to acclimatise myself to my new inflated predicament, unable to touch anything with my round ball hands, unable to move freely with my round ball body and my senses deprived by my round ball head.

I have experienced this rather pleasant latex hood previously, at lower pressures it has stayed in place without too much fuss, Maggie's plans today necessitated fixing my slave collar tightly over the hoods neck band to keep it securely in place, even so, with the great pressure applied, the hood eyes were eventually pointing skywards and the breathing tube required a very firm grip between my teeth. It is possible that an attachment similar to a divers mouthpiece may prove beneficial and I will mention this to my owner.

I was lightly strapped to the cell bars and Mistress amused herself with her little game of ‘inflate and frustrate’. Armed with her hitachi vibrator my imprisoned cock was at her mercy. Talk about frustrated. My sausage literally took on the shape of a sausage in a far too tight skin and the catheter just hung there. I have come to the conclusion that Mistress Maggie is an expert in frustrating her slaves. Another of her endearing qualities.

Once we had deflated all the inflatables, removed all the rubber and … well, that was it. As an act of obedience and submission I was sent home with instructions to keep the catheter and cage on until Monday. Now that was a thrill to leave the Chambers in this state, I loved the concept and was resolved to do exactly as asked. Unfortunately, after a fitful nights sleep I awoke in the early hours of Saturday, having dreamed the most deliciously erotic dreams about my Mistress, with what would have been a super hard and large cock, wanting a pee and desperate for relief from the continuous compression. I succumbed, and at about 06:30 used the keys to free the cage and the syringe that Mistress had loaned me for emergencies to deflate the catheter.

I have already informed Mistress Maggie of my failure and we agree long term caging is probably not our scene and after the excruciating agony of a really compressed cock I take my hat off to those who report that they spend weeks stuck in chastity. The cage was one I had not worn before and unlike the other devices I have tried, its ratchet tightly round my balls made it immovable without the keys. I must admit to regretting having to remove both items as it provided a real sense of long-term ownership. I know, I am a really lucky slave and a Happy New Year to everyone.

Wednesday 21 June 2017

Damn those Beautiful Eyes

It was oppressively hot; the summer solstice; the hottest day of the year so far. I hadn't seen my owner for three weeks and five days and flowers were the order of the day. And so I arrived, shirt sleeves and no coat despite the slight threat of thunder, but I knew there was definitely going to be a thunder storm in the Chambers because of my previously identified poor shaving. The door was opened by a vision in gold. Mistress appears a young 38, or at a pinch 40, yet on one of her profiles I thought I had read she was 50+. I know Mistress Maggie is always right because Rule 6 says Mistress is never wrong, so it is quite obvious that I had made a mistake or somehow misread the literature. She can't be over 50. Along with not making mistakes, Mistress doesn't forget anything either!

I didn't have long enough to admire her immaculately coiffured jet black hair and her radiant beauty, because I was drawn to her gold latex rear as she leashed my slave collar, keeping me on a very short rein as we ascended to the Playroom. Her face wasn't alone in radiating warmth. Try as I know I should, I couldn't prevent my nose occasionally brushing those wonderfully smooth, golden orbs, feeling her warmth and smelling that perfume that only latex can generate.

Red guiche, red plug and red arse!
A quick-change visit to the bathroom had me hooded and worshipping her black high heels just as Mistress likes; long, slow, wet licks along both shoes. I was trying to make my worship last as long as I could, hoping to distract Mistress from what I knew was coming! As I said, Mistress doesn't forget and true to her word my shaving infraction was next on her agenda.

I was taken on a walk on my lead, several times round the playroom while Mistress explained what I should expect. At least I remembered how to 'walk' to heel, close to Mistresses thigh so she can control her pet, interspersed with the odd crack from her butterfly shaped crop. Maggie explained that I wouldn't be getting a set number of lashes, nor would I receive my beating with a set implement, but instead I would receive a good lathering applied in a random fashion - just like my shaving!

And so it was that I was secured over the high horse and received the most severe beating that I have ever experienced. On quite a few occasions Mistress paused saying 'straighten up slave' and beating me some more. I lost count of how many strokes and with what implement, it did draw tears as I bucked and jerked on the horse and have to admit that I virtually lost it with the amount of pain radiating from my bottom. Mistress explained I had received random strokes with; studded paddle, beach shoe, a two finger tawse, a thick double leather strap finishing with the Delrin cane. I survived - just, but I need to apologise to Maggie for being such a wimp during my chastisement.

Who's a bright spark now?
Did I mention that it was the hottest day so far? Well my backside ended up considerably hotter and I was sweating like the proverbial oink. Whether it was the profuse sweating, the lube up my bumhole or just its wonderful flexibility, but I was soon feeling my new, ribbed, red, flexible butt plug being easily inserted where the sun don’t shine.

After a few moments to recover and with the help of a little talc, Maggie had me easily inserted in my heavyweight black rubber catsuit as well, and I was soon on the latex sheets with wrists chained to the bed ready for Mistress to continue her plan.

I was exhausted after my beating and could barely raise my head from the soft latex pillow, but I could just see Maggie doing this and that, retrieving equipment from here or there then I got a clear vision of her standing level with my exposed cock and balls and drizzling some delightfully cool liquid from a small bottle. What a wonderful Mistress I thought, on the hottest day she is cooling her slave and massaging that coolant all around the base of my shaft and balls. I have said I am owned by the perfect Mistress.

After a little firmer manipulation I realised Mistress was doing a little more than just cooling her property, and although I couldn't see the results this picture never lies. The cooling lubricant was obviously electro-conducting gel to ensure I was a good conductor for the electro chastity cage. Yes - YESSSS Mistress I am definitely getting a response!

Hot and happy.
'Today slave you are going to be my rubber play toy’. . . off came my working mask and on went the heavier, tighter system mask, which certainly helped with my transformation. I lay there manacled and enjoying the situation immensely, apart from when Mistress used her remote control to vary the electronics, that made me enjoy the situation far too much and I groaned a request to Maggie, may I cum?

‘Of course not, you are my play toy’, and off went the electrics for a while leaving a most frustrated slave. I lay there perspiring but very happy. I could hear and get occasional glances of Mistress preparing the bondage Plank and placing the heavy leather sleep sack on top of it. Once ready I was instructed to ease myself onto the Plank, distribute my vast bulk evenly along it and shuffle until I was comfortably inside the sack.

Quiet, you fool!
To say it was warm inside was somewhat of an understatement, but I think I could still manage to drop off to sleep if allowed. No chance. A quick, heavy burst of the electrics every now and then accompanied by whiffs of aromas, applied using the feeding cup up one nostril method, guaranteed I remained wide awake.

You may have gathered that I have a tendency to talk too much and dare I say, waffle a little. I can't help it when I am in my owners company. Mistress knows that I waffle and shortly after I suggested that she cannot possibly be 50, Mistress used another of the system masks’ components to shut me up, but only after she had laughingly asked if I would like to accompany her when she goes to have her birth certificate altered. I love her sense of humour.

I gazed up at Maggie, who by now had brought her high stool to the head of the plank, she sat with her headphones on enjoying some music on her iPod, she swayed rhythmically and very evocatively, letting out a big smile each time she sent another electric blast into my cock cage and up my cock shaft.

This went on for some time before she casually slid down her crotch zip and started caressing herself, inches from my eyes. I looked longingly at my Mistress knowing that was definitely forbidden territory for a simple slave and then gazed into her eyes that were dreamily half closed as she continued to finger her pussy. Those eyes have helped captivate this slave and countless other lucky men. You could just drown in their unfathomable depths.
Enough! At last Mistress stepped down from her stool, re-zipped and seated herself comfortably on a very eager face. By now I was acutely aware that I was swimming inside the sleep sack but Maggie was also aware of the situation and had been plying me with regular sips of water through a rubber straw, not as good as the real McCoy but very welcome all the same. I needn't have fretted, Mistress was to treat me to some proper fluid intake and donned her piss-pants.

Another pillow to assist with my drinking position, another inflatable system gag but this time with a drinking tube attached, and I was about to receive my much sought after infusion from a very full piss reservoir. Not all at once. Mistress knows my limitations and turns her flow tap on and off to provide me with a couple of gulps at a time, as I suck to receive the most welcome drink you could imagine. A little warm if I am honest, but wow, a superb vintage. I have to admit that there was so much available and although in a reasonable drinking position, I could not consume all my wine and Mistress ended up having to waste part of her outpouring. ‘Pity, as I have a particularly full bladder today’ she said. She certainly did and I am certain that when I am in a more upright position, I would not waste even one drop.

Mistress had said I was to be her rubber play toy, however, when she removed the electric chastity device from me I detected a note of disdain, obviously brought on by the sight of the horrible shrunken thing that fell out of it. Maggie said that a vac pump would be an appropriate thing to use on it, an 'encourager' to draw a little size back into her pathetic cock. Mmm, perhaps I might finally be allowed some relief from all my pent up tension?

No chance. Mistress was not going to permit any orgasms. She lubed the area to get a good airtight seal and pumped up the cock and kept pumping ‘. . . even if it’s going hurt, because big cocks are more fun to play with.’ Five minutes later, still pump, pump, pump. . .

It didn't hurt but I was still throbbing with pent up frustration. I know I should not think of my owner Mistress Maggie in such terms but I cannot help myself even after years of training, that I find her stunningly attractive. At least I can withhold an orgasm now. . .

Er. Until I got home of course!

Friday 20 January 2017

A Black Tape Day

I had been dying to show Mistress Maggie my new plum coloured latex catsuit, so I asked if on this occasion it was acceptable to arrive with my catsuit on. Imagine my surprise when she agreed, but not without throwing in a curved ball. ‘Yes that’s fine. Permission granted. Actually, a blindfold might look good with it, if you have one’. Maggie wanted me to arrive at The Chambers wearing a blindfold; I could see several problems with that instruction! Where would I get a blindfold within 20 minutes of leaving home? How would I drive or even walk to the Chambers in a blindfold? It certainly would attract unwanted attention from the locals. Then I had a light bulb moment. Finding an old pair of glasses I set to work with my trusty black electricians tape and scissors, and in no time I had a very effective blindfold that looked just like a pair of sunglasses. I couldn't see anything in front and had only limited vision around the edges of the frame.
Perfect. I would wait until I could see the inner door being opened and then quickly don my blacked out glasses. I felt a bit daft and I felt a bit nervous, but only until I heard that delightful giggle from Mistress and the laughter as she said, ‘come in slave’. My peripheral vision touched on a pair of golden boots and just a hint of a gold latex covered leg.

Still largely blind, I took off my coat and shoes and stood to attention awaiting my instruction. Mistress, with a smile in her voice relented, suggesting it might be safer to go upstairs without the taped up glasses. As I removed my blindfold and put it in my pocket, I had no idea that my black electricians tape was just a pre-curser to bigger things ahead, and that I’d be challenged by a lot more black tape before the day was out. Oh boy was I pleased to have my sight restored, as there in front of me stood Mistress, an absolute vision in striking gold, shortly followed by the sight of those shining golden bum cheeks ascending the stairs, which has to rank as the eighth wonder of the world.

My first duty of the day was to display my devotion with boot worship. In contrast to the smooth feeling latex that covered the rest of my Mistress, her boots were a rough textured material and I could not do my usual long licks. I wondered if Mistress knew how rough and scaly her boots were, obviously the answer to that was yes and as usual Mistress had thought of everything. ’Stick out your tongue and place it on the point of my boot slave’ and she proceeded to drag my tethered head up the length of her golden boots, again . . . again . . . and again . . . and again . . .   Cleaning those scaly lizard like boots was more like licking sandpaper, my tongue was left feeling quite sensitive after so many energetic passes up the boots. Still, I did have the lovely smell of the gold and plum latex to keep me going, I am totally useless with colour matching but I do think the plum and gold look well together, a colourful change to strict black latex as well.

Mistress likes to dress her slaves, however on this occasion I was instructed to keep my catsuit on and Mistress told me to catwalk around her Playroom so that I could show her the full potential of her tightly clad rubber plum toy. The time saved by being pre-dressed dovetailed nicely with a very tight schedule that Mistress had planned. As soon as I had pulled on my black socks and gloves I was ready to assist my Mistress and she required that her cat-suited figure be polished to a high shine. A delightful task enthusiastically undertaken with the help of Mr Sheen and a lot of gentle rubbing. In return, I was greased up and plugged up the ass with a trusty rubber butt plug.

Enough of this enjoyment, time was passing and we had to return to Maggie's plan. My wrists were tied and I was roped to the wooden chair; that simple yet so effective bondage that has held me captive on more than one occasion. Layers of wide plastic wrap were wound loosely around my head, making it fully encapsulated yet still able to breathe, for now. A specially shaped plastic cape was added and left draping over my shoulders while Maggie disappeared to retrieve a third item. The rope binding may have been simple, but I was soon to discover how incredibly effective it was when Mistress tightly wound her thin plastic wrap twice around my head, nose and mouth.

I have never felt so under Mistresses influence and ownership as in those few brief moments before a suitable breathing hole was formed in my tight wrapping. There was nothing I could do. The ropes held very firm and as I struggled all I could see was the hazy vision of my golden goddess in her 'Heart of Gold' catsuit; Maggie's description not mine, but a name which accurately reflects my Owner.

Now to the business end of why all the careful plastic wrapping. I was to receive a full body mummification complete with a black gaffer tape topping. Ah, that was the reason for the plastic shoulder guard; to protect my latex suit from the sticky tape. Starting with my chin and winding downwards, all of the cape was being covered and I was slowly being turned into something resembling a Rodin sculpture.

After that Maggie used the same method to tape up my feet and my legs as high as my knees; clingfilm first then the duct tape winding. We have experienced session shortening cramps on a previous tape mummification when I couldn't move my feet, but todays wrapping was a very different and comfortable type of bondage. Maggie asked me if it was too tight as she was taping and there were no complaints from her slave. With this change to my feet wrap I had the feeling this could be a very long incarceration indeed.

The Plank was now being assembled. Unfortunately, due to me being partially immobilised I had to be parked to one side and act as a bystander while Maggie did all the hard work, I could then bunny hop across to the Plank and lie down, or so I thought. Maggie said the thundering sound of my bunny hops on her floorboards might concern her husband, so we reverted to a sedate slave shuffle instead. As it happens the slave shuffle turned out to be a bonus for me, as I managed to sneak my arms round Mistress on the pretext that I was unstable with my feet bound up, once more getting my hands on her polished gold, which felt even more gorgeous through my latex gloves.

My mummy moment had finally arrived and I sat down on the centre of the bondage plank. ’Down onto the plank . . . Move down a bit . . . bit more’, until Maggie was finally satisfied her charge was in my final resting place and a soft pillow placed beneath my head. It took a while for Mistress to totally mummify her toy, occasionally needing to stretch across me to retrieve her roll of tape from the other side of the plank. I may have been totally immobile but I could still feel the warmth of her beautiful body through the layers of tape, layers of cling-film and layers of latex. For once I was pleased with my girth, as it meant Mistress had further to stretch to get her black gaffer back.

A few magic moments captured on video - WITH SOUND

Meticulous as ever, Maggie made sure every inch was covered and every bit neat and smooth until finally, I was happy just to catch glimpses of my golden goddess as she floated in and out of vision. Vision was the last to go as Maggie gently applied the final tape bindings across my eyes. I lay there approaching that serene state where I was at one with the Plank, at one with the world and happy in the knowledge that my Mistress cared enough for her slave to leave me in this position. And there I stayed for a substantial time.

I may not have been able to see my Mistress, but I could see her in my minds eye. Every now and then, I would fantasise about Mistress doing this and that and odd things to me with her toys and equipment. Totally safe inside my shroud yet totally vulnerable to whatever Mistress wished to do. She had already promised a few incisions and checks to make sure I was still working OK. All I could do was grind my hips in a totally unsatisfying, circular dance, dream of my Mistress and think of my oath to do anything Mistress wanted, immediately and without question.

I have travelled a long way along my road to understanding why I have become so devoted to and dependant on my Mistress and this session certainly provided me with more startling, amazing yet in a way disturbing enlightenment.

Mistress took her scissors and began chopping at my layers and peeling back the outer surface until all my sensitive areas were exposed. Something began happening with my once dangly bits; Mistress was emasculating my cock and balls by stapling them neatly out of harms way, which set off a spontaneous slow, prolonged release of sexual tension. I had no way of preventing the orgasm even if I wanted to, all I know is that I couldn’t help it, and it is not the first time I have reacted this way to her staples and I have been asking myself why.

Perhaps it was the way everything was compressed behind my stapled smooth abdomen, or that my manhood had been made totally useless and ineffective by their owner. Whatever the reason, I know each time I think about this issue, it really excites, thrills and amazes me how far along this road of true ownership we have come.

Mistress did suggest I could take the staples out at home if I wished. An exciting proposition, but I was not yet ready for that major step forward. Not because of potential discovery as I knew I could manage to keep our secret. No, it was the prospect of not being able to get the staples out of my balls; what would it feel like with Mistresses property safely stapled behind what must be the most effective chastity device known to a slave; how would it feel moving 'normally' with my Mistresses jewels ineffective; the feeling of my tight latex pants no longer having a rampant cock and swinging balls to fill them out but a smooth stapled area to casually stroke; the simple requirement of going to the loo; knowing just how much under the power of this magnificent lady I had become and what would it feel like, as frequently happens when I think of this incredibly sexy and sultry Mistress.

These are the reasons why I was reluctant to remove my staples at home. At this time, it was just too mind blowing to contemplate. For the moment I must concentrate hard on preventing future inevitable orgasms.

In any event, Mistress had far more stimulation to keep me entertained until the end of our session. The nipple zips in the new plum suit proved to be in exactly the right place for a pair of little nipple suckers. Maggie explained how she would use them to draw out my nipples into a more accessible size as they had become lazy and introverted. Further stimulations for an already well stimulated slave were provided in the form of eight electrodes. Yes, that is EIGHT electrodes, attached to the tens unit, which were evenly deployed across my lower body where Maggie's cock and balls once stood proud. When deployed in this configuration a previously unexplored range of stimulation was released, creating a  flowing, rippling sensation over a wide area. An unusual and exciting feeling and yet another new and amazing experience.

Apart from a growing pain in the butt plug, I could have remained in the dark, attached to the plank and totally happy to be my Mistresses property, but time marches on and the experience had to end some time. Reluctantly, for me anyway, Maggie decreed that I should be cut free from my amazing home. Mistress removed the staples and I must admit, (another of those might regret comments), I was a little disappointed at the freedom but elated by another step along my path of becoming a better slave to Mistress Maggie.

Friday 15 July 2016

Plain Stupidity

Oh what depths of stupidity can a simple slave sink to? It was only two months ago when I reported in this blog that I had received 20 hard strokes of the cane from Mistress Maggie for carelessness in web addressing. I promised at the time to learn ‘Less haste more attention’, yet here I am having to report exactly the same issues again. A week ago, I received the following from Maggie. ’I’m a bit pissed off, your web addressing is so clumsy slave.’ That was an understatement and in Harry Potter terms, I received a Howler!

Maggie knows that the simple mention of nipple clamps will set her slave wincing. To compound anxiety at being such a stupid slave, at the start of this week, Mistress allowed me a choice:

'  I am not adverse to a little bartering and propose a couple of options. How do we make you learn ‘less haste more attention?' -

a. nipple torture
b. reduced nipple torture plus 40 cane strokes

Make a choice slave, a or b . . .  '

A - I replied by email! The feeling of those 20 intense cane strokes I had taken came flooding back to me, never mind 40. I thought that ‘A’ may be the easier option to manage. Oh how wrong could I be?

I was greeted by Mistress at the door to the Chambers, as always she was a complete picture of power, grace and beauty. Dressed in a stunning black, underwired latex leotard she ushered me in, her legs were adorned with shiny black patent boots complemented by transparent seamed latex stockings, she wore long transparent gloves that gestured me to follow her undulating bottom to the Playroom. Mistress Maggie had me stand before her and chided me for my poor performance, saying ‘your nipples will be badly punished for this’, before explaining, albeit somewhat briefly, the running order for the session. In a change to normal routine, Mistress chose to perform the punishment at the end of our session, and why that decision was the best choice will unfold in the blog.

Mistress said she would like me in full black rubber and to lay my catsuit on the bed. I was then sent to the bathroom to undress and put on my latex stockings and gloves, returning in no time at all to find Mistress reclining on the padded bench awaiting some good boot licking from her slave. So I busied my tongue and set about shining her already shiny knee boots, before Mistress stood up and indicated that I should occupy the padded bench instead. I knelt there, bum raised for my butt plug to be slid home very easily.

Mistress must have liked her slave in this position, as going off at a tangent she allowed herself one of those rare off-script moments; selecting one of her many leather whips and landing fast rotating strokes on my proffered backside with it. The laughing tone in her voice suggested she was much amused. ‘I just couldn’t resist, your ass looked like it needed beating’. Maggie was happy, I was happy and the world was. . . quite a mess actually with Brexit, Nice etc, but at that point I didn't care, I was in my own little world with my owner.

Mistress helped me into my rubber catsuit and I was ready for my next adventure. We adjourned to the Clinic, and there I was tied to a chair; a small length of rope was all that was required to secure my wrists. Maggie produced a roll of standard cling film, suffice is to say that my vision of Mistress was soon transformed from crystal clear to shiny and hazy, the layers were being stretched tight round my head and smoothed into position. I was grateful to feel her finger being forced through the plastic into my mouth, allowing me a necessary breath.

Carefully onto the couch, I was strapped down with legs suspended from the ‘goalpost’ frame and a rigid posture collar strapped round my neck to ensure I was only looking forward. I love watching Maggie move around and this, together with the cling-film, curtailed that visual enjoyment, but Mistress was happy and I could still hear what was going on.

Out came the butt plug and after a couple of long drags from the aroma dispenser to help me relax Mistress vanished, returning a couple of moments later with items that she started feeding into my vacant orifice. ‘Piss ice cubes’, she proudly announced and fed them one by one into my eager cave, pushing them deep inside with a medical instrument. It was a strange feeling or rather a lack of a strange feeling. I could tell the four ice cubes were up there but there was very little discomfort normally associated with the application of ice to the human body.

As I lay there relishing the thought that Mistress had allowed some of her juices to actually be inside me, I received more excellent news in the form of that soft tinkling sound, as Mistress stood beside my left ear and emptied the contents of her bladder into a jug. The pee was quickly decanted into the large enema bag and I was informed that some very warm fluids would be joining the four piss cubes.

More relaxation from the aromas and the Bardex double balloon enema tube was in place. No discomfort whatsoever, in fact I really love how Mistress handles insertions into my bum; sufficient lubrication, gentle insertion, judicious application of relaxing aromas, she has trained me well. Not satisfied that I was receiving my fill, (big smile from me as I realised my bum capacity exceeded that of Mistresses considerable bladder), so a quick trip to the bathroom for a jug full of warm water to supplement her juices in the enema bag and. . . . just lay there and enjoy the liquid infusion. It is a very pleasant sensation to receive the warm water and pee mixture, I smiled once more because I knew I had quite a lot of my Mistress actually inside me this time. Melting piss cubes coming into contact with the warm piss and colon walls had now added to the considerable amount of liquid gurgling around inside my distended stomach.

Once emptied, the enema tube was securely clamped and plugged, and I was full of Mistresses very special golden juice, very comfortable and mentally such a turn on. I might well have had an accompanying erection, but Mistress was now fitting some very heavy equipment around cock and balls that turned out to be a metal chastity cage. More of that later.

Then things started to take a turn for the worse. Up until now there had been no attention to nipples, despite their zips being wide open and free range for Maggie. I think my nipples had retracted as far as they could in an attempt to escape their imminent punishment, but to no avail. The suction cups came out and Maggie started winding them up to create a vacuum around my freshly lubricated buds. Every few minutes, Mistress applied a few more turns of the screws and kept pulling the cups to make sure they were firmly attached and doing their job of stretching my nipples. I would have willingly told her if only she’d asked and if I didn't have a breathing tube stuck in my mouth. I could have also told her that the nipples didn't need the extra weight suspended from the ’goalpost’ frame, and that is perhaps the reason why I needed the breathing tube, to keep me quiet!

OK quick resume: bowels full of Mistresses piss, head covered in cling film, cock locked up, strapped to a gynae couch, nipples being distended and sucked out of hibernation - next came the bombshell. ‘Right. Back to the Playroom to start your nipple punishment now slave’.

Start the punishment! My nipples were already standing out like the new door chime I had rung much earlier. As Mistress was making final preparations for the move, I could vaguely see her fondling the roll of cling film and off came another length and straight across my face and importantly my aghast mouth hole. Unconcerned that I was now struggling for breaths, Mistress continued with her removal preparations. It was then I discovered why Mistress had bought standard cling film to incarcerate her slaves' head. With a single film over my mouth I sucked really hard to let Mistress know I was about to expire, this resulted in a loud pop like a balloon bursting and I had sucked an air hole for myself. Maggie just carried on untying my straps and cutting off the head shroud as if nothing had happened. I am the property of an amazing woman and true expert in getting the best out of her slaves.

Waddling back to the Playroom with the two Bardex pumps swinging between my legs the punishment part of my session was about to start. I was given some latex head gear instead: the open latex hood and the special face muzzle. Lying flat on the low punishment bench my hands were 'mitted' and strapped out of the way and my head placed inside the Stocks that were in turn hung from the overhead ring. If punishing my nipples hadn't been the order of the day, I was in the perfect position to have my Mistress sink her latex covered rump over a very eager slaves mouth. As it was, with my now extended and available nipples, Maggie set about torturing them. I use the word torture because that is exactly what she did. I knew I fully deserved whatever punishment Maggie thought was necessary and was resolved to accept it in the best way I could.

With light pinches it started off OK, but as Maggie sat on my piss extended abdomen she started work on both nipples with her sharp nails. Unlike a clamp which is a short sharp pain followed by a growing ache, Maggie's nails were relentless. Left scratch right scratch, left, right, left, left, right, right, gripping my nipples with her nails and squeezing and pulling them hard in all directions. All the time I was getting closer to that edge. I could tell I had arrived at the pain threshold because my breathing starts to go really ragged with the pain, I had to really beg ‘Mistress. No more. PLEASE no more. . . ‘. I am fortunate Mistress knows when I am 'there’, she released me and allowed a few minutes of calmness before moving me to the Throne, where a chain was used round my chest and my hands securely cuffed, my Bardex balloons dangling nicely through the central hole in the Throne. I used the brief respite to regulate my breathing and retreat as far as I could from that pain edge.

Maggie took a dog brush and dragged the horrible nylon bristles back and forth across my chest. Occasionally she wiped away a few spots of blood. My ordeal wasn't over, nor should it have been. I had really disappointed my Mistress and it was up to her to decide the punishment. The box of nipple clamps was put on the table. ‘Oh look, do you remember these nice custardy yellow ones for cowards? You've worn these before’. Yes and they had bloody well hurt, that was before my nipples were battered and ripped to shreds and very sore, yet strangely after a few moments recovery Mistress applied the yellow perils and I was able to absorb the pain; I deserved it and would cope with the discomfort. It didn't stop me from really pleading with Mistress as the pain grew intense, I had been granted permission to shout and cry, this punishment was justified and I had no complaints.

After two more styles of nipple clamps, I was once again approaching that edge. This time Mistress determined that enough pain had been inflicted and I was well and truly punished for my misdemeanours, perhaps now I will remember ‘Less haste more attention’. I think that’s why my owner decided to undertake punishment at the end of the session. If I was that close to my pain threshold after an early punishment I would have been of little use in the Clinic, more of a wimp and Mistress would miss out on some of her hard earned enjoyment.

Brilliant strategist is Mistress Maggie.

Two things worthy of mention occurred after the formal end of my punishment, beginning with some sumptuous recovery time on the Playroom latex bed. Maggie innocently said I would have to go home wearing the chastity device fitted in the Clinic, but when she went under cover to check it, it had disappeared; the device not her cock and balls I hasten to add. I must have a cock and balls tutored by Houdini, either that or I had relaxed and recovered so much that it had just dropped off. Then later as we were having a 'wind down' coffee, Mistress sat herself down on the sofa, gave me a cloth and Mr Sheen and I was re-acquainted with her patent boots and told to polish them. I found that action so natural and just enjoyed the act of continuing to serve my owner.

Did I have another good session? Yes another excellent one. I deserved the punishment and will really try harder to consistently please my Mistress.
Are your nipples still sore? Bloody well yes. The following morning I could barely touch the buds; not helped by Mistress stamping each nipple with the ‘I’ve been punished by Mistress Maggie’ stamp. I do love these extra bits of attention that I am granted.
Is Mistress really sadistic? Yes but only when you deserve it, or when she feels like it!