Showing posts with label chastity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chastity. Show all posts

Friday 24 May 2024

Oh... and Wear your Big Pants!

Now those who follow my blog will know that whenever Mistress Maggie instructs me to wear ‘big pants’ in her calling mail, I always leave the Chambers with some massively inflated balls. You may also remember that previously I have relied on a rather nice pair of latex pants to make sure that any leakage on the way home would be contained, and even so I have still experienced a couple of leaks. That was until recently, when Mistress produced a pair of incontinence pants and insisted I wear them to go home in, which certainly solved the problem. So, this time I popped into a local store close to The Chambers and bought my own; a 10 pack of large size pants. Oh boy am I pleased I did get them. More of that later. The more regular instruction was to pack my black latex suit, accessories and of course my own red butt plug.

I arrived outside the Chambers with probably the most comprehensive guide as to what was about to happen and a huge smile on my face at the thought that Mistress would once more be let loose on my body with absolutely no restrictions from this very devoted slave. The ultimate aim is when I leave, Maggie is happier than when I arrived.

Mistress greeted me in her black and white nurses outfit; most appropriate as I knew I was to be subjected to the upcoming medical procedure. I never fail to be mesmerised by Maggie's beauty and plain sexiness, and once again had that overwhelming urge to kiss and fondle her bottom as I followed her shiny latex pants and tightly corseted waist up towards the Playroom. I am too well trained to allow myself to be drawn into that lovely rubbery environment, but live in hope that one day Mistress may stop on the stairs and allow me that luxury.

In the Playroom, now clad in my newly chlorinated gloves and socks, I set about licking, kissing and worshipping those beautiful legs encased in her knee boots, while fighting the urge to cross the boundary between boots and the forbidden latex area above them. Whatever actions I take are always with the consent of my Mistress otherwise what has all this training been for? Light encouragement from Maggie's black and white crop, used gently enough not to hurt but sufficiently hard, played a part in reminding me that I was there for Mistresses pleasure and not my own.

I was ordered face down with bottom raised, at which point Maggie sat on my back and started to lube my anus. Even this simple action of sitting astride my bare back in her warming latex trousers sent shivers down my spine. I can feel the warmth radiating from the heavenly interior and all thoughts of my wonky knees just vanishes. It may appear a relatively insignificant act but to a slave craving any contact from his owner, this is a little part of heaven.

Once the electro plug was inserted, Mistress helped me into my Invincible working suit and zipped me in, making sure the butt plug cables were safely routed through one of the 5 zips in the suit. That tight suit feels fantastic especially when Maggie helps me into it and then starts to dust off any talc with one of her soft cloths. Again more contact, even through rubber, is exactly what draws me closer and closer to my Mistress and I believe Maggie fully understands this sensual contact as every now and then I get he most gentle yet highly charged stroke to somewhere on my latex clad body.

Maggie explained the next part of the procedure. I was to be restrained in a black heavy rubber body bag and secured further with a series of white straps. Of course, I have promised to agree to whatever she wishes to do, especially when it means an extra layer of latex! I was soon encapsulated in the body bag, but if the white straps were fully tightened there would be no way I could manoeuvre into the Clinic.

As is often the case Maggie had already thought of that, saying that she would lightly tighten them to make sure they would all fit round the right places but would tighten them later in a manner that would also immobilise my arms. I was thus able to hop from the Playroom to the Clinic, where I was able to position myself on the latex covered couch and Mistress proceeded to tighten the straps while incorporating my arms. Now I really couldn't move even if I wanted to, which I didn't. There was no need for the fitted couch straps. I just wasn't moving.

I was then fitted with a side port gas mask. That really was a struggle to get over my head and Maggie ended up having to slacken off all the straps. Even so my poor Mistress continued to struggle with it before finally being satisfied that it was in place and air tight. To finish off my complete rubberization, Maggie fitted an open faced hood over the gas mask and once more I was in my favourite apparel; completely covered in rubber.

At that stage there was not a single square inch that was exposed to the Clinic air. I think it is also one of Mistresses favourite scenarios with her slave totally covered in heavy rubber. Just to add a little more spice to the situation, Maggie went round each strap and further tightened each one. Sometimes I wonder if my owner is telling me I am too fat!

I was now ready for the main event. Maggie wanted to undertake some creative needle work and proceeded to create a sterile area round my cock and balls before inserting a cannula needle. A chastity device swiftly followed, secured with the click of a lock and I was ready for some creative ball play. I do love it when Maggie lets her creative juices flow on my cock and balls. I am happy to take the little pricks provided my Mistress is enjoying herself, and once it was attached to the cannula needle she was happy that the saline drip was flowing nicely.

Mistress allowed me quite a few whiffs of aromas to ease any discomfort as she inserted 8 hooks in my inflating balls and attached a bandage to each hook, the other ends being stretched and attached to the Goalpost attachment at the foot of the couch. Needless to say, I didn't dare move to look at the results of her artistry, as one move on my part may have disrupted Maggie's otherwise impeccable hooking. To finish off the artistic creation, a series of green needles were inserted to create a framework for my now massively inflated balls.

When I saw the images that Maggie had taken I was mesmerised and delighted that once again Maggie had transformed my mostly miserable looking set of genitals into a masterpiece.

2 * 2 Ltr rebreather bags

Once satisfied with her artistic creation and my obvious joy at the outcome, Maggie wanted to test my lungs with a pair of 2ltr re-breather bags attached to the gas mask. Even though I say so myself, I was moderately pleased with the length of time I managed in this configuration. I managed to keep them replenished with air, breathing slowly in, slowly out, while thinking and hoping that Maggie was happy with my efforts.

With the cage removed Mistresses soft side was presented to her slave when she gently massaged my freed cock and a happy ending was had by all.

Ok, back to my foresight having purchased the male sanitary pants. I definitely needed their protection because of the number of punctures to my ball sack, both from the needles and hooks. There was a lot of saline oozing from the various holes and some spots of bleeding too. By the time I got home the pants had done their job and internalised the leakage, but I did need to change for a fresh pair as there was still a little saline trying to make its way out. So, be warned. If you are instructed to come in your 'big pants' then invest in some sanitary pants. They are worth their weight in wee. I now always have a pair in my perv bag.

Would I go through it again? OF COURSE. And more, because at the end of the day I think Maggie enjoyed her artistic interlude and that is all that matters. Thank you Mistress Maggie.

Friday 12 May 2023

Silver Top

The title has absolutely nothing to do with the full fat milk popular on many doorsteps. Well, I suppose there is a tenuous link with the full and fat description, both of which have been used to describe this ageing rubber pervert. I don't mind because I am both, but enough of this self-deprecation.

I had absolutely no concept about the exciting adventure that we were about to embark on, as Mistress Maggie had given absolutely nothing away in the calling mail. All that Mistress said was ‘See you tomorrow for more rubber fun.’ The start was exactly as this slave has learnt to expect; a beautiful Mistress welcoming me into her rooms of wonderment, this time clad in her gold latex catsuit, peaked military hat and shiny black patent boots which came well up her thighs. 

I was pleased on two counts. Firstly I was delighted that Maggie felt sufficiently comfortable to wear a catsuit after her operation, and secondly the length of the boots was most enticing and as you might expect, just the sight of them lets me know my place, and also a great tease to this rubber slave.

I think Mistresses military hat must have gone to her head, because she seemed to get perverse pleasure in cropping my backside as I cuddled, kissed and licked both boots. I was happy as I will do anything to help make my Mistress happier.

Back to the Silver Top title. At the start of the week I had been idly flicking through videos on the internet under the general heading of tape mummification, looking for something I’d like myself and to suggest as a possible scene for a future session. One particular example really caught my attention and dare I say it, produced quite a stir in my little cock. 

The scene that unfolded involved a young lady sitting relaxed at a table and agreeing to her partner making several modifications to her head. First off was a fabric gag that filled her mouth before having tape over her mouth to keep it firmly in place. Two small pieces of tape across eyelids kept them shut. Once completed, a quick wrap of cling film created the perfect base for a complete head taping with shiny black tape; a very neat mummification by the way. Not content with this, her partner after thoroughly smoothing the black tape fitted a tight-fitting black latex hood with nose holes only, and finished the head wrap with a black leather posture collar. As I said, this really turned me on with the thought that under the rubber was a comprehensive tape covering… 

Well, I sent off the link to Maggie with a suggestion that she may wish to consider this as part of a session. I don’t like suggesting this type of scenario as I prefer Mistress to do whatever she wishes, but on the other hand, Mistress does like to keep on top of what’s floating her slaves’ boat and has been known to admonish me for not making any suggestions.

When I suggested the scenario, I’d hinted that Mistress could do anything she wanted to her blind, deaf and dumb slave, I would be compliant and totally at her mercy. As it turned out my hint could not have been further from the truth…  

A lead was snapped on and I was led away to the Clinic with no idea of what intentions Maggie had for me. My imagination was running away with me now, visions of the young lady in the video were vivid, how erotic she looked and how strange I must look in my silver top. Hearing was difficult for me now, so relying on being pushed and pulled in whichever direction Maggie wanted me to go was my only option.

With guidance I was manoeuvred on to the couch with my legs secured high in the stirrups and the motorised couch was slowly sending me into a reclining position. When a gloved hand began to lubricate my back passage it was fair to believe that I would be taking a pegging. Of course I could not see, but Mistress was already positioned ready to invade me and the tip of her gold strap-on was now teasing my hole.

If you examine the picture of the silver head, you might see that a problem may be developing. The wrap across the bridge of the nose was perfectly all right when I was vertical, but as the couch moved towards the horizontal I found it increasingly difficult to breathe out. Breathing in was fine, but a flap in the back of my nose had closed and I couldn’t breathe out from my nose, meanwhile my thoroughly stuffed and taped up mouth prevented exhalation that way too. Articulating my distress through hand signals and grunts had Mistress produce her safety scissors and she began hacking away at the wrapping around my airways, I was able to explain my situation once I had a little saliva around my mouth and with the couch returned to a more seated position I was soon able to breathe more normally again.

I really need to apologise to my Mistress for ruining what she wanted to do to her slave. After what had happened I was not in any kind of ideal orientation for a pegging and to make things worse, despite taking care to do my pre-session hygiene the few thrusts I took up my bum from her strap-on left it a filthy mess! I could tell, even in my severely restricted state, that I had disappointed her, the moment was gone and it was inevitable that my silver head wrap had to be cut off. Maggie pointed her slave towards the bathroom and threw me a towel with the instruction. ‘Go and clean yourself up!

We did not dwell on the hiccup with my training, instead a quick sojourn back to the Playroom had me inserted into my full black latex, and for the two hundred and somethingth time I was Mistresses rubber plaything. Mistress soon had me back to the clinic to have some very interesting additions made to my cock and balls. You may remember from other blogs that occasionally my balls and particularly in this case my errant cock have tendencies to do their own thing. I was to be locked in an electric chastity cage that has its electrodes on the inside, well for whatever reason, cock was not playing fair and it took Maggie several attempts to charm it into the small red chamber and snap a lock on it. Her testing process confirmed that the electric stimulation was working loud and clear. On the other hand, the rubber oxballs sack with internal electrodes went on perfectly over my balls, and that too tested positive for electrical contact.

Once satisfied, Mistress led me back to the Playroom with instructions to be careful with the leads to cock and ball circuits. Maggie had spent time prior to my arrival assembling her rubber vacuum bed, which was neatly laid out next to the Playroom bed and I was told that I would be spending the rest of my session inside it. I have had quite a bit of practice climbing into the bed; slide in gently from the side opening and carefully position your body so the mouth is under the breathing hole and legs into the corners of the vacbed; a manoeuvre made so very easy due to the vacuum bed being chlorinated.

When Maggie jokingly said that she would climb in with me to make sure my breathing apparatus was installed properly, I was sorely tempted to plead with her to do so, but instead I meekly took the offered anaesthetic mask, attached it as instructed and made sure it was connected to the external plug. It is very easy to breathe inside the vacbed with the mask, and I laid back to relax.

Mistress threaded the electric cables through a port to the outside of the vacbed and placed a pillow under my head, I was most comfortable as I lay there contemplating life and my Owner, only to be rudely interrupted by the pulsing of the cock electrodes as Maggie set the e-stim gently throbbing.

Some final pieces of equipment were attached to the air intake, and I was ready once more to be transported closer to heaven by my Mistress. The two add-ons were the aromas pump hose and a re-breather bag. I was ready for being vacuumed! The side was sealed and the high-powered vacuum pump soon had me in the tightest of predicaments. I was loving every moment, the suction, the throbbing of the electric… in fact the whole scene. 
Just as an aside, although the latex looks black and impenetrable the top surface is actually a translucent smokey black, so when the suction is on and the latex tightens you get a strange, eerie, dark view of the world. Well not exactly a view, more an impression on what is happening. I could see shapes and see Mistresses outline as she moved around. I soon settled into the familiar rhythm of the rebreather bag; long, slow inhales and exhales. This allows the bag to deflate and allow some fresh air in. I must have been well in that zone because Mistress complimented me afterwards on how well her slave had performed, rebreathing for about an hour before Maggie decided I had received far too much pleasure for one day.

In that hour, I was erotically stroked, and yes I can tell the difference when Maggie takes her gloves off to caress her slave, I could see the outline as Mistress gently laid along her slave and massaged me all over with her tight latex covered body, allowing me to savour the slippery sensations that transpire when two chlorinated garments come together. Later when the electric was raised a little more I could also feel the tattoo of the riding crop on my right nipple, beating time to the electro induced thrusts of my body. Now and then, when Maggie deemed it appropriate, I received a very welcome dose of my aromas delivered straight to my anaesthesia mask by the aroma pump hose.
We naturally discussed the test of the head taping after the session, and Maggie has a few ideas to modify the test method to make it more satisfying for her and more workable for her slave. I must applaud Mistress Maggie for incorporating another of my fantasies in such a short time frame and offer my sincerest thanks to her for her patience and for being my Mistress, my tormentor but above all, my friend. 

I certainly got my rubber fun today.

Warning: This 1:31min head wrap clip has audio

Friday 17 December 2021

Christmas Stuffed and Wrapped


This was my last training session prior to the Christmas break and I thought about giving the blog a Christmas theme:  

Tis the season to be Jolly

Fa la la la la, la la la la (fa la la la la, la la la la)

Stuff the slave with great big dildo

Fa la la la la, la la la la (fa la la la la, la la la la)

Then fix the slave with lots of poly

Fa la la la la ...

Then I realised the session was far too intense and enjoyable to trivialise with Vogon Christmas carols, so I shall just share my experiences as they happened -

Down down deeper and down

Book appointment  👍

Confirmation mail from Mistress 👍 
A.M. do Rapid Lateral Flow Test 👍

Hour before ring Mistress to confirm 👍

Arrive exactly on time wearing mask 👍

Temperature taken by Maggie 👍

Provide proof of negative covid test 👍

Follow that glorious latex derrière to Playroom 👍

and let the real enjoyment begin.

The calling letter from Mistress Maggie gave a lot more scope for my imagination to work on -

‘Your rubber Mistress has been spawning ideas for an experience that will have you swimming into the festive season, in double layers my plaything will be suitably decorated and going with the flow’.

Although I couldn't glean what exactly might happen, there was sufficient reverie to tickle and excite my active imagination. Maggie had greeted me in her shiny gold catsuit which shimmered invitingly throughout the preliminaries, and once I was stripped down to nothing but my rubber socks and gloves I was soon worshipping her knee high black boots with some encouragement from her riding crop. Not that I needed any encouragement and not that Mistress used the crop in anger, more a giddy up and get on with it slave. It was a little different from my normal place of worship in so much that Maggie was casually poised on a tall stool, but my position was as appropriate as always: kneeling at her feet in worship, ready to lick, kiss and generally enjoy the experience. I know not to stray above the boots with my worship but it didn't stop my nose being assailed with the most glorious scent of latex and Mistress.

Mistress then employed me to do some furniture shifting.‘Bring the padded bench into the room please slave. Park it alongside the bed, and take this stool out while you’re there', she said. I knew Mistress wouldn’t be having me shift furniture without some ulterior motive, and true to form I soon found myself draped over the bed with arms outstretched, chained by my wrists to the bed posts and having an aromas soaked towel held over my nose. I few deep breaths had me feeling relaxed, ready for what can only be described as a penetrating experience. Mistress donned her strap-on and loaded it with her large gold dildo, then lubing me up she slowly mounted her slave.

After a good few minutes riding me, Maggie decided she had had enough but my asshole hadn't, so taking off the dildo she sat on the bed and proceeded to make sure it went in deeper and deeper. Once satisfied (and so was I 😁) that her largest electro butt plug would go in easily, the monster was installed snugly in my asshole and tested to ensure it was working ok.

It didn't take long to have me zipped safe and sound inside my Invincible catsuit, with the bum electro leads fed through one of the zippers. It was then that I understood where the next part of the session was heading. Maggie was going to shrink wrap her slave to the Plank and the legs were being screwed onto it ready to get started. Out came the pre-prepared plastic cape, made to make the shoulder wrapping easier and ensure the neck isn’t wrapped too tight, (I have repeatedly eulogised about how thorough and thoughtful Maggie is in her preparation and the comfort of her slaves) it was draped round my shoulders and the cling film wrap commenced.

Mistress had devised a better way of plank wrapping her slave, I was to stand there like a maypole while Maggie circled round me again and again, winding me up with her roll of film until I was thoroughly covered in layers of see through plastic between neck and thighs. The film was then smoothed down before laying me on the plank for the final lower wrap. We agreed that by leaving my legs free it would be easier for me to straddle the plank and shuffle backward or forwards into the best position, Maggie would then be able to clingfilm my legs together.

That worked superbly well, my legs were temporarily roped to the overhead gantry and et voila, it was easy to wrap the legs. Mistress asked me if I needed any cushions and put one under my head and another under my calves. Things then started to get somewhat immobile as Maggie proceeded to wrap me to the plank. I must say I like that experience because I can just make out Maggie's superb breasts as she leans over to pass the roll round her slave. Some good that did apart from urging my cock to become more active.

Maggie wanted her slave totally plasticised. By using her inflatable plastic hood she could achieve that and use its mouth tube to incorporate some restricted breathing, but she also wanted me to experience the joys of more aromas: a plan that created a bit of a quandary. In my experience Maggie has never been a lady who’s foxed by a challenge, so I wasn’t at all surprised when a few moments later she leapt up with a eureka solution. First I was fitted into the latex anaesthetic hood then, with a tight squeeze, the transparent plastic one was forced over the top, and before I knew it my head was puffed up like a balloon. After that my vision became somewhat hazy and even moreso when Mistress said. ‘Let’s find out if these hoods work shall we? Take a deep breath out slave…’ The aroma cloth was held over my mouth tube ‘… and take a deep breath in!... Heaven - I was able to breathe through my nose to get the full effect and Mistress caressed my head with her latex gloves as I floated away into a marvellous place.

By now I was no more than a rigid plaything, a mummy for Mistress to do with as she pleased and that involved freeing a space in the wrapping where my cock was already trying to make its escape. Snip, snip went the scissors and my cock and balls pulled through to the outside. However, their freedom was only short lived because Mistress had assembled some special devices designed to inflict electric current on the groin area. My cock was locked in an electric chastity cage and an electro scrotal bag  stretched over the top to encapsulate my balls. So three electric circuits were used, one to cock, one to balls and one up my bum, giving Mistress the chance to use her new electric control box and the thrill of sending her stimulating electric pulses flowing in all directions.

Over time those electro levels were being gradually raised, each time I got used to a new sensation a little bit more was added. Maggie made sure her plaything knew its survival lay in her hands by occasionally cutting off my air supply with her rubbered finger, at other times she would feed me with life-giving water or send her sweet breaths down my airway tube. 

The ambience in the room then changed: a disco light was positioned so that the effects were visible through the plastic inflatable hood and the main lighting turned off. That was a strange sensation. Gazing at all the blues, yellows and greens swirling above me was such a different ambience and as I quietly lay there I thought of nothing but Mistress Maggie. Was it brain washing, a psychedelic experience or just a vision of the heaven that Maggie had brought me to? Whatever, I momentarily returned to the Christmas theme of Peace On Earth.

With the scene set and her work done Maggie took up a reclining position on the bed and put her feet up on the object she’d created. I do enjoy being her footstool and loved every minute, however, the joy didn’t last forever. The electric levels were raised reasonable high by now, and running her latex hands over my torso to check my temperature Maggie decided to increase the heat. Hello hairdryer!  - it’s heat was used all over me, making my wrapping shrink just a little bit more before concentrating on my chastity cage and playing with my self control. I didn't last long and as Maggie expected I ended up apologising again! Mistress Maggie knows her slave very well, there was no way I could stop my cock from exploding! I really don’t mind, because Maggie can do and does do whatever she wishes with this slave.

This was the best possible Christmas present and thank you Mistress for giving your slave a VERY Merry Christmas. I really look forward to 2022 and as I said, the session was too wonderful to descend into Vogon.

Friday 21 February 2020

Cane Again

I am probably not the brightest of slaves and I am certainly not the best of slaves but what I can offer to Mistress Maggie is absolute loyalty, commitment and obedience. Today I was left marveling at how far Mistress has brought me in my role as her slave, when I accepted it as perfectly normal that I was to receive 6 cane strokes. Mistress had merely posted a note on the bathroom wall next to a bottle of my talc depicting a cane and 6*. I wasn't sure why, but it is rare for me to be caned unless I need to learn a lesson. That is my life and I totally accepted that I would receive 6 of the best.

Knocking at the Playroom door I immediately found myself inserted into a rather fetching black latex hood and my attention directed towards Maggie's boots. Mistress had given her figure the Midas touch, the latex catsuit and matching boots that so seductively adorned her beautiful body were made of a magnificent gold, and with instruction, my tongue was put to work to give her boots additional shine.

It didn't take long for me to be told why I was to receive the 6 strokes. That bottle of talcum powder belonged to me and I had left it there after my last session . . .  and on quite a few other occasions as well, I'm afraid to say. Despite Mistress persistently reminding me to take my talcum home I have to admit to forgetting it. ‘How many times have I told you that I have no need for your cheap talc? Lets see if my smoked dragon can instil that fact into your thick skull slave’. Fortunately, it was my fat arse rather than my cranium that received its attention. Face down on the latex bed and a few swishes to set the tone then thwack 'One. Thank you Mistress' Thwack, 'Two. Thank you Mistress' . . . until all six were safely counted across my backside. I deserved it and we moved on.

I must have lost a bit more weight because I climbed easily into my working latex catsuit. Again I was pleased as Mistress congratulated me getting dressed in record time. High praise indeed and one any dedicated slave lives for. My bum was then given different attention after the caress of the cane in the form of a remote vibrating butt plug. Bending over, down went my bum zip, on went the condom and in went the plug, much to Mistresses amusement as I started twitching as soon as the vibes started.

However, I wouldn’t be wriggling for too long, I might be twitching a lot but wriggling was definitely out  as I was about to be the subject of Maggie’s tape mummification, wound up tightly and suspended on her plank! Standing to attention, roughly in the centre of the Playroom I received a quick but thorough application of clingfilm that had me feeling nicely cocooned inside the wrapping.

A useful tip here is to stand with your feet at 10 to 2. This will give you the maximum stability as Maggie winds the wrap round and round. Don't think though that you remain with this much freedom as your legs will be taped together later. It is important for Mistress to get a good film base, otherwise when tape is applied there is the distinct likelihood that you will end up with tape marks on the latex. Maggie is of course an expert in mummification and the heavy industrial tape was applied in winds of overlapping layers, then hand smoothed all over. Its a nice feeling having a beautiful woman's hands running over your taped torso.

Maggie's aim was to mummify me standing up because it is far easier to apply both film and tape with a vertical slave, with me transplanted into a corner she could then set up the plank, complete the mummification and whisk me off my feet; well hoist the plank on the overhead and then... Well, the first part went well and I was even able to waddle to lean against the Cell door as Maggie constructed the Plank, that is the advantage of 10 to 2 feet you can actually waddle duck like. Mistress cut the film at knee level to allow me to bend them and I managed to ease myself onto the Plank roughly where Maggie instructed.

Things then got trickier and two things happened. Firstly if you have ever tried sitting down whilst filmed and taped, you’ll know that it’s not at all easy to bend your middle to maintain a sitting position. Mistress only allows deliberate hurt when she is in control and so I felt really sorry for her as she attempted to aid this lump of a slave on to the plank without inadvertently hurting myself. Once I had been guided into a lying position there was a sigh of relief from Maggie before she instructed me to reposition myself so as to even up the weight distribution.

Secondly, cling film, tape and a varnished plank do an excellent job of sticking together. It took some effort, but using a strange snake-like motion I managed to wiggle down the planks’ length one small inch at a time. That really got my sweat glands working and I was happy just to lie there and rest while Mistress gathered some bits and pieces.

So far so good, but the wrapping was not quite  complete. Maggie finished with a layer of film and I became one with the plank. Rather than wrap my head in film and tape I was to wear the tusk mask; a nice touch that allows aspects of both breath control and nectar drinking, though today the mask was chosen for easy administration of aromas.

But for Maggie's quick reactions things could have ended up a little topsy turvy as she attached the chains and started the lift. Raising the plank one end at a time I was suspended in all my duct tape and plastic around two feet from terra firm, thereafter  with every extra pull on the ropes I gently started to capsize, a bit like a ship that had just been torpedoed. ‘Hmmm, Mistress I feel like I am tippling over…’

I honestly found it quite funny, of course I was safely plasticked to the plank and wouldn’t fall off it whatever way up is was. You would certainly find it hard writing a script for our capsizing scene! Fortunately Maggie took charge and lowered both ends before I totally turned turtle. We assumed that it was a problem with weight centering and I have certainly more than enough weight to centre!

As I really couldn't move an inch to re-balance the plank the suspension was abandoned and I ended up cut free and safely on the floor, still rigidly cocooned but stable. Unperturbed, Mistress rolled me over where she wanted me and carried on with her plans. The tough tape was again smoothed of any wrinkles that I had created in my unbalanced state followed by the sound of snipping scissors. Maggie set about cutting out my cock and balls, not literally thank goodness, that will probably form some future amusement for Mistress, but the tape surrounding that area. That was a relief to get some cool air on at least a small area of my otherwise very warm taped body, and I was left there cocooned on the floor for quite some time.

Eventually Mistress reappeared and the clattering steel tray she was carrying awakened me from my slumber. I could see her gold figure towering over me as she began pumping a potion of intoxicating aromas into my mask. Naturally, when she moved lower down my body I couldn't see, but I could feel Mistress applying a cage then the tightening of the clamps round my balls. Time for more aromas I think as the threaded bars began clutching my balls really tight. With her normal sense of humour, Mistress said I was benefiting from a few steel ornaments. I knew better. My balls were being crushed by the metal restraints.

I will probably wish I hadn't said this, but the feeling of physical contact and a little discomfort was a relief after being wrapped up like a parcel. I still couldn't see what was happening down below, but Mistress kindly took time to show me the very long ribbed sound through the tusk mask lenses. It slid in easily through the central hole in the cock cage and disappeared all the way down the centre of my cock.

I really could not work out the very strange, very pleasant sensations that followed and were accompanied by a metallic rattling sound. I thought it maybe Maggie running a vibrator over the cage, cock and embedded sound. It was of course Maggie gently withdrawing and reinserting the ribbed sound and the rattle was the noise as it contacted the central hole in the cock cage.

What a finish. Mistress retrieved her Hitachi wand and started firstly playing with my cock, then once more coming into view above me  she pleasured herself through her tight latex. By now she had removed the tusk mask and straddled my head as she continued to allow the wand to work its magic. I lay there in total wonderment to see Mistress play with the wand before opening her zip and allowing a stream of refreshment enter my mouth. All the while the vibrating butt plug had been doing its duty, out of sight but not out of mind.

Thank you Mistress Maggie. I don't think I would have escaped that mummification unaided.

WARNING: This 1min 13sec clip has audio.

Friday 6 December 2019

What a Shocking Christmas Pud

I was ringing the door to Mistress Maggie’s Chambers for the final time in the 2010's. Like all the slaves who visit her in December I had to wipe my feet on her special Christmas doormat. Maggie was sporting a very obvious strap-on dildo, and once I had hung up my coat we followed behind it, all the way upstairs to the Playroom. Footwear worship came first, and today involved a new pair of black ankle boots that Mistress had only recently acquired. It was an honour to be knelt before her in my rightful place and to be one of the first to pay homage to these elegant, stylish boots. I even surreptitiously managed the softest touch against the fishnet tights that adorned Maggie’s beautiful legs, but of course rules are rules ‘boots only slave’, and it was only an accidental touch of those most wonderful calves.

One satisfied slave being stuffed ready for Christmas.
Although twenty days away from Christmas this was the nearest session to the big day that I could arrange. Even so, the festive spirit was starting early in the Preston Chambers. As you might expect around the Christmas festive season, thoughts turn to stuffing the turkey, making the Christmas pudding, log decorations and, of course that Nat King Cole classic 'Deck the balls with boughs of holly’, or some kinky version thereof. I can only hope that my Mistress was able to experience at least half the festive spirit that was engendered in her slave as we navigated through my last Christmas of this decade in these heavenly surroundings.

Maggie’s fertile imagination was on fire again as became evident when this years’ celebrations got off to a seasonal start by stuffing her slave. It is incredibly liberating knowing that my owner can stuff her slave whenever she wishes, and indeed she frequently does. I was strapped across the Playroom horse, oiled and mounted from the rear by the comfortably sized strap-on. No need for stretching exercises for my anus, just gentle and steady pressure as the dildo eased in then I was fucked, plain and simple by the only person I want to enter that most private part of my body. Mistress has complete freedom to do whatever she wishes to her rubber slave and I think the power exchange between slave and Mistress is complete and absolute and perfectly personified in this exquisite activity. Judging by the beautiful picture, Mistress was at least satisfied with the mount.

Adding a little spice to my already pleasantly throbbing rectal passage, Mistress thoughtfully pushed a remote controlled vibrating butt plug inside me. That would certainly keep the area throbbing, especially when the zip was pulled up and it was safely buzzing inside my latex catsuit.

After the boot worship and a liberal amount of stuffing it was time to move into the Clinic for what I knew would be even more stuffing. Mistress does like a latex nurse outfit and disappeared for a while to slip into her uniform. Mistress had instructed me to wear baggy trousers in the calling mail and that could only mean one thing; I was once more going to receive a scrotal saline inflation. Once firmly secured onto her operating table Maggie partially opened my crotch zip to release my cock and balls for the delicious inflation to begin, meanwhile, the vibrating butt plug remained in-situ keeping my innards company.

I was surprised when Mistress fitted and locked me in a metal chastity device, but hey it’s Christmas so an extra ornament was welcomed. Probably a little too welcome, because Maggie had only just got the wee beasty under her control before the affects of her fitting the device round my cock had the inevitable effect. Talk about growing pains, but the device was now fixed and my cock wasn't going anywhere. An interesting thought flickered across my mind. Knowing from previous experience that an infusion does have the saline gradually expanding along your shaft, with it now caged would the steel cage be stuck until the saline diffuses? It was only a brief thought and we soon moved on.

A gas mask was provided along with accessories to send me deeper under the spell of my enchantress, but definitely not a silent sensory control, oh no. To help fill the time whilst my balls were being filled with the 500ml of saline, Mistress had devised some entertainment aimed at keeping her slave alert and enjoying the sensations. Firstly for those Star Wars fans, you would certainly relish the Darth Vader breathing sounds that were being piped through the headphones, then you could use the darkness provided by the blindfold to let your mind wander to the halcyon days of Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Wookiee... I prefer dreaming of a wonderful, attractive, highly sensual and very erotic Mistress Maggie. Far more interesting and enjoyable than the Millennium Falcon.

Around halfway through the infusion, the drip drip of the saline slowed a little and a second cannula was necessary to encourage a good flow, then I think to amuse Maggie more than her slave, out came the pump up electro nipple tubes to encourage bud growth in these quiet winter days.

Sometimes I wonder what else amuses Mistress at her slaves expense, but that is exactly what I signed up for and promised Maggie a long time ago, ‘To willingly do whatever Mistress asks, immediately and without question… ‘. If I am being totally honest, I long for the journey of discovery that my Mistress is guiding me along and hope to uncover more of her secret pleasures. So far I have loved every one of them and can only hope that Maggie is deriving as much pleasure, otherwise I am really failing in my promise.

The electrical throbbing that was being induced in my puckering nipples was being matched by the vibrations lower down. You may have forgotten, I certainly haven't, that the anal stimulator was doing just that in parallel with the nipple stimulations. Whilst my balls were filling with the saline my nipples and butt were filling me with pleasure waves. Mistress has certainly found a very pleasurable way of whiling away her slaves time during the filling process.

As the final few salty millilitres were being eagerly absorbed into my ball sac, Mistress removed my blindfold and headphones so that I could see, well almost, and hear what was about to happen next. Maggie in her smooth sexy tones whispered that she was applying a shield to protect the couch while she hotted up the operation area with a frosting of molten wax. A very sensible precaution I thought.

I smelt a candle being lit, braced myself for what I thought was the inevitable hot wax on balls treatment and then... no pain whatsoever. Drip after drip was aimed at my inflated balls and it must have been the cool saline acting as an insulator, but I really couldn't feel the wax. I do believe Maggie was particularly pleased with this part of the session and grinned as she stuck something into the cooling wax. ‘That's it. The pudding is complete!’

I did not know what to think. Eh? Pudding? Complete? - Up until this point I could only guess what was happening down south. Thoughtful as ever, Mistress temporarily removed the aroma mask and allowed me to survey her handy work through the prism glasses. Bringing red rope she used it to hitch my chastity cage to my collar and present her pudding for better viewing.

Wow! what an amazing sight. My swollen balls covered in candle wax and the sprig of holly topping made my genitals resemble a Christmas pudding! Mistress really has the most amazing imagination and does like her slaves to appreciate her hard work. I really do think she has enchanted my heart, body and soul.

It was only now that I realised the significance of the foil shield round my pudding as Mistress announced it was time to cook the pudding and attached two electrodes, one to the foil shield and the second on the perineum, close to the vibrating butt plug. This could prove pretty uncomfortable as Maggie idly asked what level we should cook the pud.

Apart from a brief mention of Christmas day I am unsure how we both arrived at singing 'I saw three ships come sailing in', Perhaps the video will provide the answer? I think it was the sight of a Christmas pudding that put Mistress in such a festive mood, but it did make us both laugh and Maggie continued to laugh as the pudding started cooking. I stammered on singing in an electrified way and roughly in time with the rise and fall of the cooking cycle!

It didn't prove uncomfortable at all. After all why should it? Mistress wanted it this way and therefore I was actually enjoying all the sensations that were whirling around my senses. By now, either Maggie had turned the vibrating bum invader off or I had outlasted the batteries, after all it had been vibrating for most of the afternoon. Perhaps I will never know.

The lasting memories from this Christmas festivities are all very positive. Probably the most memorable is the feeling of complete calm at being so privileged to serve yet another Christmas with the most stunningly attractive and mesmerising person I have ever met or ever wish to meet.

Thank you Mistress Maggie for guiding me along this journey and long may it continue. A peaceful Christmas and prosperous and happy New Year and I really look forward to next Christmas with you as my owner but sooner than that, I will see you very early in 2020.

WARNING: This 90 second clip has audio.

Friday 4 October 2019

Ultimate Chastity

I am a very lucky slave. For the past eight years Mistress Maggie has taken me under her wing and I am really happy that she knows she has the freedom to do whatever she wishes to her devoted rubber slave. Part of a promise I made to Maggie was To willingly do whatever Mistress asks, immediately and without question and I have every intention of honouring this promise. After 174 sessions there are certain tasks that I can perform without instruction. I know how to worship Mistresses footwear. I know when to lift my bum when zips need opening, I know when to tense muscles to assist Maggie when she is adjusting straps etc, however, when it comes to the overall flow of a session I listen attentively and follow instruction implicitly. After all, Mistress spends a lot of her pre-session time planning and preparing her sessions and I owe it to her not to cock it up through inattentiveness.

I had a strange, almost unreal hypnogogic experience whilst undertaking my boot worship duty. There I was quite happily kissing and worshipping those rather nice white boots with Maggie’s flogger sensually caressing my latex rump, and as Mistress gently rested her other boot on my back as a footstool I felt totally at peace, as though that was exactly where I wanted and needed to be. Following that out of body experience I was so deeply in the zone and the session got better and better as Mistress proceeded with her plans.

For today's entertainment my costume was lighter than my normal full latex catsuit. I had been asked to bring my zip through latex shorts and those, together with latex socks and gloves were to be the dress code for the day. With me ordered into a crouching position it was not long before the zip was being peeled open to allow my red butt plug to be inserted and sealed in. A double fronted white latex hood completed my costume leaving me viewing the world through small eye perforations and speaking through a zipped up mouth opening. That became my face for the whole session and it was the very last item that Mistress removed at the end. I do find the hood comfortable and easy to wear and of course very versatile with its all enclosing zip up face cover.

We both followed the huge strap-on that Mistress was flaunting into the Clinic, and I had a good idea where that would end up! On entering, two prominent pillar box red items were immediately apparent on the couch. The first was the latex arm binder top which I have been teased into before, but the second was a brand new and very interesting head restraint, it looked like it could do a good job of stopping any head movement and the kind of restraint I have fantasised about.

On occasions my generous girth does cause problems and the last time I wore the arm binder it was tricky fitting me into it. However, we had learned from that experience and this time came up with a much easier approach. Engage the back zip for a few inches prior to attempting to put it on, then step into it like a skirt and hey ho! It was far easier for Mistress to pull the zip all the way up and seal me in with no chance of escape. I do like that feeling and allowed myself another wry smile when Mistress asked if it was warm enough in The Clinic. My experience warned me that it was going to get a whole lot warmer before the end so I replied with a simple. ‘Yes it's warm enough thank you.’

I laid back straight into the neck brace and the straps ensured that was exactly where my head would remain. It felt like my head was in a vice and just to make sure that her patient was truly immobilized, Mistress made her way around the couch, visiting each of its restraining straps and tightening them to their maximum. Legs placed comfortably in the stirrups and strapped in place as well.

It is at times like these when you know you are in the hands of an expert who puts a lot of thought and planning into all her activities. In normal use the neck brace would be attached rigidly to a stretcher. However, Maggie wanted to make the most of the chairs flexibility by lifting and changing the orientation of her patient for her operations. If you alter the inclination, the subject moves a little in the chair to accommodate the new angles, but here Maggie's innovative approach was evident. The head brace had been suitably fixed with the ability to slide along the chair back whilst still keeping the head rigidly attached to the chair. That was pure genius.

The only issue I had with all this rigidity and chair movement was the reduced visibility of my Mistress through the small eye perforations. Maggie knows how I love to see her occasionally during operations and every now and then went out of her way so that I could get just a glimpse of my thoughtful owner.

After a few adjustments to the double fronted hood, Maggie was satisfied she could effectively deploy aromas with her anaesthetic setup which included a one litre rebreather bag to monitor my progress. Long, slow breaths in, breathe out. In, out, in out... after several lungfuls I was feeling even more in that wonderful head space where all I could think about was my stunning Mistress and how I could please her.

As my breathing settled to a steady rhythm the sound of my own breaths became very relaxing and the rebreather was filling up and emptying as it should. Although definitely not an anaesthetic, the aromas have a wonderfully calming and relaxing effect and in particular I could feel my sphincter loosening up ready for what I knew I was about to receive. I was so chilled with the situation, I just lay there in my very happy latex covered world as Mistress slid the zip in my shorts open and started to swab my cock, balls and groin with disinfectant.

A superbly executed example of a mangina
The aromas had certainly done their job to the extent that I hardly felt the first staple being pinged into my scrotum. More pulling and pushing and adjusting the flesh down there and another staple and another and ... I lost count but it is strange what I imagined my cock and balls would look like. My imagination said these staples were all over the place and that the area would look disjointed. How wrong your imagination can be. I should have known better with an expert in charge. Perhaps it was the aroma therapy that clouded my imagination?

Instead, a pure masterpiece of a mangina had been created. Straight, even staples, a very neat line where my manhood used to be and above all no pain whatsoever. I don't think I flinched once, perhaps the occasional sharper intake of breath, but all in all and with Maggie’s words of encouragement, a perfect operation was completed.

I tried to flex my cock because it felt so excited by the stapling, but nothing moved. I tried again and I didn't even have room for a little twitch which was incredibly frustrating because in my mind I really needed to explode. Perhaps Maggie has finally arrived at the situation where I am unable to embarrass myself by unauthorised ejaculations! I felt so useless as a man yet so deliriously happy that my Mistress had wanted us to undertake this journey and had successfully arrived. Oh happy slave.

What happened next is probably the most exciting and exhilarating yet frustrating 25 minutes of high octane ass play I have experienced. First of all the electro dildo that Maggie used vigorously. In. Out. in out... all the time tweaking the dials so I received the maximum stimulus. I was told that I had a lot of arse stretching to enjoy in view of what was about to be inserted up my rectum. In, out, in out stretch it all about was the order, and of course, all the while my cock and balls were being agitated from inside my body making me more and more frustrated as the useless bits were no longer able to respond.

For a little added stimulus, Mistress kindly? added electrodes along the staples on the second e-stim channel and continued with the in out delights of the electro dildo. Maggie's aim was to open me up for the next part of my anal experience. I was about to be introduced to the best fuck yet. Although I believe Mistress’ really thick strap-on did get its tip up my hole, my unwilling body wouldn't let it climb in to its full length. Undeterred, Maggie quickly exchanged the huge invader for a slightly lesser size and set about riding her charge.

Wow! After having felt at home being Maggie's foot stool earlier, I now felt completely at one with my owner occupying my newly bored most intimate orifice. I was her plaything, her sex toy and I felt relaxed and in exactly the right place at the right time.

After such a good stretching Maggie thought I may be ready to have a go at the next phase of anal training. It is our goal to get her gloved hand inside me and I was asked if I wished to proceed. Another no brainer, I was well under the influence, well relaxed and raring to try for her fist. Maggie has special Crisco cream for such occasions and greased her new glove with a good handful and I could feel her fist was almost in. With hindsight I really wish I had braced a little more and encouraged Maggie to push a little more because I feel that I was millimetres away from becoming Maggie's glove puppet. Almost but not quite. Mistress did say that we were almost there and progress had definitely been made.

I wonder what it would feel like to be zipped inside my rubber suit once the mangina was completed? I wonder what it will feel like when Mistress does manage to insert her hand up my arse? I wonder what other extreme delights Maggie has in store for one of her most adoring and faithful slaves? I do know with absolute certainty that I will do what I promised for my imaginative, talented and occasionally sadistic (yes it was sadistic to staple up my cock and balls then tell me to try to orgasm 'like a woman') Mistress.

I can also confirm that once the staples were removed my cock and balls returned to normal functionality and later I was able to finally relieve some of that pent up tension that Mistress Maggie always generates in this slave. Today was truly memorable, thank you Maggie.

WARNING: This 3 minute clip has audio

Saturday 13 July 2019

Dreams to Reality

Occasionally, when I am not mesmerised by thinking about Mistress Maggie my fingers wander through Flickr, and as my eyes settle on something rather exciting I might or might not add it to my favourites. I generally move on and forget the favourite and that is exactly what happened on this occasion until... Yes, Mistress saw it and made it happen. No, not the electric blue latex gloves that shone out like a beacon from the shiny black of her leotard, nor her lace up boots, which once I had been hooded I knelt down and dutifully worshipped. I will progress on to what dream Maggie allowed me to experience, but not yet.

Once the boot worship was satisfactorily completed, I was helped into my slave uniform of full tight black latex, led through to The Clinic and invited to sit on the couch. With a firm push on my chest Mistress made sure I was lying down, strapped down and ready for my unknown treatment. Mistress asked me some questions about a recent appointment I’d had with my GP and said that I would be receiving a second opinion. While being advised that I should continue with the prescription my GP had given me, Mistress examined me with her long blue gloves and gave me a big dose of abuse about my useless cock.

Plying me with a lot of aroma anaesthesia I became very relaxed and Maggie began her recommended therapy, suggesting in no uncertain terms that as my cock was so useless she was going to ensure it stayed that way for the rest of the session. With a pump pump here and a pump pump there, here a pump, there a pump...   My apologies, I was doing as I was told; thinking un-stimulating random thoughts as Mistress proceeded to fix a locking chastity device on me.

Nothing can be anticipated with my Mistress and as she slid the cage over my cock I was again told to ‘Think about hell slave’. Well, all the negative thoughts must have worked as I heard the click of the little lock sealing my cocks’ fate.

I was about to learn why my trusty butt plug had been left sitting all on its own in The Playroom, unwanted and unused. Mistress dangled the Kegel balls in front of my nose, not the four that I had last time but the two weighted jiggling balls which fill your arse with stimulating electric sensations. I think Mistress was in a playful mood, which is always good for a slave, as she flicked the switches and the electric motors of the gynae chair silently worked their magic on altitude, pitch and roll aspects of her pinioned slave. By the time Maggie had adjusted all aspects of the chair I felt like I had been taken for a ride. When satisfied with my orientation I was made to inhale more of Maggie’s medicinal aromas and my bum hole was taken for a ride as the Kegel balls were pushed inside.

By now, I had realised that both the Kegels and the chastity cage were not just passive objects, as Mistress was attaching leads and went on to successfully test the connections. She seemed to have great delight in watching my cock twitch and go no further, embraced in the tight confines of the electro-cage, and the sensations up my bum were throbbing to say the least. The cock electrodes were more intense but the bum throb just keeps on and on. All this erection control was just the precursor to what was about to happen next door, back in The Playroom.

Seated on the low Playroom bench I sat quietly waiting until Mistress appeared carrying a bar stool. Although I had not seen the stool before it somehow looked familiar. I then remembered the pictures that I had marked as favourites, they depicted a slave strapped to such a stool facing the seat, waiting for their Master/Mistress to sit and torment their senses with the closeness of the most private parts, and I was gradually realising what Maggie may have as a treat for her slave.

Maggie raised the seat higher until I could rest my chin comfortably on it and there I was fixed. Tight strap round the back of my neck, legs wrapped round and secured to the stool, and my wrists secured to the stool back so I was virtually hugging it. Long leather straps were tightened around the whole lot making me part of the furniture. My growing cock was beginning to put pressure on the inside of the electro chastity device at the prospect of what may be coming - a perfect time for Maggie to reintroduced me to the electrics and that's exactly what she did. That certainly focuses your mind on keeping your cock under control!

My mouth was lined with a red tongued mouthpiece, effectively preventing direct contact with any of Maggie's intimate parts that may tantalisingly present themselves. This was an expected restriction as I know the Chambers rules; no intimate worship allowed, and rules are rules!. With my legs and arms braced round the stool it did make for a very secure place for Mistress to rest her very beautiful derrière, but that delight would have to wait just a little while longer, at least until I had gratefully accepted a few more whiffs of aroma from the open bottle Mistress was holding to my nose and I felt a few more notches on the e-stim. The anticipation made any electro discomfort worthwhile.

Sensually, Mistress extended one leg over my head and gently sat down with her tightly latex covered pussy only millimetres away from my latex covered tongue. I gazed in sheer wonderment at that wonderful sight and naturally my cock started to erect again. Equally naturally, the tighter the erection inhibitor became the better the electric connection to my enclosed cock. What a delightful dilemma that I had no control over. As any red blooded male would, whenever Mistress sexily moved her private parts I got hard - but didn't of course because of the shocks... Maggie really is an expert in teasing her slave and with each tease I know I am sinking deeper and deeper under her spell.

My mouthpiece was removed and Maggie carefully re-oriented her position so her derrière was now right in front of my freed tongue, her lower back and beautiful cheeks within my reach as I was commanded to start licking. The scent and taste of Maggie was glorious. The day was warm and in her tight latex her skin had become drizzled with a thin sheen of perspiration. The taste and scent is absolutely out of this world. The combination of Mistress and moist latex certainly set me deeper and further along the path of total servitude. Sod the electrics, I was in heaven and it was about to get even more sublime.

The anaesthetic mask was once again secured to my face for a nice mixture of poppers and sweet breath control. The hosepipe extending from my nose finished with a dildo. I could only watch as Maggie sitting on her high stool smoothed oil over it, rubbing it in ready for insertion. Sliding her leotard zip open the whole length of the dildo disappeared inside her pussy. Oh what a decision to take.

There was nothing I could do except relish in my total breathing being dependant on Mistresses pussy. All the way in and you can't breathe at all, with just one hole showing I got enough air and my Mistress was taking pleasure in every moment with her breathless slave. I could actually smell the most intimate and private areas of my Mistress and when she finally laid her used dildo on the stool I was told to take care of it. ‘That’s what you wanted, now clean it up slave’. As I did so a strange progression of tastes repeated on my tongue: Mistress, lube and a hint of rubber. I had reached another step along the road of total adoration and dependence on my wonderful owner.

WARNING: This 50 second clip has audio.

Mistress Maggie had taken one of my secret desires that I had forgotten about and turned it into a brilliant reality, moving me along the road I wish to tread. I would like to thank Maggie for being the perfect Mistress but I think I had better re-address my Flickr favourites to see what else has tickled my fancy in the past and who knows...