Friday 24 May 2024

Oh... and Wear your Big Pants!

Now those who follow my blog will know that whenever Mistress Maggie instructs me to wear ‘big pants’ in her calling mail, I always leave the Chambers with some massively inflated balls. You may also remember that previously I have relied on a rather nice pair of latex pants to make sure that any leakage on the way home would be contained, and even so I have still experienced a couple of leaks. That was until recently, when Mistress produced a pair of incontinence pants and insisted I wear them to go home in, which certainly solved the problem. So, this time I popped into a local store close to The Chambers and bought my own; a 10 pack of large size pants. Oh boy am I pleased I did get them. More of that later. The more regular instruction was to pack my black latex suit, accessories and of course my own red butt plug.

I arrived outside the Chambers with probably the most comprehensive guide as to what was about to happen and a huge smile on my face at the thought that Mistress would once more be let loose on my body with absolutely no restrictions from this very devoted slave. The ultimate aim is when I leave, Maggie is happier than when I arrived.

Mistress greeted me in her black and white nurses outfit; most appropriate as I knew I was to be subjected to the upcoming medical procedure. I never fail to be mesmerised by Maggie's beauty and plain sexiness, and once again had that overwhelming urge to kiss and fondle her bottom as I followed her shiny latex pants and tightly corseted waist up towards the Playroom. I am too well trained to allow myself to be drawn into that lovely rubbery environment, but live in hope that one day Mistress may stop on the stairs and allow me that luxury.

In the Playroom, now clad in my newly chlorinated gloves and socks, I set about licking, kissing and worshipping those beautiful legs encased in her knee boots, while fighting the urge to cross the boundary between boots and the forbidden latex area above them. Whatever actions I take are always with the consent of my Mistress otherwise what has all this training been for? Light encouragement from Maggie's black and white crop, used gently enough not to hurt but sufficiently hard, played a part in reminding me that I was there for Mistresses pleasure and not my own.

I was ordered face down with bottom raised, at which point Maggie sat on my back and started to lube my anus. Even this simple action of sitting astride my bare back in her warming latex trousers sent shivers down my spine. I can feel the warmth radiating from the heavenly interior and all thoughts of my wonky knees just vanishes. It may appear a relatively insignificant act but to a slave craving any contact from his owner, this is a little part of heaven.

Once the electro plug was inserted, Mistress helped me into my Invincible working suit and zipped me in, making sure the butt plug cables were safely routed through one of the 5 zips in the suit. That tight suit feels fantastic especially when Maggie helps me into it and then starts to dust off any talc with one of her soft cloths. Again more contact, even through rubber, is exactly what draws me closer and closer to my Mistress and I believe Maggie fully understands this sensual contact as every now and then I get he most gentle yet highly charged stroke to somewhere on my latex clad body.

Maggie explained the next part of the procedure. I was to be restrained in a black heavy rubber body bag and secured further with a series of white straps. Of course, I have promised to agree to whatever she wishes to do, especially when it means an extra layer of latex! I was soon encapsulated in the body bag, but if the white straps were fully tightened there would be no way I could manoeuvre into the Clinic.

As is often the case Maggie had already thought of that, saying that she would lightly tighten them to make sure they would all fit round the right places but would tighten them later in a manner that would also immobilise my arms. I was thus able to hop from the Playroom to the Clinic, where I was able to position myself on the latex covered couch and Mistress proceeded to tighten the straps while incorporating my arms. Now I really couldn't move even if I wanted to, which I didn't. There was no need for the fitted couch straps. I just wasn't moving.

I was then fitted with a side port gas mask. That really was a struggle to get over my head and Maggie ended up having to slacken off all the straps. Even so my poor Mistress continued to struggle with it before finally being satisfied that it was in place and air tight. To finish off my complete rubberization, Maggie fitted an open faced hood over the gas mask and once more I was in my favourite apparel; completely covered in rubber.

At that stage there was not a single square inch that was exposed to the Clinic air. I think it is also one of Mistresses favourite scenarios with her slave totally covered in heavy rubber. Just to add a little more spice to the situation, Maggie went round each strap and further tightened each one. Sometimes I wonder if my owner is telling me I am too fat!

I was now ready for the main event. Maggie wanted to undertake some creative needle work and proceeded to create a sterile area round my cock and balls before inserting a cannula needle. A chastity device swiftly followed, secured with the click of a lock and I was ready for some creative ball play. I do love it when Maggie lets her creative juices flow on my cock and balls. I am happy to take the little pricks provided my Mistress is enjoying herself, and once it was attached to the cannula needle she was happy that the saline drip was flowing nicely.

Mistress allowed me quite a few whiffs of aromas to ease any discomfort as she inserted 8 hooks in my inflating balls and attached a bandage to each hook, the other ends being stretched and attached to the Goalpost attachment at the foot of the couch. Needless to say, I didn't dare move to look at the results of her artistry, as one move on my part may have disrupted Maggie's otherwise impeccable hooking. To finish off the artistic creation, a series of green needles were inserted to create a framework for my now massively inflated balls.

When I saw the images that Maggie had taken I was mesmerised and delighted that once again Maggie had transformed my mostly miserable looking set of genitals into a masterpiece.

2 * 2 Ltr rebreather bags

Once satisfied with her artistic creation and my obvious joy at the outcome, Maggie wanted to test my lungs with a pair of 2ltr re-breather bags attached to the gas mask. Even though I say so myself, I was moderately pleased with the length of time I managed in this configuration. I managed to keep them replenished with air, breathing slowly in, slowly out, while thinking and hoping that Maggie was happy with my efforts.

With the cage removed Mistresses soft side was presented to her slave when she gently massaged my freed cock and a happy ending was had by all.

Ok, back to my foresight having purchased the male sanitary pants. I definitely needed their protection because of the number of punctures to my ball sack, both from the needles and hooks. There was a lot of saline oozing from the various holes and some spots of bleeding too. By the time I got home the pants had done their job and internalised the leakage, but I did need to change for a fresh pair as there was still a little saline trying to make its way out. So, be warned. If you are instructed to come in your 'big pants' then invest in some sanitary pants. They are worth their weight in wee. I now always have a pair in my perv bag.

Would I go through it again? OF COURSE. And more, because at the end of the day I think Maggie enjoyed her artistic interlude and that is all that matters. Thank you Mistress Maggie.

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