Friday 21 June 2024

Mistress Averts Catastrophe

I am not sure what was going through my mind when I was preparing for today’s session. Everything appeared routine; pack your black kit bag, ring an hour before to confirm etc. I left home feeling excited as is usually the case when I am about to serve Mistress Maggie.

A peaceful, uneventful drive to the local supermarket close to The Chambers allows me to attend to last minute ablutions while I wait for the magical hour. It was when I returned to the car for final preparations and proudly don my slave collar when the catastrophe hit me like a steam train. I looked for my perv bag and it wasn’t there. I had left it in the garage awaiting pick up. The dilemma was that it would take a good 40 minute trip to retrieve the bag and that would put me 30 minutes late for Maggie. That certainly was not an option, so I took the decision to ring Maggie and admit my stupidity and forgetfulness.

Mistress is a truly remarkable owner. She could have flown off the handle and berated her stupid slave for, well, being so stupid. Instead, Mistress remained calm and indicated she had appropriate rubbers that I could wear during the session. The gloom I was feeling lifted like the morning mist. What could have been a catastrophe, turned out to be nothing more than a slight change of plans.

Despite my embarrassment I bounced up to the door, to be greeted by my beautiful Lady In Red. My stunning Mistress was wearing a skin tight pair of latex trousers teamed with a matching red latex waistcoat, her shiny black knee boots making a stark contrast to the red. 

With preliminaries completed and any embarrassment put to rest, I followed Mistress as close as I dared. This time, the stop on the stairs was quite deliberate and Mistress was allowing me another of my fantasies; to nuzzle and kiss those glorious buttocks. Another indication of how thoughtful and caring Maggie can be to her slaves.

One item I had remembered were my moulded socks. These were already on my feet as I had been wearing them since early morning and they feel great. I was invited to change into the suit and gloves that Maggie provided and they are a perfect fit and almost as comfortable as my Invincible suit. Once again, Mistress copes with any hiccough with remarkable aplomb and always has a plan B.

Now fully rubbered, I was allowed time to worship those beautiful boot covered legs. Up and down both boots, and of course remembering not to stray above the tops of them. Even after 232 sessions I still get the urge to stray but my training has been thorough and effective so below the boot line is where I stay.

After the nice boot session I was ordered onto the bed, face up and Mistress opened the crotch zip for her next operation. I knew that Mistress had been struggling with her injured shoulder in the recent few weeks and I was really grateful that she felt sufficiently well to continue my training. It was relatively easy on her shoulder to attach the steel humbler. Assembled, clamped around my balls and tightened so it wouldn’t drop off, it was then up to me to stand, open my legs and position it until it was seated across my buttocks and my cock and balls became tormented by its downward vice-like pull. 

Thoughtful as ever, Maggie encouraged me to wear knee pads and I knew I was going to need them. Of course tightening the humblers’ screws and spikes was pretty easy for Mistress and was completed without exacerbating her shoulder injury. My cock and balls certainly knew that the big, spiky squeeze was on. Mistress has her own way of ensuring the humbler remains in situ by attaching what appears to be some form of bungee elastic.

I can honestly say that the tight secure grip these straps give is a ‘pleasant’ sensation. Another of my ‘perhaps I shouldn’t have said that’ moments!

My uniform didn't feel complete without my slave slave collar, but naturally Mistress was able to conjure up an appropriate collar from her arsenal to replace my own and quickly secured it, with a lead snapped on I was off for a walk around the upper floor of the Chambers.

It’s a strange gait that you have to adopt. Legs slightly apart and short ‘steps’ on all fours, ensuring you don’t bang into door frames. As Mistress took in the pleasing view from her bedroom window I was invited to bury my nose in Mistresses slippers that were conveniently parked on the floor by the bed. No second bidding required and I eagerly buried my snout in both of them. They smell so Mistressy, so wonderful that I could have stayed sniffing for hours, but then I might have missed the second opportunity Mistress gave to her slave as she again took the lead and beckoned me to join her at the window, my view was rather different as I was to kneel behind her and admire and kiss her beautiful latex covered red orbs.

Back in the Playroom I thought my enjoyment was coming to an end. On the contrary. At the speed of a Formula 1 pit stop Maggie tightened up the nuts on the steel ball spikes ready for another circuit. Bringing along a tape measure she then decided to have more fun by adding a little more stretch, and eventually was satisfied that she had managed a 2” separation of balls from body and all without further damage to her shoulder. Of course the new tightness needed to be exercised and another walk ensued. This was more taxing because of the stretched nuts and extra pressure of the spikes on my balls. Still, any discomfort was definitely worth it, because I think Maggie was happy with the results of our little ball spiking and stretching extravaganza.

Relieved of the stretcher, two simple loop electrodes around my cock were attached before helping me into the skin tight rubber sheath suit. This required 100% concentration because I was determined not to lose balance and injure Mistress further. It worked and I was relieved as Maggie zipped up the suit and I eased myself onto the Playroom’s folding chair. No dramas here, although the tightness of the suit did result in me having to collapse onto the chair for the last 6”. Mistress said that securing straps would be too dangerous for her delicate shoulder but they really weren't needed. She did however manage a loose belt around my thighs to help keep a Hitachi vibrator secured against my groin.

I do love it when Mistress uses me for a new experience. I had been fitted with the System Mask earlier and this meant Maggie could apply a blindfold and give me a mouthful of rubber in the shape of a balloon gag. Today I was to receive two catheters, not down my cock but gently oiled and inserted up each nostril. The bulbs were gently inflated and that was it. Initially it was almost impossible to use them for breathing and I was relieved that the red gag allowed me to breath round it to maintain air supply. However it didn’t take me long to realise that by taking long, slow breaths I could actually breath through 2 catheters! That was just as well, because once I was managing my breathing better I detected the sweet scent of aromas as the open bottle was offered to one of the catheter tubes.

Mistress did take the opportunity of fixing a head harness to the overhead to ensure I remained steady in the chair. I spent quite a while breathing through the catheters and by the end I was really enjoying this breath control and the new experienced the catheters offered.

On went the Hitachi, slow at first then gradually more intense. I may have been blind, but I could feel Maggie gently caressing my tightly rubber covered body while receiving the occasional draft of aromas and the ever constant, ever increasing caress of the vibrator. Eventually the inevitable happened and I climaxed inside the suits. I had no choice, nor do I ever want one. Mistress plain and simply milked my balls.

I really enjoy fulfilling my promise to Mistress Maggie, to do whatever she wishes, immediately and without question. All the sessions are enjoyable but this Guinea Pig session with the catheters,  particularly special. Thank you Maggie for another spectacular unique session that I hope entertained you and in particular did no further damage to your tender shoulder.  

NB: This 01:47min intox breath play clip has audio.

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