Probably the nicest day so far in 2019. The sky had a few wispy clouds but was predominantly blue and the temperature soared into the mid teens. Virtually no wind and all in all a perfect day for serving my owner.
Mistress Maggie prefers to choose what rubber I’m dressed in so I arrived in vanilla clothes with the single adornment of my slave collar. The winter bug which had smote me during my last visit was almost gone, just a slight sniffle going on, but nothing else to dampen my enthusiasm for the wonderful session which lay ahead.

Slowly I made my way down the road towards The Chambers dawdling for a few moments to check the time, even the traffic was benign. When the time came, I sauntered across the road carrying my perv bag and rang the doorbell. From that moment my day just got better and better as Maggie greeted me in tight latex, a narrow skirt and tight low cut bodice skimmed her curves and a most brilliant white wig framed her face, giving a stark contrast to the very dark latex and the effect was absolutely stunning.
Taking dainty steps Mistress announced her skirt was a little too tight to walk in and every few steps she stopped abruptly, ostensibly to readjust her balance before smoothing down her skirt and continuing up the stairs to The Playroom. Not a word was said but I have become aware of Maggie's mischievous tempting ways and was alert to these abrupt pauses, it would have been so easy to bump my face against those glorious orbs and the thought certainly passed my mind with each stop, but I didn't. Instead I smiled a lustful grin but kept my distance until safely in the warmth of The Playroom.
The unusually warm February day also appeared to have caught Mistresses heater on the hop. Normally Maggie has a wonderful ambiance in the room but today in an attempt to warm up the rubber for the session the temperature had become a little too warm for comfort, hobbling over to the corner Maggie slammed the dial down and soon the heat would be under control. The time gave me opportunity to check out the goodies that had been laid out, the most prominent being the vacbed. It had been a while since I’d been incarcerated inside it and it looked like it was going to be another of those lucky days! I also spied the wonderful thin red latex suit that Maggie had designed and created herself; loose fitting and incredibly comfortable to wear. Oh boy, with the vacbed and the special suit, was this latex loving slave in for a real treat or what?
Alternate use of the Medical Drape - Suffocation!
First though I was asked for a full report on my health following my very poor performance in the previous session. I knew I had disappointed Maggie with my stupidity and had managed to contravene two cardinal rules in the process. I’d over exaggerating my plight by saying
‘I’m dying’ and had failed to observe Rule 17 -
slave must endeavour to keep Mistress enlightened at all times.
Though there was no threat of physical punishment I could see how disappointed she was with me by the look in her eyes as she recounted what had happened. The hardest part was the calm chastisement that Mistress gave for my actions; a punishment that will stay with me far longer than any cane marks, electrical torture or other form of retribution which I might deserve. Put simply, after 159 sessions I really should have known better. I am also fortunate that Mistress does not bear any form of a grudge (I hope) and once I had reassured her that I was determined not to make the same mistakes again we quickly progressed to the meat of today's session.
I was stood to attention gazing at my beautiful Mistress as she gently reached inside her bodice and with that silky smooth whisper said
‘I have something for you slave’. A length of black 'pothole' tights emerged.
‘From a a brand new pair, just for you', she declared. Then taking the red latex suit in one hand and leading her slave with the other I was escorted to the Clinic.
Parallel infusions - one each side of the ballsac |
After teasing me with what else may be inside that tight bodice - as if I didn't know, the catsuit in a very appropriate ‘clinic red’ was handed over to me so I could prepare myself for the operation ahead. As I carefully began dressing it started to dawn on me what was likely to happen next because I spied two bags of saline solution hanging idly from the IV stand. Maggie progressed to helping me with the zippers, arranging them so I could bend to have an inflatable butt plug inserted and my genitals were left exposed, otherwise I was fully covered in latex and feeling wonderful.
I was helped onto the waiting couch, settled in and given that rather nice white latex hood before finally being strapped down to await the infusion. There really wasn’t much I could do now, but if I tried really hard I was just able to move my left hand to stroke Mistresses bottom whenever it came within range, which happened on all too few occasions.
The next stage was truly delightful - one might say the calm before the storm. Mistress took a good handful of cocoa butter and methodically massaged it all over the scrotal area to make it more soft and pliable. Lying there relaxing as this most beautiful woman plays with your balls is idyllic.
Mistress clearly had some high spirits to get rid of before the serious work of the scrotal infusion, and once finished massaging me she promptly placed the plastic sheet intended for surrounding my operation site over my head, stretching it over my face and smothered me with it. For those few minutes I just lay there enjoying the smothering and inhaling the glorious plastic smell that exudes from it. After that I found out what the pothole tights were for, on previous occasions when Mistress has inflated my ball sac it was left to expand at its own rate, but on this occasion Maggie carefully fixed the piece of stocking over my cock and balls to add restriction as the ball sac expanded. Hmm, that should prove interesting.
Nipple extension at the same time as scrotal inflation. Excellent!
The cannulas were now being expertly inserted, one per side due to the potential litre payload. Sterile tubes were being removed from their packaging and being thoroughly checked for kinks. Once satisfied Mistress allowed the saline to flow, clearing the lines of any unwelcome bubbles before attaching them to her slave. A procedure so gentle I barely notice the infusion and the most pain I felt was a tiny prick as the needles went in. From my strapped down position the drip feed was visible and everything appeared to be running smoothly, though the drip rate to the right ball was comparatively slower resulting in a new cannula being fitted to rectify the issue.
It takes quite a while for the full infusion, and rather than idle away the time Maggie had decided that remedial work would be undertaken on my recalcitrant nipples. They’ve been particularly unhelpful recently, particularly the left one, and Mistress was about to begin her campaign to make them more grabable!. A few lungfuls of relaxing aromas came my way and then I felt the first dollop of lube being applied to my nipples.
‘This will ensure a good airtight grip slave’, then using circular motions Maggie massaged it in and applied one of her large size vac pumps to each nipple.
Pothole tights create the final masterpiece of control. |
Just three slow pumps and those pumps were sucking up a lot more than just a nipple! I probably shouldn't say this but it was an almost enjoyable experience due to the aromas. I was totally nonplussed, however, to demonstrate the pleasures and pains that can be created by nipples Maggie freed hers from the confines of her tight bodice and rather erotically held them for her captured slaves’ frustrated admiration.
Mistress had more work planned and inspecting the saline bags and how full her pothole tights had become she concluded that 750ml was about right for the effect she wished to achieve. I think she was rather pleased with the aesthetics because she kept gently stroking my ball sac, whereas I was definitely pleased that my beautiful Mistress was gently stroking my ball sac and it had nothing to do with aesthetics!
As an aside, another of those impromptu amusing moments occurred as Maggie removed the sterile drape. It had gone on alright but due to my extraordinary ball size she had to resort to bringing out her scissors and cutting it off. No, not my cock or balls, that would be a waste of good saline, but the single use drape!
Moving swiftly on, I was instructed to carefully dismount from the couch and bend over to have my butt plug deflated, out it came and an electrode was wired up and shoved up my now vacant rear. Holding the leads out of the way we made our way back to The Playroom where I was divested of the thin red operating suit. Once again I mustn’t damage it so followed Mistress’ instructions, as I always do. Once in the warmth Maggie passed me a large towel so I could thoroughly dry myself, and for the first time I could really enjoy the unusual feeling of my heavyweight balls, still encased in Maggie’s restricting tights. A few puffs of talc and I was ready to climb inside the vacbed.
A well defined, vac-packed inflated ballsac |
The vacbed is side entry, an ample size for a porky slave like me to scramble into and take my position under the breathing hole. Because of my recent throat problems Mistress thoughtfully provided a neck cushion to raise my head a little, with an anaesthetic mask and tube strapped to my head I was soon settled down to what promised to be a most interesting and spectacular finale, starting with Maggie actually climbing inside the bag. Well, half of her, so she could attach sticky electro pads on me, two rows of pads were attached, eight in all, starting adjacent to my inflated balls and ending halfway up my chest.
With so many wires I must have looked like a telephone exchange, but Maggie managed to bundle them all up neatly, connecting them to the corresponding controls on the outside of the bag and tested them out.
‘Are you receiving slave? Are you receiving?’
Then the real fun started. The air inside the bed was pumped out and Maggie left the pump running to maintain the strong vacuum resulting in my total immobilisation. On went the anal electrode. That was quite pleasant and 'tingly' on its own even when raised to quite a high level, but what really started me gyrating were the two rows of chest electrodes, each independently controlled and not quite synchronised. First a pulse, pulse, tingle, throb on the left side followed closely by a pulse, pulse, tingle throb on the right side to be repeated at frequent, regular intervals. All automatic of course apart from Mistress occasionally turning up the volume until all eight pads reached an eventual high at level 14. By this time, I was hopping about inside the vacbed and getting quite excited, all helped by snorts of aroma through the aroma pump hose that Maggie had rigged up to my only air source, and the sensual touches of her hands as she stroked me through my tight latex covering.
WARNING: This 70 second clip of my pulsating vac bed experience has audio:-
Unknown to me, Maggie was intent on bringing me to climax today, her Hitachi being her weapon of choice. There was absolutely nothing I could do or wanted to do to prevent the inevitable. This time the forced climax was like no other I had experienced. My balls were massively inflated and by now my cock shaft was inflated as well, the ejaculation seemed to go on for ever. Normally it fires out and is over relatively swiftly, but today because of the restrictions the pleasure lasted so much longer.
I think Mistress was pleased with the results of today's training because as I was leaning over the bath helping Maggie clean up, a hand reached in from behind and was ’tossing’ and ’weighing' my balls as you might assess oranges, or pears in a supermarket. I certainly wasn't complaining at that extra fondle!
And finally, I do enjoy having massive inflated balls, it’s quite an experience to handle them, but fortunately or unfortunately after 24 hours they do return to almost normal leaving me with the desire for another trip to
Mistress Maggie’s enticing domain.