Showing posts with label CBT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CBT. Show all posts

Friday 28 July 2023

Wired for Sound

It was 27 July when my calling mail from Mistress Maggie arrived:

'Nurse is busy checking batteries, to make sure your treatment will be electrifying!'

This time, the pre-session calling mail was accurate for the session content, and though brief it did contain clues. I could guess that today would involve a lot of e-stim, have a medical theme and be conducted predominantly in The Clinic.

For a change I was right on all three guesses. Of course, there would be far more ‘meat’ to be put on the bones of the session, after all, Mistress can and does amend details depending on where she wants to take the session, she would always prefer to stick to PlanA, but you can never rule out the PlanB! 

Mistress deserved a treat for putting up with such a useless slave, and I had called into the local supermarket to get some peach coloured roses, they were unusual in colour and a special gift for a special lady. Mistress accepted them graciously along with a sniff to check out their perfume.

In the intervening period between sessions I had been looking on the web at ladies bottoms in tight latex, purely for research I hasten to add, and as I followed Mistress Maggie up the stairs I was once again mesmerised by her tight latex covered derrière and decided on the difference between the images I had investigated and Maggie’s bottom; it was smoother than most of the images and more tightly covered than most, and in my opinion the very best bottom that I have had the privilege to investigate. Sorry, off at a bit of a tangent because of that wonderful fact, anyway Mistress wore other black latex clothing along with her tight leggings, finished off with a nurse's apron and red cross badges.

Returning to the Playroom after changing into my slave uniform, Mistress was sitting on her throne ready for my attentions. Without having to be instructed I immediately put my tongue to work on worshipping Maggie’s black knee-length boots, but when I got going, Mistress suggested I concentrate on the less clean lower parts of the boots. It was an interesting experience when I got round to the sole cleaning. The treads were like car tyre treads, very grippy and very knobbly, but I persevered until Mistress was happy. As it happens, the extra grip was essential to stop Mistress slipping on what would likely be a very wet floor once I’d removed my sweat laden suits!

A shiny latex hood with mouth zip was applied, then kneeling on all fours with Mistress sitting on my back I had a steel bipolar butt plug inserted and successfully tested. The only problem was it did have to be held in place by a stout strap, but Mistress had an answer for that and soon had me in a suitable harness to keep it where it belonged. It’s funny really because by the end of the session the plug had worked its way so far up my bum that I thought I would need Maggie to actually dig it out. As it happened, with a little gentle manipulation and persuasion, I was able to successfully extract the little steel beauty.

Before I was able to wear my latex suit, Mistress wanted to wire up her slave with many many sticky electrode pads. By the time she had finished, I resembled the wiring in a server cabinet, with leads all neatly gathered together at waist level. Once satisfied with her wiring, I was finally helped into my catsuit, and it was now that the five point zip system I had asked Invincible to put in my catsuit was finally put to full use. Two zippers to allow groin entry, two zippers to allow the wires to be fed through at my waist, and the fifth one zipped up to my chin. It took a bit of head scratching, but Maggie was able to work out the most effective combination.

There I was with a wiring loom emerging at my navel, being led by my collar through to The Clinic to be greeted by the white latex body bag. There it was, beautifully and precisely laid out in the middle of the couch, ready to receive its next occupant. 'Get into the body bag slave', said Mistress and she watched on as I eased myself into the suit, remembering to enter at the middle of the couch and slide my arms into the internal sleeves. Mistress took charge of my incarceration after that; zipping me in from bottom to top and threading the wiring loom through the front, ready to be connected to their appropriate power boxes. I was advised by my owner that 'Today you are going to suffer for your Mistress! '

Escape would be impossible even if I wanted to, which I definitely didn't, I was already encased in two thick layers of latex and now a System Mask was being added to my ensemble.

The System Mask is a truly comfortable hood to wear, and I was soon able to relax in my warm, sealed environment. I have to be careful not to appear too relaxed, as Maggie has various ways of bringing a slave back to full concentration levels. I had the appropriate breathing pipes and aroma delivery hose attached, and there was not one inch of this slave exposed directly to the air. Once again, I was in a good place, as Maggie's rubber slave.

Not only that, but Maggie had brought out three tens boxes and had begun attaching their various leads, ready to start their pulsing massage programs on low power. The sensations were absolutely amazing, rippling through the groin, tingling across the stomach and pulsing on and around the balls. Unfortunately, one of the leads from the butt plug must have worked loose as the metal midget buried its way deeper up my back passage and that failed to replicate the sensations from when it was tested.

Just look at the number of staples!
Maggie made sure I was receiving regular infusions of aromas through my mask, and now I was wired up and receiving electrical signals from many directions I had a rebreather bag attached too, even though I say so myself it produced a most euphoric state of mind, so much so that I hardly noticed Mistress extracting my cock and balls from my latex coverings and arrange them into a more agreeable exposed situation. 

Mistress, in an ‘experimental’ frame of mind, wanted to see if she could make my cock disappear by stapling cable ties to my scrotum and fastening me up. She tried this way and that way before announcing, 'this experiment does not work'. The staples couldn't hold the ties secure enough for her to capture anything, and so the experiment was concluded. However, Maggie wasted no time in using the remaining staples in an artistic manner, opting for the more traditional stapled mangina.

A novel little touch to keep my cock under control while Mistress was performing my operation was the application of a pair of electric forceps on the end of my foreskin, and yet another e-stim box was applied, presumably the one freed up by the failed anal plug, and she announced that she would proceed with the staples. Well, as soon as the first one was stapled in place, I just couldn’t help myself and rather embarrassingly climaxed. I did try to warn Mistress, but it was too late! Worryingly, Mistress said with a smile in her voice that she would note this on my record for future use.

Strangely, as Maggie continued with her artistry, I relaxed into the zinging of my tightly gripped foreskin accompanied by short sharp pricks of the staple gun and was actually starting to enjoy the experience despite the recent orgasm. Perhaps assisted by the occasional aroma blast or distracted by the continued tingly, tickling rippling experience across my lower torso. Maggie was determined to complete my mangina and wickedly switched up the intensity level on each of the tens boxes to suffering territory before returning to the job in hand. All the while I was still using the rebreather and comfortably entombed in the system mask.

My first BIG mistake was when Mistress had completed her penis reconstruction, she asked if I wanted out of the system mask. Without thinking through the consequences, I muttered through the mask, yes please. Big mistake because with the removal of the mask went the aroma pump hose and boy could I have used quite a few puffs as the staples were removed. The experience was far more daunting and painful than when they were inserted and really made Mistresses guinea pig squeal, I had no idea how many were to be removed, so had to brace until Mistress indicated they were all out. Mistress certainly fulfilled her promise, as she always does, 'Today you are going to suffer for your Mistress!' 

I felt pleased that I had managed an extended period with both the rebreather bag and system mask, and Maggie said she was very pleased with my endurance, as the duration of both achievements appeared to be a record for me. The results of the staple removal were a VERY wet slave and when I climbed out of the two layers of latex, it was a bit like a skating rink on the Clinic floor. I found it difficult to stay upright in my latex socks, but fortunately Mistress in her super grippy boots managed a little better and I expect that they’re going to be needing another tongue cleaning.

I did have the privilege of helping Mistress Maggie with the cleaning up afterwards, and I have to say I find that part of my training most satisfying, it allows me to show my gratitude after a damp and demanding session. 

Thank you, Mistress.

Caution: This 01:54min clip has audio

Friday 7 July 2023


Imagination is one of the most fantastic attributes that we humans possess. It certainly has helped cement my adoration and servitude to my Mistress Maggie. Before I was introduced to the delights of slave training under a most stunning and accomplished Dominatrix, I used to imagine totally random mundane issues; What if I won the pools? What if the premium bonds came up? What about the lottery? etc. etc… 

Since I met Mistress my thoughts and imagination have increasingly been focussed towards how I can better serve my owner. It’s not unknown for my thoughts about Mistress and what she would like to do with her slave to make me physically shake with excitement. I, of course, accept everything Mistress wishes to do both in actuality and imagination, although some do stray into Maggie’s forbidden territory and these are filed away for future, private review.

Some however, come to maturity, like my recent silver headed tape binding, a walk in the woods, a meal in bondage at a local restaurant etc. etc. and some are wonderful yet impractical. I imagine being Maggie’s full time rubber slave, having her free to modify my bits and pieces at will, without concerns for my vanilla life. Impractical I know, because I do not have the stamina and staying power to live up to Mistresses high standards 24*7, and neither is it one of Maggie’s requirements.

Today I was told to -

‘Pack your plum cat suit to bring to session along with your butt plug and black accessories. It might be a hot and sweaty day but Mistress has the means to let a slave drip dry’.

Mention of the plum suit had my imagination running wild in a specific direction. In the past Maggie has referred to the suit as my ‘flying suit’, I had worn it when she had decided to suspend me from the ceiling, attach all sorts to my dangly bits and ensured I was well used, and not just on the one occasion! You don’t need a great amount of imagination to understand how much my mind was racing.

Arriving at the Chambers on time I was greeted by my stunning Mistress in a most beautiful long latex evening skirt in a plum colour. Imagination ramped up a notch as I followed those beautiful hips up the stairs to the Playroom, and yes my thoughts did momentarily slip into forbidden territory, but I am now too well trained to allow those thoughts more than a fleeting millisecond to continue.

Returning from the bathroom as instructed, in my latex socks and gloves with trusty butt plug in hand, I adopted my position for the preliminary footwear worship but had to wait before I could start. Mistress was a little excited as a new purchase had arrived in today’s post and knowing what it was, she wanted to open the packet and have me model it. The item was a black spandex hood and her first observations were that it might be too small and made for a child. Being spandex it could be stretched over my willing head, instantly growing from its seemingly small size to slave size and seated very comfortably where it was intended to go. From the inside it had the opacity and texture of very, very thick black tights. It was dark but allowing sufficient light to see Maggie’s outline as she fussed and adjusted the hood to align with my features and laughed as she slid the mouth zip open to my surprise. Enough of this and I am sure it will reappear either in my training or for another fortunate slave.

Maggie’s boots were short; ankle length material boots, and I was told in no uncertain terms not to get the material too wet, unlike the attentions I give to her leather or vinyl boots where I could lick, kiss and drool a bit to my heart’s content. While I was kissing and worshipping her footwear Mistress outlined the agenda she’d proposed for today’s lesson, telling me how she would need to postpone her original plans because her plan to wrap me in clingfilm and suspend me on a scaffold pole felt too strenuous for her at the moment. Yes, my imagination had at least been partly on track, but that explanation has now set my imagination racing for a future session. ‘Instead’ she said, ‘You will begin by acting as a toilet for me’. That then set my imagination going in yet another direction and by now I was so deep in my sub-space that I was delighted to be able to serve Maggie in any way she wished.

A latex hood was chosen for me to serve in before I was reacquainted with the plum suit that I had deposited on the bed when I arrived, and the plum butt plug that had been quivering on the chest of drawers was now fitted where the sun don’t shine. It was a nice touch that Mistresses skirt, my suit and even the hidden plug were all colour coordinated, confirming that Maggie does have a particularly fine sense for detail and colour co-ordination.

Mistress seemed rather pleased when I volunteered with moving the heavy toilet box into the most suitable location for play, but isn’t that what any slave would do? Why have a dog and bark yourself, or in this case why have a slave and do the shifting yourself.  Positioned under the seat with the rubber toilet ruff comfortably fitted round my neck I was snapped into position around the bowl. My view of the world was somewhat limited and I lay passively as Mistress made her human toilet more secure and useful. 

This is where my imagination kicks into overdrive again. I can feel Maggie attaching chains, securing me under the box and… this is where I really appreciate the pictures that Maggie so graciously provides me with. I can compare what I had imagined with what physically happened. That in itself can be a real revelation when I do receive the pics. This act of reconciling fact and imagination is a wonderful experience that I can cherish for ever.

I will perhaps go off at a slight tangent here. In my earlier training I told Maggie how I loved to be able to watch as she glided around me doing whatever she was doing. Now I still do love those visions but I no longer need to see my Mistress all the time. If I am blindfolded, hooded, taped up or severely restricted, I know in my imagination just how lucky I am to have a beautiful owner and I can spend my ‘dark time’ thinking about her, knowing that I may be lucky to receive real images of what she is doing. Sometimes as happened today, the imagination can be wildly different from reality.

Sorry, I digress and will return to the session now. I was comfortable in my position and waiting for Mistress to fulfil todays role. I didn’t have too long to wait and I could hear Maggie raising the long skirt, not a particularly practical garment if the wearer is contemplating using her toilet slave. I did catch the merest glimpse of Maggie removing her latex briefs ready for action, and guess what colour they were? Yes, plum coloured latex briefs. Mistress really does have an eye for detail.

Waiting patiently to perform my task, I was privileged to be allowed the vision of two white orbs slowly descending until Maggie was happy that her waste would be deposited fairly and squarely in the correct receptical. Then a little stream appeared. Carefully positioning my lips I eased my head a little and was able to catch and consume every drop of the golden nectar that I was gifted with. Being only a tongue length from that forbidden private area of Maggie’s anatomy created more forbidden imagination on my part, but I am too well trained to stray.

To top off, or should I say bottom off her experience, I saw Maggie using toilet paper to dry her private parts and casually toss the moist sheet into the toilet bowl and closed the lid. Am I due more? Will there be another drink available? Not today, when the toilet lid was briefly opened it was to toss an aroma soaked sheet into the pan and the lid promptly closed again, leaving me to inhale the heady scent intermingled with the lasting perfume emanating from the used tissue.

I felt quite flushed when finally relieved of my toilet duties, though needed to get busy helping Mistress by returning the toilet to its correct place and pulling out the bondage bed to allow Mistress access to both sides. Mistress then led me through to her wardrobe where I received a sneak peek of the magnificent latex garments Mistress possesses, but the prime reason was to retrieve a VERY heavy rubber bondage sack from the high rail. As I said earlier, why have a dog and bark… ? 

Back in the Playroom my suits’ crotch zip was opened, as was the appropriately aligned zip in the bondage sack. It is quite easy to enter the sack and although you have limited movement there is no escape since it also has arms like a straightjacket. The art is to gently bend knees while retaining balance and trust Mistress to guide you onto the bed, a couple of shuffles had me in the centre of the bed and I received leather straps around my upper arms, wrists and one around my ankles. I was secure and incredibly comfortable. Even when the securing chains were attached at arms and ankles I relaxed and felt truly grateful for this wonderful and inescapable experience.

I was jolted out of my dreams by feeling Mistress going to work on her cock and balls. Something tight and steely was fastened round them, Maggie was screwing something in and cranking up its grip on my delicate parts, then something a little less steely was slipped over my cock, I guessed this might be some form of electrical connection. Maggie confirmed it was a double monopole electrode, she teamed it with an item she described as, ‘a little electro pad for your little cock and balls’, and firmly attached it on my perineum at the root of my cock. A little test of the electrical circuits and we were good for lift off! Because Maggie knows her slave and also my tolerances, she happily started the e-stim with a pulsing charge on Program 8, at a sufficient level to excite but not exterminate. As soon as cock and balls get used to that level of stimulation I know it is likely to be increased!

To complete my preparations for some relaxing bed bondage Maggie attached the rubber blindfold and encouraged me to accept the inflatable tube gag, not that I need any encouragement for any activities that Maggie chooses. Before being tucked up underneath the latex duvet I had an inflatable collar fitted round my neck to help retain the heat within my latex bondage. I really should have mentioned to Maggie that the merest chink of light peeked through around the top corner of the blindfold, not enough to allow any form of vision but light all the same. I console myself with this lack of honesty to Mistress with the fact that I was severely gagged and couldn’t talk. Had I tried to grunt that I could see, Maggie would naturally be concerned that something more desperate was wrong, and I didn’t want to worry her.

As I rested in near to darkness my imagination again became very active. I could imagine that beautiful figure as Maggie lay next to me on top of the rubber duvet. I could imagine Mistress gently stroking me through the multiple latex layers, I could imagine receiving a welcome infusion of aromas, but it wasn’t imagination. I could actually feel all these subtle luxuries as I ‘relaxed’. What definitely wasn’t left to my imagination was the gradual increase in the e-stim levels.

That really hit the button. The increased power set my imagination on fire. I could only think of my seductive Dominatrix and her very willing slave being brought into a state of heightened arousal. I must admit that quite a few of the thoughts strayed into forbidden territory as I recollected what had happened and…  CLIMAX!

After having turned off the electric’s (thank goodness), Mistress gently eased me out of the sack. I was dripping wet and had to stand on a towel to avoid a tsunami across the carpet. We dumped all the latex into the bath and I helped Maggie with the cleaning, moving the bed back etc. and we talked about the wonderful feelings I had just experienced and I was happy relaxed and contented.

I appreciate much of this blog is devoted to my imagination, but I really would like to thank Mistress Maggie for helping me to develop that imagination in a most perverted direction. I think I am happier now than for a long long time.

Friday 13 January 2023

Inflationary Pressures

Yes, another wonderful session on a Friday 13th and this type of inflation is definitely one that all self respecting rubber slaves should experience, but more of this later. 

It had been far too long since my previous training session. Last year in fact, at the beginning of December. In the intervening time I had all the normal Christmassy things to attend to, family, fun and games, Christmas dinner etc…   but on every day I was thinking about serving my Mistress. I must admit it did drag down my mood in what should have been a very merry period, but come the new year, my mood changed and gradually improved as my arranged session date with Mistress Maggie came closer.

When I arrived at the Chambers, Mistress greeted me wearing natural transparent latex shorts and blouse teamed with a black latex corset, nylon stockings, blond pony hood with a signature nurse cross at the top that hinted towards the session theme. A very attractive see-through nurse ensemble and as I eagerly followed Maggie upstairs to the Playroom, I could see the semi-loose latex shorts undulating and erotically moving between those two wonderful buttocks. I remembered my training and stayed a safe distance although I would have loved to bury my face in the valley.

Mistress was keen to have her rubber slave returned to my anonymous black rubbery form, ready to act once again as her plaything. It took virtually no time at all for me to return from the bathroom in latex socks and gloves and an equally short period for me to be fully rubbered in my Invincible black latex suit and comfortable latex mask.

I was all ready to begin at Maggie’s feet, cleaning and worshipping her footwear, however I was ordered on all fours onto the quilted rubber bed instead, which did seem a little strange and strayed from my regular routine. I was aware that Mistress had been having considerable trouble with her legs and I assumed that the bed move was to alleviate her leg problems. It was neither a concern or important that the routine was changed because - 

Rule 9 – Mistress may change her mind at any time.

As it happened it turned out to be a suitable position for butt plug insertion except… oh s**t, I hadn’t brought my red plug. It was not in my perv bag so I had assumed I had left it before Christmas. No, I hadn’t. Maggie looked in her normal storage space behind the curtain, where she always puts any lost/left property and pronounced, ‘It’s not here’. This didn’t phase Maggie, as quick as a flash she located one of her Playroom inflatables, slid it in a protective sheath, shoved it up a welcoming arsehole and pumped it up. Well that was one part of her slave not suffering from inflationary pressures!

In the meantime my mishap with the lost plug had earned me ten strokes of Maggie’s dragon cane, and now my bum was suitably bunged with more rubber I was to receive my punishment immediately. Fortunately my rubber suit is quite thick, but it didn’t stop the message getting through. I promised to find it and not forget it in future, and I have subsequently located it at home hiding under a cushion. 

On went a pair of wrist cuffs and with my arms raised Maggie attached her slave to the overhead suspension ring. Another ring put to good use was a spider ring gag; the type that holds your mouth open and creates streams of dribble. You cannot avoid this and all you can do is stand and let the saliva drain out. At least it was dribbling down my waterproof rubber suit. Then I understood why no footwear worship at the start. Mistress advised me that I would remain aloft for a while to generate sufficient dribble to actually give her shoes a good wash. Being a sandal style her shoes only consisted of a couple of patent straps, and once again finding myself on my knees I had plenty of flowing dribble to give both shoes a thorough wash and licking. Maggie was pleased with my cleaning standards and consequently further punishment was avoided.

Ah! Now the preliminaries were completed and the real meat of the session could get started. Maggie retrieved the inflatable straight jacket, which I have worn previously providing a very sensual experience. Strapped in securely but not yet inflated, I was led through to the Clinic where both nurse and patient were attired in the same latex colours and ready for more fun. I was instructed to sit on the transparent rubber drape that was covering the couch, by now I know the drill; place bum in the crook of the chair making sure my weight is centralised so as not to tip the couch when reclining. Sit down and rotate until I am lengthwise; laid back, safe and comfortable.

Three latex hoods were offered and I was asked which one I could manage. I chose what I believed might be the most challenging and thus please my Mistress. As I was wearing an inflatable suit, I opted for the inflatable anaesthesia model and hoped Mistress would be happy with my choice. As the hood was pumped up I could just see through the central hole of the mask, but my field of vision was so limited that all I could see was a small mark on the far wall, and that was through one eye only. Twist as I might I only got the occasional glance of the top of Mistresses headgear. 

The inflationary pressures continued when the straight jacket was inflated and this was a very satisfying experience too. The pump is quite noisy but it was muted by the pumped up hood. It is a strange experience having the suit gradually tighten over my upper torso. Just to be certain I wasn’t going anywhere Maggie tightened the couch straps, which further enhanced the feeling of constriction that was being provided by the suit. Mistress spotted what she thought was a mark on the transparent suit and tried to clean it away, only to find it was a small hole in the rubber which necessitated regular pumping to maintain the suits compression. I don’t think it overly concerned Mistress as she was able to turn the pump on and re-inflate me every now and then, and in a post session Tweet she had mentioned that it had been repaired.

Mistress prepared a treat for her slave and I could hear the tinkle of fresh pee into some receptacle. I couldn’t see, could only hear but the sound of fresh pee being produced is distinct, recognisable and another way to get my saliva flowing! The problem was the delivery tube wouldn’t sit correctly through the hole in the mask. When I eventually got the tube in place it blocked all airflow. Hmmm some choice eh! Drink and suffocate or simply go thirsty but breathe freely. Unfortunately, I had to opt for breathing, and maybe one of the alternative two hoods may have been a better choice, they do all have their pros and cons. Still Mistress whispered that her tasty nectar will be reserved for a future pleasure.

At this point, Mistress was moving into the next phase of her plan; CBT. And to help me through the situation a hose pump was plugged into my anaesthesia mask to facilitate aromas delivery. This rendered me totally in blackness, I could breathe easily but not one glimmer of light escaped into the hood. I have grown to really love the blackness when I know Mistress is going to work on her slave. It heightens the sense of touch as well as the restriction from the inflated straitjacket, and I could relish Maggie's touches as she first exposed my cock and balls then started to pursue her goal.

I wasn’t sure exactly what sensations I was experiencing around my groin. They were all very, very pleasant, interspersed with the occasion tweak or pinch as she progressed with her plan. My balls were definitely being tightened and something very pleasant had been inserted down my cock, then several remarkable sensations filled the area as multiple e-stim channels appeared to be operating. It wasn't until I could see the pictures that I was able to realise the complex nature of Maggie's plan. I think the experience is best described by quoting from Mistresses session notes that she kindly shared -

Allow the patient pumped aromas. 

Insert a curved beaded sound down his urethra. 

Add electro with a bipolar effect- 
Two loops around cock paired with blue pumps applied to balls with suction. After good amount of play with the sound swap it for an electro sound paired with a simple pad placed behind his balls.

Mistress is meticulous with her planning and although I cannot explain the fantastic effects generated by the above attention to detail, it does provide the physical explanation. I do remember Mistress warning me, ‘don’t you move a muscle', as she set about ramping up the electro levels. I tried my hardest to maintain total stillness while in my blinded and restricted predicament I could only fantasise what fun my Mistress was having, seeing her plaything struggling to fight the stimulation.

It was amusing that during the period I was supposed to remain still, Maggie said she had to take her shoes off because her poor legs had had enough of them, and thought it would be fun to belt out some extra rhythms with her shoe heels as further stimulation on my highly charged groin.

Eventually Maggie relented and kindly allowed me some generous aroma puffing, a little more power and instructions that I could now hump away to my hearts content. I did and it wasn’t long before the erotic pressure on my cock and balls was released, although strangely there was no physical evidence of ejaculation. But I knew I had cum and was quite drained.

I know in the past, Mistress has allowed me to have good vision of her for large parts of the session but now I think I have learned to accept and enjoy all the periods of total darkness that Mistress Maggie gives me. It highlights other senses and also shows absolute trust in my Mistress. She can do whatever she wishes. Don't get me wrong, I love being able to see my Mistress Maggie in action, but now I have been taught to enjoy feeling her in action.

2023 is going to be an excellent year.

Friday 12 August 2022

Nettling Nipples

Another hot day in Preston, but I managed to arrive cool by choosing the shaded side of the road to make my approach. I was soon feeling a lot warmer when Mistress Maggie opened the door to the Chambers. Mistress said she would be wearing something suitable for the hot weather and was looking fantastic in black fishnet tights, tight turquoise playsuit with a contrasting black harness, she had already suggested I include my latex shorts and t-shirt in the perv bag, as well as the normal inhabitants of course; latex socks, gloves, catsuit and butt plug, so I certainly had a lot of dressing options available.

With Maggie taking the lead I made my way to the Playroom, wishing I could get a lot closer to those perfect undulating cheeks with every upwards step. But I restrained myself!

I was instructed to strip in the Playroom, where the oscillating fan was making its presence felt with wafts of cool air. I was a little surprised that I was asked only to don shorts, gloves and socks, even the t-shirt was omitted from the dressing list that Mistress gave me, but no matter, Maggie always has a reason for all her clothing choices, and I was somewhat relieved that I hadn't been instructed to wear my newest thick catsuit. A latex hood was fitted immediately and that was nice to wear for the whole of the remainder of the session.

As I was paying homage to her shiny knee boots, Mistress maintained an irregular but frequent thwacking of my latex covered bum with her 'blue crop'. Mistress likes the sound of her implements on bare flesh and the delightful crack it makes against latex too, but her ministrations were doing little to quash my ardour, in fact it was so pleasant that I regretted it when the gentle 'massage' ended. 

Perhaps now is the appropriate point to mention what I had suggested to Mistress for her consideration during the session. I wrote in late July - Re Clinic ideas. I may well regret this but it may be fun to find out what a combination of elastrator, catheter, e-stim and ball stretching feels like 

I never regret any of these suggestions, although I must admit to questioning my sanity as Mistress translates the suggestion into reality. Of course I anticipate a lot more content and even after 200+ sessions Maggie has continued to bring new elements into my training, as happened today. Before adjourning, or more accurately, being led by my collar into The Clinic, Mistress had one more activity she needed to perform whilst in the Playroom. No, not my butt plug. Mistress declared that is now too small. I was ordered to bend over the waiting horse, some electro lube, in went a pair of electro Kegel balls followed by a circuit test and all was ready. 

Escorted into the clinic and Mistress very wisely had me sit squarely on a towel on the couch. A wise choice because even by then I was starting to sweat in the heat and the Clinic fan was marginally less effective than the Playroom one, so I was warming up nicely. I willingly submitted to being strapped down on the couch and eagerly accepted some welcome aromas through a strapped on anaesthesia mask. Then something totally unexpected; Mistress produced a pair of breast suction cups that she has recently acquired and a very healthy looking nettle plant, looking most green and seriously ready for its intended destination. A good dollop of lube on each of my breast areas to ensure a good vacuum, the nettles were divided into three sprigs, one each in each plastic breast receptacle and one spare. Then the truly amazing sensation as the air was pumped from first one then the other breast cups.

I have experienced nettles in various scenarios during my extensive training, but never like this and never with such intensity of sensation. The right hand cup was pumped up and stayed in position for a long, long time. Another amazingly successful application and the results have remained with me for several days.

Right breast showing signs of suction and nettling.
We didn't fare so well with the left breast. It pumped up fine, so I had a nicely balanced pair of boobs but I could tell that the air was gently seeping from somewhere round the seal. Pumped up again and the same thing so Maggie concentrated on stroking the left nipple with the nettles just so they could both share the sensations, whilst the right one was quietly marinating away without a care in the world.

Maggie then opted for a better view of my pumped up predicament; lowering the couch she climbed up and straddled my shoulders, nose and mouth to produce breath control in the extreme. I could only gasp for breath as Mistress adjusted to create the perfect seal and I really had no control over my next breath, or when or even if I would breathe again! In a bizarre way I  did get my wish to be closer to Maggie's rear, but I really didn't expect it to be in such a breath taking fashion. One final comment about Maggie's rear is that, with a little wriggling her cheeks can achieve a complete seal around lips and nose and I do love being in such a controlled position.

Oh how pleased I am that Mistress has developed into the catheter queen. The same sterile routine that I have had so many times before, the same procedure and the catheter was in and operational without me even noticing the insertion.

You may have remembered that I mentioned Mistress divided the nettles into three sprigs. The third sprig was wafted with gay abandon across my cock and balls as Maggie casually sat on her stool, having some sustenance whilst laughing at my stinging, not so private parts. My Mistress knows exactly how to frustrate her slave and I really love it!

I got the impression that Maggie was enjoying the next part of her medical operations; applying elastrator rings to my scrotum and balls. And after asking what our previous effort had achieved, was determined that I would be going for a ‘personal best’ for the number of rings round my balls. After number 7, Maggie announced in a semi serious, half laughing tone that she was going to see if she could speed up the process by applying two rings at a time. Yep, that worked and in half the time I ended up with 11 rings on my nuts. I suggested that with two rings that the strain on Mistresses wrists may be alleviated by applying the elastrator’s locking clip until she was ready to release them, but this didn't seem necessary for Maggie although next time...

A couple of needles in scrotum!
Now was the time for a little relaxation for this happy chappy. Mistress fitted an anaesthesia hood for more breath play and to achieve a virtually airtight seal, I received the Perspex eye shield which allows perfect vision without air loss through the eye sockets. I was also to be attached to the magnificent Bellows that Maggie had created for breath play, which allow concurrent restricted breathing and aromas deployment. Breath slowly in... out... in... out. I could sense when Mistress was about to deploy another few puffs of magic air so adjusted my intake breath until after I sensed Maggie pumping the aromas bulb and that produces the maximum, most beneficial sensations. I was to maintain this pattern of breathing until my balls dropped off!

A little CBT followed just to highlight the fun I might lose if the elastrator bands had been left on for too long. I don't think Maggie really wants me to be de nutted... Mistress placed a cock clamp to my already banded balls and another bipolar connection tightened round my cock end. I only managed around five minutes of the estim, because by this time, my body was losing stamina. I was starting to rapidly warm up, the bands round my balls were starting to ache and I never even registered that Mistress had managed to insert a couple of needles in my scrotum. 

This was a shame when I saw the picture, because Mistress creates some wonderful sculptures with her needle work. Perhaps next time I will be tough enough to run with her creativity.

As it happened, Mistress did show some mercy and chose to snip off the 11 bands before it was too late to do so! I tried to persevere because I never like letting my Mistress down but I had reached that stage. I mentioned to Maggie that I thought I had had enough pleasure for one day and like the really caring Mistress she is, recognised the increasing stress levels and started quietly and efficiently dismantling my pleasure items.

Maggie had produced exactly what I requested and needed. I was pushed to my limit and next time I hope to push those limits a little further. On another positive note we did achieve a personal best with 11 elastrator bands, so the target next time will be >11. I am certain there will be a next time and who knows, with a bit more breast suction I may end up with suitably sized boobs. Well perhaps not as that depends on Mistress Maggie's preferences and of course the breast cones explains why no t-shirt or catsuit were used.

Caution: This 02:19 elastrator clip has audio


Friday 10 June 2022

A Load of Pee

Today I witnessed just how hard my professional dominatrix has to work to ensure her slave is receiving the 'appropriate' treatment. I am, of course referring to Mistress Maggie. I am full of admiration for the dedication and care that she lavishes on her charges. Perhaps I should start at the beginning and develop this thought. I will also have to give some detail about my private preparation and, dare I say, toilet habits! The reason why I consider such personal/private information will become apparent.

I usually go for a pee about 45 minutes before meeting Maggie. When I park, I go for another one and when Mistress sends me to the bathroom I have another one. By this stage my bladder should be empty and I should not embarrass myself and upset Maggie by asking if I could have a pee break. OK, you get the picture, empty bladder, no pee blah blah blah!

It was a very pleasant, rather warm day and I was beginning to regret wearing my jumper as I sauntered towards The Chambers, and I could only imagine how warm Mistress must have been feeling in her head to toe latex ensemble. She had greeted me in her figure hugging, tight black latex catsuit and her rather nice new shiny boots and, and to finish her total rubberisation, Maggie had on a tight open faced latex hood: In fact the epitome of my dream woman, which of course, she is.

I had already sent her a copy of my negative Covid test so fortunately we were soon climbing the stairs to The Playroom. Oh those hips and thighs and cheeks, all perfectly framed inside the tight latex. I would definitely have been prepared to bury my nose in the valley had Mistress done her 'normal' activity of stopping abruptly, as it was she didn't stop, which was probably for the best as I had received a serious caning last session for various infractions.

Upstairs, I was sent to change (and pee) and returned for my obligatory worship of Maggie's footwear. Again I was sorely tempted to stray from the boots and gently lick and kiss lower thighs, upper thighs and... well, let my tongue go on a bit of an adventure. But I didn't! I am better trained than that. Mistress used her hefty Mistress whip to beat a rhythm on my backside during worship and I imagined even just flicking her wrist whilst so tightly and completely enclosed in latex would be generating considerable heat, because I was starting to sweat even though I was only wearing latex gloves and socks.

Luxury of luxuries, with the boots suitably attended to I was even permitted a short period of caressing and kissing along the back of those glorious, rubber clad thighs and derrière. However, a phrase Maggie uses quite a lot is ‘Well slave there is no pleasure without pain’, and that was kind of the case today, because sitting back down on her worshipped bottom Maggie pulled a transparent latex bag over my head, pulling it closed under my chin. Although not 'painful' it certainly generated some heavy breathing on my part as I gazed through the semi translucent latex at the face of my beautiful owner. It did seem a very appropriate setting with me kneeling before my wonderful Mistress dependant on her for the very air I was allowed to receive.

Getting me into my Invincible catsuit caused a real problem for the first time. Normally I can get into it almost unaided but not today. I think it was because I was starting to sweat more and more. Maggie talc'd the inside and I tried the normal routine making sure all zips were fully open. Oh what a tangle I'd got myself in! I tugged and pulled and shuffled and shrugged and had to ask Maggie for considerable assistance. This was definitely unfair on my part as I could see my poor Mistress getting warmer and warmer as we struggled.  After what seemed an eternity and one monumental struggle, I was finally able to zip up the suit to the chin but even the zipping was a struggle. I was pooped, and despite the room fan being on I could see Mistress was heating up from all the exertion and I was very happy when she indicated a short breather was required. 

A red latex hood was fitted before following Mistress into The Clinic where she explained I was to receive a catheter for the remainder of the session. Fine by me as I am now used to and dare I say rather enjoy the feeling of Maggie gently inserting a rubber tube deep into my innards. Before the successful insertion Maggie just couldn't resist the opportunity of smothering her charge both with her latex covered hands and with the rubber operating sheet. Sometimes I get the impression Maggie gets a real buzz from seeing her charges gasping for breath, and this willing slave was making no attempt to resist her absolute authority. 

The gloves aren't too bad because with a little twisting of the mouth I could gain just sufficient air so as not to have to complain. Now the rubber sheet on the other hand is a different proposition. It seals itself to the rubber hood you are wearing and that's it! Absolutely NO air and some most peculiar sounds as you breathe out, until you can breath out no longer!

The catheterisation was routine. After creating a sterile area, the anaesthetic fluid inserted down the urethra tingles initially, actually quite a pleasant tingle, then a 5 minute wait for the anaesthetic to take effect. It is testament to how good Maggie is with catheters that all the fluid was emptied down the urethra with no spillage and I couldn't even tell when the tube was inserted and the bulb inflated. What I did notice in the 5 minute wait period was Mistress casually enjoying a little late lunch. I was securely strapped to the couch but I could just glimpse Maggie through the mouth hole, yes a bit of an oblique angle, but I couldn't get the eyeholes focussed. Oh and I was enjoying a little e-stim that Maggie thought appropriate whilst she enjoyed her break. Not too rigorous but sufficient to draw my attention.
Mistress had earned that 5 minute break because up to that time she had worked extremely hard on her slave. What did start to be of concern was Mistress saying with a wry smile that she would leave fitting the catheter bag until later and that I would remain clamped until she decided otherwise. A little uncomfortable because I was just starting to feel some contents in my bladder but of course, there it stayed.

Moving back to The Playroom where I was ordered onto my knees with forehead on the floor, Maggie fiddled with my anal zip and prepared me for inserting a smallish butt plug. The size wasn't its main attraction as Mistress put it through its paces through a myriad of buzzing and vibrating cycles. I think Maggie found that most amusing as she could just about get it to play a buzzing tune. The plug was self contained with the on/off and programming button sitting nicely on its base. I mention its construction because this did cause some issues later as I was suspended from the rafters. Anyway, it was set off buzzing away and sealed inside my bum. 

The inflatable hood that went on next was, I think, my first experience with this piece of kit. At first I thought it was quite a loose fit and would no doubt leak air round the seams and mouth piece and I wondered if Mistress was aware of these potential failings? That was until it was pumped up heavily. Just a couple more pumps for good luck... and oh boy what a piece of kit when fully pumped. I just love the feel and the fit and the sheer air-tightness of this hood. I could see clearly after Mistress had demisted the lenses and just loved wearing it, and thank you Maggie for allowing me the chance.

We have developed a relatively simple and efficient way of launching me on my flying experiences that importantly, particularly in the current warmth, is relatively easy on my poor Mistress. Maggie retrieved the very heavy leather body harness from its storage box in the corner of the Playroom, and after loosening the straps I was able to wriggle my head into the appropriate place ready for Mistress to tighten them all. I recall back to my earlier days when I was a complete novice and had to rely on comprehensive instruction to get it right, but now with the appropriate training, I manage to get it ready for Maggie. With a little more training perhaps I will be able to fasten the straps and... that is for the future and dependant on Mistresses wishes.

Once strapped in, I was even able to attach the carabiners to the centre ring so I was standing comfortably yet attached to the ceiling; more excellent training! From that secure stance it is a relatively easy action to rest each leg in turn, slip them in the stirrups that Mistress had attached to the overhead suspension bar and et voila we have lift off. Relatively close to the ground, but all the same fully suspended. All that was left was for Maggie to pull on the pulley to lift the stirrups to whatever height she wanted. Once again I felt a little guilty that my Mistress was having to hoist a beefy slave on such a warm day but at least the first part of harnessing and swinging was relatively easy.

At last, I received the welcome relief of the rubber bag being attached to the catheter. It is rather strange, the sensation is not one of peeing, that familiar relief of standing there and peeing but more just a simple relaxation of the bladder pressure. That is part of what is meant by being under someone's total control I suppose (and I love it). 

Of course there was no way that Mistress would not take advantage of my suspended situation and first with a few tugs on my cock set me slowly swinging. That clearly didn't do enough for Maggie's needs and soon she disappeared, returning soon after with the heavy wooden block that she proceeded to attach to my balls, with the help of some old nylons and a carabiner.  

Now this did seem to float Maggie's boat in terms of torturing her slave. With my pumped up hands safely secured to stop them wandering and the block swinging freely, a quick grab of either cock or balls had me swinging like a pendulum, or squalling like a wimp when she purposely dug her nails into my tender flesh. I have to say another thank you because every now and then I was granted another whiff of aroma from my Mistress. When I mentioned that the vibrating anal toy had stopped working she seemed to enjoy trying to kick start it with her boot. That didn't work and after a few more boots, acknowledged it was not going to restart. It turns out the anal zipper on my suit was so tight when I was in the harness that it was pressing on the on/off button which, of course turned it off!

Two final points I would like mention, one relevant to the opening comments about pee; when we emptied the rubber bag at the end, it was absolutely full to bursting and in fact resembled an over stuffed salami. I have no idea how I had managed to accumulate so much pee, especially as I hadn't consumed any fluid for 45 minutes prior to arrival. The second point relates to Mistress asking me to help her out of her catsuit when our session had ended. As I unzipped the back of the suit, I could see (and wished I could have tasted) the fine layer of perspiration that was covering that perfect back. I didn't dare touch but it certainly reinforced how much work Maggie had invested on her slave. Thank you Mistress Maggie.

Caution: This 1min 32sec clip has audio

Friday 20 May 2022

Expunged and Inflated

Imagine the scene. I knock, and after an appropriate delay I am greeted, firstly with the sight of a big red dildo, then by a red latex clad beauty. Mistress Maggie was wearing a pair of tights composed of a really unusual material. It looked latexy and just like latex it certainly hugged her beautiful legs (lucky tights), yet it was not latex. The tights had a black sheen but certainly not as glossy as the brand new boots Mistress was sporting. All in all I started to drool at the sight of my beautiful dominatrix and this time I made no bones about trying to get close to that perfect derriere that was so teasing as we climbed the stairs.  

All sins expunged
The sight, sound and scent all reinforced why I am so devoted to Maggie. I think of my promise to my owner and reaffirm, silently, that I would do anything Mistress asks immediately and without hesitation. I really am under the spell of this mischievous, magnificent maiden. 

Oh, and by the way, I was a little apprehensive about the size of the dildo waving happily in my direction. It may just be that with it being bright red the girth was more visible than other black ones that have made their way up my bum, or was it truly bigger than my previous visitors? No matter, with any luck I would be able to gauge the size of Maggie’s new joy toy in the very near future.

After disrobing in the bathroom and returning in latex socks and gloves, I was given the opportunity to get up close and personal with the new boots. I did feel privileged when Maggie mentioned I was the first slave to be given the honour with the new boots and I worked doubly hard to ensure they remained sparklingly clean. I also was granted a couple of moments licking a small area of the black tights. They certainly licked like rubber and had I been blindfold I might have mistaken them for latex. There are a few tell tale signs that differentiate them; the smell, or rather the lack of latex smell, there is a slight 'material' feel on the tongue which isn't evident with  latex, but all in all they are a wonderful addition to my licking experiences. 

What was a little more of a concern was the matter of fact way that Maggie recounted a series of infractions that had occurred, and not necessarily since my last punishment, these were to be taken care of following my worship. Many times in the past I have been so engrossed with boot cleaning that I didn't want that part to end. On this occasion I was hoping that it wouldn't end because of the descriptions of what I was about to receive and why.

But alas, there was no way of escaping the strokes and I was un-ceremonially draped over the horse and lashed down with Maggie's white rope, tight enough to reinforce this was a punishment and not a sensual flogging. Punished as follows -

Beating with a leather butterfly crop, 12 strokes with it for a crackpot remark I had made on twitter

Over the knee spanking for sucking hard on the piss pants tube and sealing Maggie tightly inside them, meaning she had been unable to assess the success of her latest watersports setup back in July ’21, leading to 6 extra junior cane strokes for being cheeky about the sucking. At the time it was amusing but after the junior cane the remark was not so funny!

12 strokes with the senior cane for surreptitiously pumping aromas when not authorised way back in November ’19.

As this was a punishment, all strokes were delivered quickly, without hesitation and straight on the bare arse. Mistress may have a memory like an elephant but is always fair, and at the end of the punishment she did state all past sins were now expunged and the slate wiped clean (or was it whipped clean?).

Once again, I was relieved, or rather the heat in my ass was relieved when I was slipped quickly into my latex suit. The relief of the cooling rubber is really palpable and I breathed a sigh of relief as Mistress attached a lead and walked me through to the Clinic.

I clambered onto the centre of the couch in response to a barely perceptible gesture, which I am getting better at recognising due to my training, and instructed to slide down the couch so my ass was over the end and legs firmly up in the stirrups. I think I was about to be introduced to Big Red! 

I am a very lucky slave to be honoured with an incredible pegging by an incredible Mistress and after the initial shock when Big Red makes the first incision and slips through the sphincter, I was in heaven. To be well and truly taken in such a manner must rank as one of the greatest exchanges a slave can receive from his Mistress. Unlike the punishment this ended all too quickly, but as a reminder of my trip to heaven Mistress inserted the long string of anal balls. Four in total on a semi rigid stem, which result in approximately 12" of insertion up your back passage. Once in, the back zip was closed and the balls hidden safely out of sight.

I then helped Maggie with attaching the extension to the couch to allow me to lie almost flat, and once the extension was attached I was helped into a second latex suit. This was comfortable and of light construction and I thought it strange that Mistress would grant me this luxury as she guided me back onto the now flat couch and eased me into the inflatable hood. With a bit of adjustment and a little struggling, the hood was also able to accommodate an anaesthesia mask to allow nose breathing. This is an important innovation because without this, any aroma delivered would be into the mouth and this has proved less effective than nasal inhalation. At this point Maggie changed into her medical gown and I knew the 'operation' I had requested was imminent.

The inflatable hood was pumped up and a few puffs of aromas had me ready and relaxed for what was about to happen. Last time I suggested an operation so it could have been several options; needle work to stomach, needle work to nipples, catheter sewn into cock... Maggie chose to de-male me by sewing the end of my penis neatly away from view by covering it with my ball sack.

Naturally, as you would expect from such a professional, Maggie thoroughly cleaned the area of the operation before inserting the first suture. Regular infusions of aromas were offered and willingly accepted, maintaining a great calm that I was able to sustain through all 6 sutures. Being intimately handled by a fantastic surgeon results in a pathetic cock attempting to become a little less pathetic. The stitches soon put an end to that idea and I was still left with a pathetic cock, but this time straining for greatness that in its current predicament could never happen.

All pumped up with nowhere to go!
It hadn't registered until now that the second suit that I was comfortable wearing was inflatable to match the hood. I was soon made aware of this remarkable capability when Maggie attached the pump and things suddenly got a lot tighter. Mistress pumped and pumped but fortunately the strong couch straps contained a lot of pressure so it was snug but not huge. Every now and then, Maggie allowed me periods without the aroma tube, treating me to lungfuls of her own exhaled air instead. That was warm and very sweet and was indeed another little luxury I had not expected. 

It was a good job that I was securely strapped, because Mistress decided on some electrical fun with her electro drum brush coupled with an electro pad round where my cock used to be, and proceeded to beat out a quick tattoo across my sutures. I thought the punishment beatings hurt but this was almost unbearable. I tried to endure the sharp stabbing pains for as long as I could because I knew my discomfort was giving amusement to Mistress.

I have said in the past Maggie is not an out and out sadist and is aware of threshold levels that her subjects can endure. After a while I could tell from her voice that the idea of moderating her electric torture may have her somewhat disappointed, and my screaming died away to a low moan of satisfaction as her phone rang and there was a natural break in the excruciating pain. 

This used to be my c@@k!
The e-stim was only at level 10, normally a level I can accommodate, but I think the concentration of the electricity into the fine wire of the drum brush appeared to magnify the pain. As the call finished Mistress relented, having checked that the sutures were still in place she replaced the brush with a second electro  pad and all was well with the world.

It is so frustrating when your cock is so effectively sewn out of the way and your beautiful Mistress is gently stroking where your cock used to be, but I wouldn't exchange the experience for anything.

The final act from Mistress Maggie was to release all straps holding her slave in place and as she did so, I ballooned like a Michelin man. That tickled both of us and we closed the session in a happy frame of mind.

So, for next time, I suggested suspension isolation. Maggie has complete authority to interpret that as she wishes or to totally ignore. Watch this space and thank you Mistress for another exciting adventure.

Friday 29 April 2022

Tingling Left I Am

Coming up to Star Wars Day (May the 4th), so I thought it appropriate to give the title a touch of ‘Yoda’, and hope its significance will all become clear!.

As instructed by Mistress Maggie, I now have the responsibility to suggest a scene or two I may enjoy for the session and then Mistress would either take it or leave it, or as is most likely, take it with several of her own ideas to enhance my playtime. Well, todays theme was total isolation and Maggie did say she could happily work with that.

One unexpected consequence of me suggesting the scenario is that I have far more time to think about which direction the session will take and with far more time comes the build up of far more frustration. At least a week before I can start dreaming...

I took the precaution of bringing flowers for Mistress Maggie on the grounds that she may just soften any punishments that I have incurred, and well, because I love Mistresses smile when I offer her the bouquet. It never works though; the reduction in punishments I mean, not the delightful smile that is always freely given.

Mistress was wearing a peplum skirt, yes I don't know what one is so I looked it up, but all I know is she looked fantastic. Her peplum was short, semi see through allowing me to see her fantastic figure underneath along with her translucent latex tights and a very fetching pair of black boots. Oh how I wanted to nuzzle my face in that rear as we climbed the stairs.

As part of my training I have learned that Maggie likes to test me on the stairs and occasionally abruptly stops, hangs out that glorious rear and waits for the inevitable contact, but remember,  'Control, control, you must learn control! – Yoda’.  So before my session starts I am on guard not wanting to annoy Maggie, the nuzzle may be allowed later but I must not take liberties with the temptress on the stairs!

After a gloriously long spell of boot worship actively encouraged by Mistresses crop across my buttocks when I was face down, or directed at my groin when I shifted to a full frontal position to get a better cleaning angle, I was allowed the luxury of once more being allowed to stroke Maggie's derrière. I have mentioned in previous blogs what a wonderful thrill it gives me so I will move on. Suffice is to say it is a wonderful thrill!

Plenty in the reservoir
A plain black hood attached to slave it was... and a plain black butt plug inserted in slave and pumped up it was... I know, Yoda never had a pumped up butt plug up his backside but it wasn't going to stop me enjoying Star Wars Day! And once safely secured inside my Invincible latex suit I was ready for my introduction to Maggie's newly finished inflatable straitjacket. It was agreed that inflation would not be appropriate today as I was to slide under the glass toilet box ready for some overdue refreshment. The straitjacket truly is a fantastic piece of kit that Mistress has created. With the rubber suit and two layers of rubber jacket, I was nicely warming and quite frankly ready for a drink. 

Maggie used the natural latex liner that attaches to the glass toilet by a ring of press studs, and the slaves head is positioned underneath it where there is a drinking tube that you can suck on to take refreshment. The downside is that all a slave can see is the barely transparent latex above and even when Maggie sat to pee, all I could discern was a growing shadow as the liquid covered the membrane. I must admit to loving the unrestricted sight when Mistress does not use the membrane as her glorious private... enough, off topic! There was a plentiful supply of piss and I was most intent on not losing one drop of Mistresses nectar.

Sucking on the tube as hard as I could and ... nothing. Maggie adjusted the path of the drinking tube and ... nothing again. I was beginning to wonder if this was another way Maggie had found to tease and torment her slave. 'In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way – Yoda'. But no, after another adjustment, there was light at the end of the tunnel, the tube was freed of its kink and the pee made its way into my eager mouth. There was rather a good amount of the liquid and I set about sucking and swallowing, sucking and swallowing until every last drop was consumed. I did take my time savouring the juice, partly made up of recycled red wine from Mistress evening meal the night before. And why shouldn't I savour the moment, so many positives: Good wine, comfortable position, warm and cosy and in the presence of my ideal woman.

We then moved on to my suggestion from last time. I wanted to spend some time in strict isolation and Maggie was determined to grant me that fantasy. Boy did she go to town with the isolation part. Firstly, I was to be fitted with her mains powered cannula pump that her husband had invented. I am becoming quite a fan of this splendid little piece of equipment. The cannula was fitted into my nostrils and taped in place on top of the rubber hood to prevent slipping, its breathing tube could then fit through the small mouth aperture in the leather isolation helmet. After checking it was working, Maggie fastened up the all encompassing leather helmet that is tight, thick, very isolating and almost totally dark. The airflow was sufficient through the cannula to keep the slave alive, well aerated and supplied with hallucinating aroma vapours throughout my period of isolation.

I say almost totally in the dark because I was able to see the faintest glimmer of light, I think it was coming in round the reinforced nose holes. Anyway it was just sufficient to allow me a slight contact with the real outside world. Perhaps I should mention this to Mistress because a simple piece of sticky tape across the holes would render you completely in the dark, and then again, perhaps I shouldn't! ‘When you look at the dark side, careful you must be. For the dark side looks back – Yoda.’

And the final part of my incarceration came with me being secured into the leather body bag. Strapped up tight and attached to the bed with clasps I was happy lying there, looking at my little chink of light,  but above all fantasising about how lucky I am having such a truly remarkable Dominatrix who has seen fit to help this poor slave. 

I did confess to Mistress that some of my dreams about her were definitely against the rules, but she didn't seem to mind because, after all, what could a blinded isolated soul achieve but dream.

The final isolation came in the form of headphones that were placed over the isolation hood. The only sound I heard for the whole of the remainder of the session was the white noise through the phones. Nothing else. No sense of Mistress moving around. I didn't know if I was left totally alone or was Mistress relaxing on her throne in the corner, I just didn't know. But one thing I did know was that I felt totally safe in Mistresses hands no matter where she was in relation to the Playroom. Every now and then I did sense Maggie's presence and feel her further tightening the straps of the bodybag.

Cannula pump in use.
I was dragged abruptly back to reality and I knew Maggie was close by when I could feel her opening the zips in the body bag, delving inside my suit and extracting my cock and balls. This was definitely not what I expected when we began our isolation session but equally so I have mentioned that Mistress is never predictable and she is happy to add her own embellishments to the scene. 

I should have realised what was about to happen, because earlier in the session Mistress was having a coughing fit and had asked me to fetch a glass of water, on my exit to the bathroom she did mention that I should be careful to return with the right glass.

As I’d looked around the bathroom as to what she might be referring to, I’d spotted a thin, whispery sprig of nettle and promptly forgot the incident. Until now that was. I could feel something sharp running up and down the head of my cock and gradually that familiar tingling occurred that indicates that the sprig of nettles was now being put to good use. Remember, I was still blind and couldn't hear so all my sensations were now focussed on my groin.

After Maggie was satisfied with the actions of the pinwheel and nettle, two bullet vibrators were placed inside the crotch of my suit and everything zipped back up nice and tight. I have to admit, that with all the sensation in my cock and balls I actually started to hump. Try as I might, and I did try, I couldn't generate enough friction to force a climax, and even when Mistress started to caress the leather covered slave, I was left high and dry and very frustrated. In a sense I was pleased, because when I was finally given my hearing back, Maggie did say she would have just kept on tormenting me even after any orgasm!  Quite lucky really as I was able to remain on a high right through to the final act of disrobing. 

As to why I used the title 'Tingling Left I Am.' The nettle crop although only a willowy twig of that fine plant, must have been fresh and very stingy. I don't think I have left the Chambers before with such a tingling cock and even when I showered later, I could still sense the tingling sensation that was the legacy of yet another unique session with a truly unique Mistress Maggie. I hope that everyone else will experience this and it  'Happens to every guy sometimes this does – Yoda'.